Bases thread


Jan 12, 2019

Why would someone that lost over 15k betting baseball last year be in my threads trying to troll?

i guess i see why he had a hard time adding up my winners. He managed to pick 1 winner in this entire thread last season. Wow.

stay outta my threads mush boy

Dec 18, 2017

Why would someone that lost over 15k betting baseball last year be in my threads trying to troll?
Its you who lost over 15K fading NFL Bowls and College plays fading me.

IM not here to fade your plays. I dont even care what they are. IM just asking for the same things you preach about in everyone else's threads over the pat 5 years. Acurate units and records.

-- Not Like that famous fake 1000.00 dollar bet ticket with No Time Stamp/Date or Ticket number - you posted it last year here in bases - on game that was played the day before, when you had no post on the actual game day anywhere to be found.

Im here to make sure you are really betting and posting the truth...which seems already you have lied about your play amounts and lack of units risked lost/won.

I dont see where MG had you at 6 units?
Did he lie posting you may have won only 1.96?
GL today.

Jan 12, 2019
Its you who lost over 15K fading NFL Bowls and College plays fading me.

IM not here to fade your plays. I dont even care what they are. IM just asking for the same things you preach about in everyone else's threads over the pat 5 years. Acurate units and records.

-- Not Like that famous fake 1000.00 dollar bet ticket with No Time Stamp/Date or Ticket number - you posted it last year here in bases - on game that was played the day before, when you had no post on the actual game day anywhere to be found.

Im here to make sure you are really betting and posting the truth...which seems already you have lied about your play amounts and lack of units risked lost/won.

I dont see where MG had you at 6 units?
Did he lie posting you may have won only 1.96?
GL today.
Go wish death on someone. You obviously are a troll jealous losing player. Hopefully the mods will clean this up.

mgm posted by win at 6 units. And he miscalculated. He counted the fades of 5 inning plays as favorites when they were all dogs. So he shorted me about another unit but I’m not complaining. I won plenty last night… my posted winning units was over 12. Everyone here can see this

Based on your track record here and other sites it’s clear you are just here to start trouble. This thread has more views than yours does and you are jealous….. you need to focus on climbing out of your 10k hole you are in this year in bases.. and quit worrying about my units…. Go back to your basement old man. You’ve been told to stay out of my threads… mods need to get a handle on this troll and ban him like he’s been banned in the past and on other sites

Jan 18, 2017
Thank you for the yuuuuuuge day Doc. You should be able to pay your mortgage on your 4,000 square foot, 6 bedroom house with all your profits from yesterday. Tell your wife to stay off your back. The diaper money should be flowing in.

Jan 12, 2019
Thank you for the yuuuuuuge day Doc. You should be able to pay your mortgage on your 4,000 square foot, 6 bedroom house with all your profits from yesterday. Tell your wife to stay off your back. The diaper money should be flowing in.
Thanks man. Always good to hear from the supporters. Trolls like gman and pirate who have both been banned here many times need to go play in the sandbox together

it’s people like you who are the real mvps. I mean what kind of player is down north of 40k and in a thread complaining about someone who has produced winners????
Jul 13, 2024
Its you who lost over 15K fading NFL Bowls and College plays fading me.

IM not here to fade your plays. I dont even care what they are. IM just asking for the same things you preach about in everyone else's threads over the pat 5 years. Acurate units and records.

-- Not Like that famous fake 1000.00 dollar bet ticket with No Time Stamp/Date or Ticket number - you posted it last year here in bases - on game that was played the day before, when you had no post on the actual game day anywhere to be found.

Im here to make sure you are really betting and posting the truth...which seems already you have lied about your play amounts and lack of units risked lost/won.

I dont see where MG had you at 6 units?
Did he lie posting you may have won only 1.96?
GL today.
Hit the door mush.

Jan 18, 2017
19 plays with 14 games. That's alot of bets Doc. Do you usually play that many bets in one day? Good luck today. Let's win big like yesterday.

