Be ready to hear, Opened too soon, more deaths coming, 2nd wave near, China has more deaths...


Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Millions losing their jobs ..who knows how many small businesses won't survive.. What could possibly be doom & gloom with that picture ?

The most hilarious part of this is that everyone with this view are going to vote for incumbents in November. This is the people getting exactly what they asked for.

Lot of places are hiring, Amazon, Walmart, delivery services. Anyone who isn't working either doesn't want to or thinks they are too good for the jobs that are available, which is exactly how it was before all this started. Strong businesses of all size will survive.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
The most hilarious part of this is that everyone with this view are going to vote for incumbents in November. This is the people getting exactly what they asked for.

Lot of places are hiring, Amazon, Walmart, delivery services. Anyone who isn't working either doesn't want to or thinks they are too good for the jobs that are available, which is exactly how it was before all this started. Strong businesses of all size will survive.

Only someone with as many hot dogs under your belt would think of this as a hilarious possibility..

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
I'm saying it. It was fucking dumb to shut down the economy. Will be alot more serious consequences going forward than the Chinese Virus ever will have. Wish I was wrong.
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]I for one am not interested in going back to an Obama like economy.

And that's what will happen if we keep fucking around.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
I for one am not interested in going back to an Obama like economy.

And that's what will happen if we keep fucking around.

An Obama economy with Trump as president. Wouldn't that just be a Trump economy? Or is he the type of liberal politician that refuses to take any responsibility for what happens under his leadership?

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
An Obama economy with Trump as president. Wouldn't that just be a Trump economy? Or is he the type of liberal politician that refuses to take any responsibility for what happens under his leadership?

Is that what you're looking for ? Someone to blame ? We were dealt a bad hand here. Probably doing the best we can under trying and unforseen circumstances.. Looking hard enough , we could manufacture some blame. But most of it has to be pointed directly at the Communists.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Is that what you're looking for ? Someone to blame ? We were dealt a bad hand here. Probably doing the best we can under trying and unforseen circumstances.. Looking hard enough , we could manufacture some blame. But most of it has to be pointed directly at the Communists.

Dave is the one trying to find blame, calling it an Obama economy in 2020. In any economic conditions, those of us who take care of ourselves are going to be fine. Those who don't want to take care of themselves are going to be shouting about all the doom and gloom.

The health side seems a lot more random, as far as who catches and it and who dies. Other than the general precaution of washing hands, not picking my noes, and staying a few feet away from other people, there's not much I can do about it, so there's not much reason to stress about it.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
An Obama economy with Trump as president. Wouldn't that just be a Trump economy? Or is he the type of liberal politician that refuses to take any responsibility for what happens under his leadership?
[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Are you trying to be a wise guy or are you that stupid?

You know exactly what I meant.

I'm not going to play your adolescent game.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Dave is the one trying to find blame, calling it an Obama economy in 2020. In any economic conditions, those of us who take care of ourselves are going to be fine. Those who don't want to take care of themselves are going to be shouting about all the doom and gloom.

The health side seems a lot more random, as far as who catches and it and who dies. Other than the general precaution of washing hands, not picking my noes, and staying a few feet away from other people, there's not much I can do about it, so there's not much reason to stress about it.

Quite alot of the population depends on having a job. Not everyone can take care of themselves without one. I doubt Walmart and Amazon will be able to cut into the newly 22 million and counting unemployed numbers...alot of small businesses aren't coming back. Less small businesses , means less jobs doesn't equate to people not wanting to take care of themselves... Doesn't make alot of sense of what you're pointing out here.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Are you trying to be a wise guy or are you that stupid?

You know exactly what I meant.

I'm not going to play your adolescent game.

It came across as though you meant that if the economy starts going bad in 2020, it means the economy is now just like it was from 2009-2017. That wouldn't be an Obama-like economy, as you said. That would be a Trump economy.

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
I doubt Walmart and Amazon will be able to cut into the newly 22 million and counting unemployed numbers
Of course they can't. It's an idiotic comment.

Right now they can employ anyone who wants to work and is willing to show up at a job. Found about one million jobs available after a one minute search on google ( Until enough of those 22 million Americans decide they want to go back to work, instead of sitting at home waiting for their government handouts, there will be lots of businesses hiring and jobs available for anyone who wants to take care of themselves.
Feb 20, 2002
Right now they can employ anyone who wants to work and is willing to show up at a job. Found about one million jobs available after a one minute search on google ( Until enough of those 22 million Americans decide they want to go back to work, instead of sitting at home waiting for their government handouts, there will be lots of businesses hiring and jobs available for anyone who wants to take care of themselves.

It's conceivable.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Right now they can employ anyone who wants to work and is willing to show up at a job. Found about one million jobs available after a one minute search on google ( Until enough of those 22 million Americans decide they want to go back to work, instead of sitting at home waiting for their government handouts, there will be lots of businesses hiring and jobs available for anyone who wants to take care of themselves.

Stop posting for awhile..take a timeout.. Regroup..
Feb 20, 2002
"If, as you say, we all need to get exposed to it & will get it, then why don't you "put your money where your mouth is" & go get infected? Why don't you just go licking door knobs till you get infected & get it over with? Like that crazy Jazz player. Then, when the time comes for people who have recovered to be allowed back into stadiums, stores, etc, you'll be one of the first in line.

Those who think young people who are infected are not going to suffer much or die, why don't they just go licking door knobs till they get infected & get it over with? Then, when the time comes for people who have recovered to be allowed back into stadiums, stores, etc, they'll be first in line."

<iframe width="1019" height="573" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Feb 16, 2016
Will watch the “eye opener” 90 second intro on CBS and see what good news they have ....

Feb 16, 2016
Will watch the “eye opener” 90 second intro on CBS and see what good news they have ....

“really any part of the country is vulnerable even rural parts of the country”

was the first sound bite


Be safe, everyone w-thumbs!^

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