3* - Barty ML (-210) :money:!~))!:money:
2* (LIVE-IN-PLAY): Barty 1st Set ML (+275) :money:!~))!:money:Cornet is up 5-4 serving for 1st Set win.....stop her Barty!!!
2* - Tsitsipas / Djokovic OVER 22 (-120) :money:!~))!:money:
1* - Tsitsipas ML (+335) :money:!~))!:money:
2* (LIVE-IN-PLAY): Ivashka / Anderson OVER 22.5 (-150) :cryingcry:notme::cryingcry
(Anderson won 1st Set 7-5. Anderson currently up 2-1 in the 2nd Set). Hoping for Ivashka to stay on serve here!)
2* (LIVE-IN-PLAY) - Schwartzman ML (+170) :cryingcry:notme::cryingcryI am getting in on Schwartz right now. I wanted to take him originally to win this match at the +170 line, but now i'm getting the live line at the same price. I was waiting for the Tsitsipas/Djokovic match to end first.
(Cilic up 3-2 in the 1st Set. Schwartz back on serve).
1* (LIVE-IN-PLAY) - Schwartzman ML (+333) :cryingcry:notme::cryingcry
(Cilic up 4-2 in the 1st Set. Cilic on serve).
I'm getting a little risky here, but it's been an amazing day....so why not!?!?!? Let's go SCHWARTZ!!!!
3* (LIVE-IN-PLAY): Schwartzman / Cilic OVER 19.5 (+100) :cryingcry:notme::cryingcry(Cilic won the 1st Set, 6-3). Need Schwartz to kill it here in the 2nd Set!
3* - Anderson ML (-135) :money:!~))!:money:
3* - Bertens ML (-110) :cryingcry:notme::cryingcry
Both matches start in 10 minutes.
3* - Tsitsipas +1.5 SETS (-110) :money:!~))!:money:
1* - Tsitsipas ML (+315) :money:!~))!:money: