Best baseball clappers?

Feb 6, 2007
Oh perfect. Betall, you might have missed my request in the other thread.

Do you mind allowing me back access to my own profile here. I can't click on my own profile or anyone else's for that matter. I can access my PM's finally but can't PM anyone. Seems like I had everything taken away and now it is only partially fixed. It has been a year at least and dirtball Varkeyboy was the culprit.



Oct 29, 2011

I know you are a good capper, that's not in dispute, and you seem a good genuine guy who wants to help people.

But, what you are saying about Pennywise's record last baseball season is just not correct. I observed his threads for the entire season. His bread and butter unit size was 1 units. There were occasional 2 unit plays.

At the end of the regular season he was up +41 units, making mainly 1 unit plays with the occasional 2 unit play. That's exactly, what you do.

The 10 unit play you refer to him making as "fudging" his record, is flat out false. Why would he try to fudge a record that was over 60% winners and up 41 units? It makes no sense. He had a great winning season on 1 unit plays, with a 2 unit sprinkled in here and there, then played a big one in post season.

The regular season record is 100% legit and documented here. I challenge you to look through his threads and identify and point where Pennywise was losing money in baseball and then started to make 5 to 10 unit wagers to get in the black. You will not find it, because it did not happen. He won consistently all season and thats a fact.

Sometimes an apology is needed, and this is one of those times, as Pennywise did not EVER do what you claimed during the regular baseball season.

Good luck with your 2017 baseball season BIZ.

I thought I said losing streak.

I'm not going thru every PW thread looking for 5X and 10X plays. He has football too, maybe that is where I saw it.

He was good last year. But he also had threads where he had 5 and 10 unit plays. I'm not gonna spend an hour looking for them.

If anyone wants his plays, then by all means look him up. My main point is that jacking up your unit counts is dishonest, and I'll stand by that statement. If he didn't do it in the baseball thread, then my apologies. The guy had a very good year.
Mar 30, 2017
This is what I said.

I said after a losing streak, he bumped up his unit counts to 5X and 10X plays. Those weren't his normal unit counts all year, but in an attempt to bolster his record he jacked up the unit count. That, in my opinion, is dishonest record keeping.

Lets say you go 50-40 for plus 8 units, most games 1 unit. Then all of a sudden you hit a losing streak to go into the negative, and you start posting 5 and 10 unit plays. Do you think your record, giving wins 5 and 10 units, is an accurate assessment of your record? I don't.

I never said my overall record was better. I said the following, and I'll quote it (here is the entire quote, something I wish you would have included):

I very clearly stated that I said OVER THE LAST 4 MONTHS, and that was 100% accurate. If you can find one person that picked up 59 units over the last 4 months, with the vast majority of those being 1U plays, you will be looking for awhile. I didn't claim it was better over the course of the season, I said over the last 4 months....which for that matter is a pretty good chunk of the season.

And I didn't get hot "later in the season", it was for a full 4 months. Thats a good chunk of the season.

There are many fine handicappers around here. I'm one of them, and there are certainly others, and in no way am I saying I'm better than everyone else. But I'm pretty good and I don't mind saying that.

My pet peeve is record keeping, and IMO he fudged the books.

The only 10 unit pennywise bet I see is his last one posted. So far I haven't found 5 unit bets. I found a few 2 and a 3 unit (following wins, actually) A great majority were 1 unit picks. Are you just making stuff up? Why would you do that?

You also clearly said that you did better than pennywise last year:

"...There are many good baseball handicappers on this forum, I'm one of them. After a rough first 3 months I had one of the best baseball records on this forum last year. Better than Pennywise. Look around and you will find where I post.

Whomever you choose to follow, I would suggest sticking with them and play every pick every day. The problem with most people is that they want a magic man that wins every day. They don't exist. A few bad days and they go looking for a guy that is on a streak. That guy loses a few days and they repeat that process over and over.

Find ONE person to follow and do just that. Don't panic when he/she has a rough stretch. Its a long season and everyone has them."

