Best IN-PLAY Picks Posted Here


May 27, 2007
S c a m m e r

fake plays

I think this entire thread needs to be deleted Stevie. Each line posted was off by 5-15 points. Not 1 or 2, the Detroit/Chicago total was off by 13 points and the game was at halftime so there's no disputing the line.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Can’t charge people for in game plays. Lol.

Line moves constantly. Especially non existent ones

New member
Jul 27, 2015
Lines I post are the lines BEFORE the game started.
We are looking for games where the in-play line is the same or better
than the line before the game started.
We are not playing every game. Maybe 1 out of 4.
We are looking for VALUE

Since the line moves thru the game, we watch for the games
where we can get the line we want.

The W/L record is to show everyone these are games
based on lines BEFORE the game started, they do win.

It is YOUR job to find the game & line that is of VALUE.

Yesterday: 15-5. Overall: 56-20

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Lines I post are the lines BEFORE the game started.
We are looking for games where the in-play line is the same or better
than the line before the game started.
We are not playing every game. Maybe 1 out of 4.
We are looking for VALUE

Since the line moves thru the game, we watch for the games
where we can get the line we want.

The W/L record is to show everyone these are games
based on lines BEFORE the game started, they do win.

It is YOUR job to find the game & line that is of VALUE.

Yesterday: 15-5. Overall: 56-20

thanks for the clarification

May 27, 2007
Lines I post are the lines BEFORE the game started.
We are looking for games where the in-play line is the same or better
than the line before the game started.
We are not playing every game. Maybe 1 out of 4.
We are looking for VALUE

Since the line moves thru the game, we watch for the games
where we can get the line we want.

The W/L record is to show everyone these are games
based on lines BEFORE the game started, they do win.

It is YOUR job to find the game & line that is of VALUE.

Yesterday: 15-5. Overall: 56-20

So, you're saying you are posting a pre-game line, even though it may be halfway through the game in hopes you can get the line and you're counting that as a win?

You posted Detroit/Chicago Under 214 last night around 7:03 CST. The game was 49-47 at HT when you posted that 214 line. 214 was the pre-game set total.

During the 3Q and 4Q, the line never even sniffed 214. It hovered between 200-203 the rest of the game.

You never got 214 after the game started and you're counting that as a win?

You posted the total line of 214 at HT and the game never came close to that number. There was never any value yet that's a win on your record? Be serious man.

May 27, 2007
If you're posting pre-game lines, great but you posted the Portland Trailblazers last night at +4. Portland was -1.5. WTF?

This is the strangest goddamn thing I've ever seen.

If you're posting pre-game lines halfway through the game and they win, why not just post plays before they start?

New member
Jul 27, 2015
I apologize. I “assumed” people had the same idea of in-play wagering as me.
In about 1 1/2 hours I will explain how this in-play wagering should be done & viewed.
Then I think we will be on the same page & you can decide if you want to keep following
this type of wagering and post.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
If you're posting pre-game lines, great but you posted the Portland Trailblazers last night at +4. Portland was -1.5. WTF?

This is the strangest goddamn thing I've ever seen.

If you're posting pre-game lines halfway through the game and they win, why not just post plays before they start?

Hank Hahns come in many shape and forms

New member
Jul 27, 2015
First of all, as I stated in a previous post in this thread, the W/L record is NOT the W/L record for the actual In-Play picks.
The W/L record is how the games would have turned on if you would have wagered on the game at the lines I posted.
The W/L record was to give you confidence that these are winning picks based on the lines I posted.

I NEVER ONCE said they were MY In-Play W/L record. That is up to YOU & YOUR decisions.

This thread was a new idea for sports wagering. People are so use to the "traditional" way of wagering.
Put the wager in BEFORE the game starts & maybe 55% of the time, you have a winner.

I give alot of games so you have alot of games & in-play lines to choose from.

This In-Play wagering system is based on this:
1) College basketball - between the 13 -8 minutes to go in game, look for the In-Play line that is the same or better than the line I post.
If it is NOT, forget the game.
2) NBA, NFL, NCAA Football - between the middle of the 3rd quarter - 10 minutes to go in game, look for the In-Play line that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.
3) NHL - between the middle of the 2nd period - 10 minutes to go in the game, look for the In-Play that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.
4) MLB - between the middle of the 5th inning - end of the 5th inning, look for the In=Play line that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.

How many times have you put a wager on a game & by the middle of the 3rd quarter, you know you have a loser.
But if you would have waited and let the game play on, you could have gotten a better line & had a winner.

