Do you really think so? I personally think that they are not playing good at all. Already have given up 3 scores and are lucky that Hilton dropped some balls.
Do you really think so? I personally think that they are not playing good at all. Already have given up 3 scores and are lucky that Hilton dropped some balls.
Peyton manning's Nationwide commercials are a pathetic attempt copy Aaron Rodgers awesome State Farm commercials....did Peyton need the money that bad? "Chicken parm you taste so good"? Seriously?
IND is done. They have thoroughly outplayed the Bungals and should be up at least 17-7 but can't score touchdowns. They have allowed Cincinnati to stay in a game they shouldn't be in.
Peyton manning's Nationwide commercials are a pathetic attempt copy Aaron Rodgers awesome State Farm commercials....did Peyton need the money that bad? "Chicken parm you taste so good"? Seriously?
Peyton manning's Nationwide commercials are a pathetic attempt copy Aaron Rodgers awesome State Farm commercials....did Peyton need the money that bad? "Chicken parm you taste so good"? Seriously?
Peyton manning's Nationwide commercials are a pathetic attempt copy Aaron Rodgers awesome State Farm commercials....did Peyton need the money that bad? "Chicken parm you taste so good"? Seriously?
Come on now, its not good defense when Hilton and co drop passes. And I just don't think they have "looked better than in weeks." Luck has all day, no pass rush yet.
Come on now, its not good defense when Hilton and co drop passes. And I just don't think they have "looked better than in weeks." Luck has all day, no pass rush yet.