Sorry to see this thread lost steam yesterday. Just to get it going again......
Anyone voting for Ali may be from Louisville or have some minor brain affliction...... he was an entertainer first and foremost. No vague resemblance to Jordan's career.
The vast difference in eras should have separated The Babe far below Jordan. (But WELL above Ali) I love baseball.... but kind of hard to even imagine what it would have looked like in those days.
Anyone who has ever even called themselves a sports fan should know Michael was and is "The Man".
I always wondered how Ali would be remembered without Howard Cosell, his name change, the draft dodging talk, and some of his other craziness? He was sure an entertainer and played things for all they were worth!
He was a great fighter. Two fights come to mind. One early in his career and one late. Liston fight. He destroyed Liston who was a very good heavyweight champion himself.The tools he had as a young fighter were sick. NEVER seen a heavyweight with that type of combination of speed and power. And the Foreman fight where he won on smarts. Even Dundee didn't know what he was doing. Still best heavyweight I ever saw.
Ok, he didn't retain the title long, but he was a bad mf who had a hell of a record which probably would have been better had he not been banned several time.
Floyd should never have been a heavy. Ali & Liston were way too big for hm. May have been an All Timer as a Liteheavy. Liked him a lot, broke my heart when he lost to the Swede in the 1st one.
I know that the thread question was not fair but all of your replies are great and I thought the lack of anything close to a consensus was very telling. Thank You All. PS To The Boxing Afficcionados - Jersey Joe Walcott told me that Ali was the Best!