I also can say I did better than pennywise last year (like you did), if I could qualify it by picking a certain time period (like you did).

What time period of this upcoming season you will be hot? Oh wait, you said I should follow someone for the entire season.

Are you sure your record keeping was 100% accurate? Right off the bat, I see a discrepancy: Your loses total 435, not 436. Not a big error, but not "100%" accurate. Leaves one to wonder how many other errors there are through the season.

Lastly, I have to say you look pretty bad when you disparage others, like you did (unjustly) to this pennywise guy.

John Crichton - you really seem like a good guy. Can you recommend any handicapper(s) I can follow here?


Oct 29, 2011
The only 10 unit pennywise bet I see is his last one posted. So far I haven't found 5 unit bets. I found a few 2 and a 3 unit (following wins, actually) A great majority were 1 unit picks. Are you just making stuff up? Why would you do that?

You also clearly said that you did better than pennywise last year:

"...There are many good baseball handicappers on this forum, I'm one of them. After a rough first 3 months I had one of the best baseball records on this forum last year. Better than Pennywise. Look around and you will find where I post.

Whomever you choose to follow, I would suggest sticking with them and play every pick every day. The problem with most people is that they want a magic man that wins every day. They don't exist. A few bad days and they go looking for a guy that is on a streak. That guy loses a few days and they repeat that process over and over.

Find ONE person to follow and do just that. Don't panic when he/she has a rough stretch. Its a long season and everyone has them."

I also can say I did better than pennywise last year (like you did), if I could qualify it by picking a certain time period (like you did).

What time period of this upcoming season you will be hot? Oh wait, you said I should follow someone for the entire season.

Are you sure your record keeping was 100% accurate? Right off the bat, I see a discrepancy: Your loses total 435, not 436. Not a big error, but not "100%" accurate. Leaves one to wonder how many other errors there are through the season.

Lastly, I have to say you look pretty bad when you disparage others, like you did (unjustly) to this pennywise guy.

John Crichton - you really seem like a good guy. Can you recommend any handicapper(s) I can follow here?

I quoted a post that said over the last 4 months.

I also had a winning year.

I also have had a winning basketball season.

You want to say I had 435, when it was 436, and call that dishonest.

Don't be an idiot.

I stand by my record. I win, ask the guy that takes my wagers.


Oct 29, 2011
I said after a rough 3 months, it was actually 2, it was better. And it was.

I said follow someone for the entire season for exactly that reason.....nobody knows when the wins and losses will come.

That's why you follow someone everyday.

I have a lot of people following my plays, and they make a lot of money.

So if you want to spend time trying to insult me, it really doesn't matter.

The only thing that matters is that my followers and I are collecting every year.

Good luck to you this season.


Oct 29, 2011

You were absolutely correct and I got my facts wrong. So apologies to PW. I got the threads confused.

Truth Speaker,
Enough with the back and forth and parsing of quotes. Other than the PW comment about unit size, where I was clearly wrong, the rest of the stuff was accurate.

I win, so do a lot of other people on this forum. They've been mentioned. Find one and follow them everyday. Hopefully you find a good one and make some money.
Mar 30, 2017

I said your record was not 100% accurate (another one of your claims that is wrong). You didn't even add 3 (very important) numbers together accurately. I didn't call you dishonest for this. But I could stoop to your level and call you an idiot.

You sure insulted this pennywise guy, and those who followed him last year. Not very classy. And, the real kicker is that they all made more money than the people who followed you last year. (Especially at the beginning of the season, apparently). I bet it will be the same again this year. So, I was thinking about contacting varkeyboy and pay for him for picks. But then I learned that he is a dishonest snake.

Mar 17, 2009
I will say posts like this will lead you down the wrong path. Rare that someone repeats from one year to the next
Jan 17, 2007
I always knew Varkeyboy was ONLY out for himself and a complete sleeze ball. Always preaching this...."We are all here to help each other guys" All that team bullshit talk. Fuck this loser.