I have chose the beginning time frames is because 60-65% if the game has been played and the In-Play lines are still in our favor.
Also I chose the end time frames, so there is still enough game left for our pick to cover.

If you have anymore questions or comments, post them.

I am NOT trying to scam anyone. That is why I am posting the plays for FREE thru the end of March.

My first post was so "you can get a feel for this service".

If you do not like this idea of wagering, no problem.

May 27, 2007
First of all, as I stated in a previous post in this thread, the W/L record is NOT the W/L record for the actual In-Play picks.
The W/L record is how the games would have turned on if you would have wagered on the game at the lines I posted.
The W/L record was to give you confidence that these are winning picks based on the lines I posted.

I NEVER ONCE said they were MY In-Play W/L record. That is up to YOU & YOUR decisions.

This thread was a new idea for sports wagering. People are so use to the "traditional" way of wagering.
Put the wager in BEFORE the game starts & maybe 55% of the time, you have a winner.

I give alot of games so you have alot of games & in-play lines to choose from.

This In-Play wagering system is based on this:
1) College basketball - between the 13 -8 minutes to go in game, look for the In-Play line that is the same or better than the line I post.
If it is NOT, forget the game.
2) NBA, NFL, NCAA Football - between the middle of the 3rd quarter - 10 minutes to go in game, look for the In-Play line that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.
3) NHL - between the middle of the 2nd period - 10 minutes to go in the game, look for the In-Play that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.
4) MLB - between the middle of the 5th inning - end of the 5th inning, look for the In=Play line that is the same
or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.

How many times have you put a wager on a game & by the middle of the 3rd quarter, you know you have a loser.
But if you would have waited and let the game play on, you could have gotten a better line & had a winner.

I have chose the beginning time frames is because 60-65% if the game has been played and the In-Play lines are still in our favor.
Also I chose the end time frames, so there is still enough game left for our pick to cover.

If you have anymore questions or comments, post them.

I am NOT trying to scam anyone. That is why I am posting the plays for FREE thru the end of March.

My first post was so "you can get a feel for this service".

If you do not like this idea of wagering, no problem.

Let's make this really simple then. Post the plays BEFORE they start. 214 was the pre-game posted total for the Chicago/Detroit game. Why post it at HT?

Any fucker here can look at a 49-47 HT score and say "well, I would've played under 214 pre-game." Well no shit man. But you take it one step further and mark it as a win on a crazy W/L record then tell us that's not really your W/L record. Do you see how shady this is?

As far as your comment about your W/L record, you've never said this is not your record until now when you're called out. You're misleading people into believing that's your W/L record when it's not. You aren't being 100% transparent with people here.

May 27, 2007
I apologize. I “assumed” people had the same idea of in-play wagering as me.
In about 1 1/2 hours I will explain how this in-play wagering should be done & viewed.
Then I think we will be on the same page & you can decide if you want to keep following
this type of wagering and post.

Dude, this is crazy. An in-play wager is the same in Greece, France, Hoboken or Antarctica. It's the line of a game at the time of the posting. We all know this. Cut the shit man.

May 27, 2007
2) NBA, NFL, NCAA Football - between the middle of the 3rd quarter - 10 minutes to go in game, look for the In-Play line that is the same or better than the line I post. If it is NOT, forget the game.

So, at HT of the Bulls/Pistons game last night, you posted 214. The in play line never got close to 214 so, you should forget that game.

But, you count that as a W on your W/L record.

See how that looks shady?

New member
Jul 27, 2015
I think this entire thread needs to be deleted Stevie. Each line posted was off by 5-15 points. Not 1 or 2, the Detroit/Chicago total was off by 13 points and the game was at halftime so there's no disputing the line.

New member
Jul 27, 2015
The blog is up. I have deleted the W/L record. I will start fresh.

I will post only ATS plays where the game score is within 4 points of the line I will quote.

Since in-play lines move so fast, it will be YOUR job to get the best line.

Hopefully this will satisfy everyone.

I want to thank the people who have emailed or private messaged me.

Because of YOU I will continue with this in-play thread.

I am happy some people can see the potential of this in-play wagering method.

New member
Jul 27, 2015
Blog is up today with release times of plays.

I will post only ATS plays where the game score is within 4 points of the line I will quote.

Since in-play lines move so fast, it will be YOUR job to get the best line.

Hopefully this will satisfy everyone.

Good Luck

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