so we login the day of draft and automatically screen will pop up saying the draft is happening and go from there? Sorry but first time drafting and playing fantasy football.
No, you have to go to DRAFT
Once you login, you will see the following at the top middle of the page.... (Example Below)
WELCOME, Your Name!
Nickname: Florida_Fever
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR height=30><TD class=NoText width=30></TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD><TD class=TeamList width="40%"></TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD><TD class=TeamList></TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD><TD class=NoText width=30></TD></TR><TR><TD class=NoText height=3 colSpan=7></TD></TR><TR height=30><TD class=NoText width=30>
</TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD><TD class=TeamList width="40%">LEAGUE:
Bet Jamaica 2009 Fantasy Football League</TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD><TD class=TeamList>TEAM:
Florida Fever</TD><TD class=NoText width=3></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Click on the bottom one under TEAM:
Not the Nickname
From the next screen, at the top of the page, you can find anything under the following tabs.....Highlight LEAGUE with your mouse cursor and underneath you will find other options like HOME/SCOREBOARD/STANDINGS........Further to the right you will see DRAFT...Click on that and a new screen pops up
<LI id=LGP class=".NavMenuTop li.MenuOff" onmouseover='ShowSubMenu("LG")'>
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