Now that I have read this I am certainly getting my PM privileges back now. And I wont stop asking until I do now.

I lost my PM's about a year ago because of that piece of shit Varkeyboy. He snitched and I got them closed. Every time I click on my own profile it gives me this message..

you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

Please fix this and reopen them. Thank you mod team.

Oh perfect. Betall, you might have missed my request in the other thread.

Do you mind allowing me back access to my own profile here. I can't click on my own profile or anyone else's for that matter. I can access my PM's finally but can't PM anyone. Seems like I had everything taken away and now it is only partially fixed. It has been a year at least and dirtball Varkeyboy was the culprit.


Not sure why you would think that you should get your PM's back ???

They were taken away because YOU sent PM's with Threats and harassment

now if it was just You being a pain in the Butt, you probably would get them back.
But the report back then ( and I don't be it's been a year... but I'll Look ) was reports of PM's

I know that you were First placed on Post review,

ok, so I'm looking now... you first lost your PM's on 7/28/16
that lasted a month and then you got banned ( actually you were banned even before that )... but I want to go through the last 9 months

so after losing your PM's Only, you were then banned on 8/23/16, that was for a week...
but when you came off the ban, you automatically went to post freely but No PM's.

Soooo, I'm willing to think about giving you back your PM's. But I will have to warn you that if you send any PM's that seems like
they come across as harassment. You will get a 3 Month Ban.

I'll let you know by Monday
Jan 17, 2007
You guys are wasting your time telling some here about the Good cappers we have here at The RX.

There's a couple of guys in this thread that are Just looking to Promote PW at another forum.

But Beware because they Don't treat you guys very good, and if they FEEL that you are passing along the information Outside of their little Group
They will Ban your Ass Faster than Dale Earnhardt ...
Feb 6, 2007
Not sure why you would think that you should get your PM's back ???

They were taken away because YOU sent PM's with Threats and harassment

now if it was just You being a pain in the Butt, you probably would get them back.
But the report back then ( and I don't be it's been a year... but I'll Look ) was reports of PM's

I know that you were First placed on Post review,

ok, so I'm looking now... you first lost your PM's on 7/28/16
that lasted a month and then you got banned ( actually you were banned even before that )... but I want to go through the last 9 months

so after losing your PM's Only, you were then banned on 8/23/16, that was for a week...
but when you came off the ban, you automatically went to post freely but No PM's.

Soooo, I'm willing to think about giving you back your PM's. But I will have to warn you that if you send any PM's that seems like
they come across as harassment. You will get a 3 Month Ban.

I'll let you know by Monday


I barely send any PM's to anyone. All of those bans you mention was related by one piece of shit. Who has now been sold out and everyone knows he is what I always said he was. The past is the past. I don't care about when I was banned or for how long. How does that help anything involving my profile still being locked? Plus I was setup the first time when my PM was taken away. Loomis PM me talking shit...I laugh at him and call him a name in a PM and he reports it and I get in trouble. There is clearly flaws in the report of PM's. You don't know who starts what. But it seems like I am the one to blame though.

I asked a while ago and the PM access area was given back to me months ago from a different MOD. All that is the problem is what I wrote. I can't access my profile, or anyone's therefore it wont let me PM. I can access the private message area but other functions wont allow me to actually send.

I don't use private messages to secretly talk shit to people. If you know me by now, I don't hide what I have to say.
Feb 6, 2007
You guys are wasting your time telling some here about the Good cappers we have here at The RX.

There's a couple of guys in this thread that are Just looking to Promote PW at another forum.

But Beware because they Don't treat you guys very good, and if they FEEL that you are passing along the information Outside of their little Group
They will Ban your Ass Faster than Dale Earnhardt ...

THESE are always the worst threads on these forums. People looking for handouts. And we go and tell them who they should follow. Look for yourselves. Most of us didn't find out by making threads like these. Just my opinion. Let them go pay $100 to find out they should lay -150 from Varkey's cherry picking twitter account. No actually don't do that, Varkey will have more cash to mush people on here.
Feb 6, 2007
Shows you the heart of some of these guys though. I was getting blamed for creating a twitter account and selling pennystocks plays. Why the fuck would I ever do that in the first place? I'm no Varkey, I actually can make winning bets.