Jan 12, 2019
19 plays with 14 games. That's alot of bets Doc. Do you usually play that many bets in one day? Good luck today. Let's win big like yesterday.
Yeah lots of plays. Sometimes the lab spits out those plays ya know. It’s like my buddy John Caliperi said, shooters shoot. I met him many years back, I bought my house from his cousins friend who was a realtor. When I found out he knew cal…, I had to meet him. He hooked me up with tickets right behind the bench, man that was so awesome. Super awesome guy, I still speak to him time to time and it really helps me when I’m capping hoops.

the lab has spit out another 30 or so plays for today so I’m still working on narrowing them now. Sometime the lab is the way to go but other times we fade a local mush. You know every place has one, that guy that is just the unluckiest guy in the world, the guy where the next play is always the play that’s going to turn it around. This poor soul has lost over 100k to a bookie in town, but will still sit around and tell people he’s up, we all sit around and listen to him tell his stories about how he use to sell picks to a local newsletter and let him believe his lies. Makes him feel good.

will be back soon. Appreciate you checking in. Good to have fellow winners in the thread… good karma ya know… gotta keep the trolls and losers outta here

Jan 18, 2017
Where's today's picks doc? Do you have any top plays for today?

Dec 18, 2017
Where's today's picks doc? Do you have any top plays for today?
Yeah? You may never see a winning day like that again.. +1.96 units!
MG never posted anything different yet? When he does then it will count.

Jan 18, 2017
Yeah? You may never see a winning day like that again.. +1.96 units!
MG never posted anything different yet? When he does then it will count.
Who's MG?

Jan 12, 2019
Yeah? You may never see a winning day like that again.. +1.96 units!
MG never posted anything different yet? When he does then it will count.
He already did post something different and besides this is my thread not his. 12 unit winner last night. Again mods let’s get this no good troll out of here. You’ve already banned this guy once. How does someone that is down so much on these forums come to someone’s thread that is a winner and get to troll?

mods can we please get the forums biggest loser out of my threads. I mean at this point it’s sheer jealousy

since when does Mg get to be guy that matters. Hell even he messed up last night. It’s ok gman you’ve never won as much as I did last night so you can’t add anything up that high

Jan 18, 2017
I clearly stated by plays are listed in terms of strength. The top 2 plays on the card are bet way heavily that the 25th play on the card.

I do appreciate your recap. It means even someone that can’t add realizes I had a winning day…. But again it was an absolute monster winning day. 8-5 on top plays, top 2 winning outright, 7 dog winners, 14-11 overall.

I appreciate everyone that has stopped by and pm-ed last night and this morning. You are the guys that keep me motivated to get back into the lab and find those winners….. plays will be up in a bit, medical issues this morning, last night after doing a little horizontal salsa with the wife, I felt some discomfort in my back. I’ve reached out to dr James Andrew, yes I know he’s the famous arm doctor that the star mlb players use. I met him about 8 years ago when I was down sweeping floors at the soup kitchen. He came in and donated a large sum of money and spoke to us, I guess he must have liked me because we spoke for hour about my injuries that shorten my playing career. Yes I was on track to being a 2 sport star before injuries… but dr Andrew’s is suppose to be lining up someone for me to see this morning… so as soon as I can get these medical issues behind me I’ll get these plays posted. Also the wife is on my about moving all my sports trophies into the man cave. So I’ll have to get that done too, she says they are taking up too much space in the living room and den.

Remember guys you are the real mvps, you are the ones keeping my plays free for everyone. forget the haters and wanna bes out there, we all know who they are, just here to troll and wish they could produce winners when they are down 10k over the course of the season already!!!!
How's your knee doing these days after hurting it playing one on one with Chris Paul. Still going to therapy? I hope it's coming along and healing.

New member
Jul 11, 2024
Doc, check your record. You added one extra loss because their was a pitching change so it should of been a no bet.

New member
Jul 11, 2024
The telegram group is a joke. Those bitches will listen to anyone. All mushes.

Jan 12, 2019
My bases thread was moved. Looking forward to a great rest of the season.

14-11, 8-5 top plays. 12 units winner

see you guys tomorrow

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