yeah i stumbled across that guy last night too
it owns some CNOA...probably running cause CNOA is too....
hard to figure out that guy...their two biggest holdings are debt for some companies you can't really get any info on...they were supposed to be repaid that apr of 2009, and oct 15th 2009...but no news associated with that....
of course my lazy ass gets on the ball right when they break out and run away from me....figures....LOL
spend too much time looking at overall economy and being a gloomy bear LOL
cnoa actually a small holding only 1.3% of assets
Common Stocks - 15.72%
Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (or operating companies)
in the People's Republic of China
* China Organic Agriculture, Inc. - 1.30%
(par value $0.001) 1,729,273 380,440
* Gulf Resources, Inc. - 5.46%
(par value $0.001) 3,339,000 1,602,720
* Home System Group - 0.09%
(par value $0.001) 480,000 26,400
* µ Jade Art Group, Inc. - 8.87%
(par value $0.001) 4,340,700 2,604,420
Total Common Stocks (Cost $9,164,596) $ 4,613,980
Loans Receivable - 75.81%
Shenzhen HuaYinTong Electronics - 49.22%
(9.00%, due on October 15, 2009) 14,441,656
Shenzhen HuanYaTong Investment Ltd. - 26.59%
(8.50%, due on April 1, 2009) 7,801,325
Total Loans Receivable $ 22,242,981
Real Estate Held for Investment (a) - 5.27% $ 1,545,727
Total Investments - 96.80% $ 28,402,688
Other Assets less Liabilities - 3.20% 938,509
Net Assets - 100.00% $ 29,341,197