Secondly, while I was getting blamed by dumbass outsiders ...Varkey was blaming me too.... saying that I set up the twitter account selling dudes plays. WHILE HE was the one doing it. Think about that for a second.

You have to be one sick twisted fuck. That shit should result in an automatic lifetime ban, but I realize betall you don't want to make it look like you are taking sides with the other forum at all and I understand that.
Mar 30, 2017
I heard the doors are closed wherever pennywise posts. Not allowing new members.

I understand a big reason is because of this guy called Incubus or John Bray or some other name he goes by. Also, I suppose, because of varkeyboy. It's a shame that it's usually few that spoil it for a lot of people.

I also heard that this mo guy has quit.
Jan 17, 2007
Shows you the heart of some of these guys though. I was getting blamed for creating a twitter account and selling pennystocks plays. Why the fuck would I ever do that in the first place? I'm no Varkey, I actually can make winning bets.

Secondly, while I was getting blamed by dumbass outsiders ...Varkey was blaming me too.... saying that I set up the twitter account selling dudes plays. WHILE HE was the one doing it. Think about that for a second.

You have to be one sick twisted fuck. That shit should result in an automatic ban but I realize betall you don't want to make it look like you are taking sides with the other forum at all and I understand that.

I thought it was someone else that said that, and maybe Vak jumped on the bandwagon ...

I don't think it was Vak that has/had the twitter account ... but guess he was trying to cash in with his plays
Jan 17, 2007
I heard the doors are closed wherever pennywise posts. Not allowing new members.

I understand a big reason is because of this guy called Incubus or John Bray or some other name he goes by. Also, I suppose, because of varkeyboy. It's a shame that it's usually few that spoil it for a lot of people.

I also heard that this mo guy has quit.

I heard that Mo is trying to Speak the Truth, but it's not working
Jan 17, 2007

I barely send any PM's to anyone. All of those bans you mention was related by one piece of shit. Who has now been sold out and everyone knows he is what I always said he was. The past is the past. I don't care about when I was banned or for how long. How does that help anything involving my profile still being locked? Plus I was setup the first time when my PM was taken away. Loomis PM me talking shit...I laugh at him and call him a name in a PM and he reports it and I get in trouble. There is clearly flaws in the report of PM's. You don't know who starts what. But it seems like I am the one to blame though.

I asked a while ago and the PM access area was given back to me months ago from a different MOD. All that is the problem is what I wrote. I can't access my profile, or anyone's therefore it wont let me PM. I can access the private message area but other functions wont allow me to actually send.

I don't use private messages to secretly talk shit to people. If you know me by now, I don't hide what I have to say.

a Different Mod helped you back in 2015

I'll give you another shot
Feb 6, 2007
I thought it was someone else that said that, and maybe Vak jumped on the bandwagon ...

I don't think it was Vak that has/had the twitter account ... but guess he was trying to cash in with his plays

You're right. That's exactly what happened and that is the typical Varkey thing to do. Jump on someone else's ideas. He saw someone else blaming me and it was the perfect way for him to get out of the spotlight....just go along with it. Even if he didn't have the twitter account, he was/is doing some shady shit.
Mar 30, 2017
Shows you the heart of some of these guys though. I was getting blamed for creating a twitter account and selling pennystocks plays. Why the fuck would I ever do that in the first place? I'm no Varkey, I actually can make winning bets.

Secondly, while I was getting blamed by dumbass outsiders ...Varkey was blaming me too.... saying that I set up the twitter account selling dudes plays. WHILE HE was the one doing it. Think about that for a second.

You are about the only one saying varkeyboy was selling picks on twitter.

In fact, most still say it is you. To your post about it here, I say: nice sneaky cover up and deflection attempt. The fraud selling pennywise picks on twitter is just as sneaky.

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