OK, Back. So this gal gets absolutely shitfaced on the Tequila, and after eating some of the great fish we cooked, goes into the bathroom and blows it into the sink. Guy that owns the home is a great dude, graduated from Montana School of Mines with obviously a gearhead, and built the house on his own. Amazing work. He's got two cats, one is called shithead, the other if I recall is dick. This is gospel truth, the guy got pretty wasted one night and decided to give the cats mohawks........and then paint them with an unreal array of colors. So anyway, walk into the bathroom to take a leak and shithead is eating this regurgitated fish out of he sink. That was back in the 80's before social media was around, LOL. Glad I don't have pictures of the cats, PETA would be hunting someone down, but I'd give either nut to have taken a picture of that cat humped over the sink feasting on the fish afterbirth, LOL. Priceless!