Damn. This is football drama. As one of the many real gamblers who follow this thread all out there should know we are a superstitious lot. If the man you're following is winning with only a few other posters commenting in his threads. DON'T FUCK WITH THE MOJO.
We're winning here. Didn't you ever play little league ball? Jumping over the foul line, not washing your jersey after a win etc that shit counts.
My two cents. About all its worth if that.
And coolers and mushes are very real. I can see why a brother gets pissed.
If you're losing don't bring your dark shadow into another thread.
You boys that are seasoned gamblers should know this shit.
All we have is honor and the Holy game.
We're winning here. Didn't you ever play little league ball? Jumping over the foul line, not washing your jersey after a win etc that shit counts.
My two cents. About all its worth if that.
And coolers and mushes are very real. I can see why a brother gets pissed.
If you're losing don't bring your dark shadow into another thread.
You boys that are seasoned gamblers should know this shit.
All we have is honor and the Holy game.