mailbox baseball after a losing night of getting bad beated or smashing my 19 inch $90 walmart tv's in with a wooden bat.
newest hobby: launching water balloons at fat asses in my 1965 $250 dollar a month apartment from the balcony at all the fat fukks that live off of taco bell.
Fat People Suck
Let me get this off my chest....
Fat people suck. I'm not saying that fat people are ugly, or stupid, or
annoying, just because they're fat. Wait, yes I am. I don't like fat people,
especially the ones who work at hospitals and fitness centers. Am I supposed to
be encouraged when I walk into the emergency room and am greeted by Roseanne's
twin sister? Yeah, I wasn't filled with hope last night at the ER. Is it a
requirement to top 250 lbs to work at the DPS? These people's water bills must
be huge, they have to take 30 minute showers if they want to clean every inch
of skin the possess. Lifting the rolls and rubbing soap in there is probably
their idea of exercise. I bet they forget to rinse in between certain folds and
this is the cause of "fat people odor." They should put an exercise
bike under these people's desks or get the Flinstone cars.
"I'm not fat, I'm big boned." - No you're not. You're fat. All bones
are similar sizes, except for that T-bone you stuffed down your gullet last
night. And if it's just your bones, why does your stomach jiggle like that?