Hey Swirv! It's a grind everyday when doing this. That's our goal is to grind out winners and at the end be up plus units. Been doing this for over 30 yrs and it will humble you no doubt. BUT I think once u get there u realize what and when do play I focus on CBB only and have a goal I try to hit every yr. For the last 10 + Yr's I have hit it. Whether it's streak at first, in the middle, or at the end. A perfect world we all have a plus week at the end of the week bring 1 unit or 10. One can really not say. I keep good money management ,never chase, and try not to play to many games even though start of this yr I tend to have played more. I pick what I think has an advantage to cover. And as gambling goes I think 70% of my loses are by a freakn bucket, or at least it feels that way Good luck to you on your wagers