No, it's already an established FACT he trailed Phil Steele, a FACT you two idiots have yet to disprove.
You can lie and make excuses all day long (he only bet dogs; it's a total fluke etc.), Phil Steele's games were an identical match with vtard's games. Period. End of story.
Just like poker fraud vtard got caught tailing Mark Lawrence and betting huge moves (steam) for a short period in MLB, it's what losers do: jump from one thing to another hoping to "hit it big!"
Except when he didn't, which was enough to have Lying WELCHING Ace lose a ban bet, which he refuses to honor. When he didn't follow PS, he was "sprinkling" bets in to not follow PS??? Vit had many Bowl games that were the same as PS. That is indisputable. He also had plays which PS didn't, and they had plays which he didn't, so you LIE when you say they were an identical match. But since you are a self admitted liar, and it's OK because your're not running for POTUS, what difference does it make to add another Lie to your portfolio. Slapping-silly90))