Are there too many gambling forums? Is there a better forum than the Rx?


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I occasionally check out EOG, MW, MVP. I see many of the same posters here at those sites, others that were here that have moved on. What I have noticed is that none of the sites really offer anything substantially different, although if you go to MVP you can learn the truth about Roxygurl....sort of. Does anyone go to those sites for one specific poster? Does anyone prefer the set-up of any of the others over Rx? Is any more civil than the Rx?

Just wondering what everyone's thoughts are.

Sep 21, 2004
I'm registered at over 20 forums. I like the contests at many of them, Averaged over 500 amonth in the last year in contests. Forums are like bars, I have my favorite (RX) and I like to stop by the others. Sometimes important things can get lost at a bigger forum like therx. Also you can only find certain posters at specific forums.


Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
Some are more ra-ra based, some more offshore happenings and drama based, and some are more +ev oriented.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Fezzik has some posters that are top-shelf with math questions, SBR has a real good math guy ( Granchow, or something like that). Some places are good for specific guys. RX is good for quick opinions by the masses.

The Straightshooter
Sep 20, 2004
Pound for pound, none of the other forums are as good from top to bottom as the RX. It would take a whole lot for another place to surpass this one, no matter what kind of financial backing they have.

I believe that RX's "main competitor" (with all due respect) is finding that out right about now.

All the forums have something to offer I would suppose, as I've posted and lurked at many of them. As long as a forum is "doing their own thing' and not trying to be RX Jr, they'll have a better chance to succeed, imo.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Yes there are too many.

That would be expected with the popularity therx and a few of the other solid forums, others would begin.

IMHO, this site is still the best, but others are gaining.

Its very difficult to remain on top.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
kobefan08 said:
whastup with that?

This was a big issue here a year was always a non-issue to me but I think many others felt differently. He/she is most certainly a she, a very attractive one at that, you just have to follow the bouncing ball...

I like the posters at MVP, but many post here too.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
Easily the biggest difference between here and EOG, are most of the banned posters from here go there. Know what is interesting about that- they offer little there too. It clutters the good threads there (not to mention the 5-10 daily love/hate Bucsfan).

Sep 20, 2004
Yes there are too many.

That would be expected with the popularity therx and a few of the other solid forums, others would begin.

IMHO, this site is still the best, but others are gaining.

Its very difficult to remain on top.


This website has continued to grow every single year and the past yr the growth was more than ever maybe in your eyes some are catching up but not by the numbers.

New member
Jun 25, 2005
Actually I like a forum that has just one room.

Not baseball,basketball,football and so on.

Theres just to much to surf through,here I just look for something on the homepage that looks interesting point and click.

I only know two forums that have just one page and I'm banned from one.

Official Rx music critic and beer snob
Jun 21, 2003
BadCo said:
Actually I like a forum that has just one room.

Not baseball,basketball,football and so on.

Theres just to much to surf through,here I just look for something on the homepage that looks interesting point and click.

I only know two forums that have just one page and I'm banned from one.

Thats why you're bad company. :103631605

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Nobody comes close to therx at this point. But they are gaining.

The most impressive part about this forum, is that it is like a news engine. Something happens in the world, and there is a thread automatically started on it, with 1,000's of replies.

Everyone esle has to conciously try to post, start desperation coversation and keep forum action going. This place is a well-oiled machine and to get to that level is very difficult to achieve.

This place is sort of the public beach.

Other places would be like a private beach.

Depends on how you look at it. Some people like privacy, some people want to be where the action is.

What I despise are therx JUNIORS. The people who start a message board that mimics therx to a T. Maybe change a word or two, or use different terminology. These people dont understand how business works. They have no niche, and offer no competitive advantage. They will never succeed.

Therx's main competitor gets IT. They are trying to offer a better product, and higher quality product, a more aesthetically pleasing, organized product with big names.

It will take them year's before they have the well-oiled, self-sustaining machine that exists here.

Jan 1, 2006
Not only are there to many but most are just recycled members of the core Bettorsworld generation who branched off over the years and took other members pof the fourms they were in with em.

The newer ones by observations of my studies are filled with nothing but rejects, outcast,thieves and lo lifes from past years that have no where to go.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
WC Bias said:
This was a big issue here a year was always a non-issue to me but I think many others felt differently. He/she is most certainly a she, a very attractive one at that, you just have to follow the bouncing ball...

I like the posters at MVP, but many post here too.

She is probably a SHE. But that is NOT HER. You're better than this.

Roxygurl is an unattractive, overweight woman that has her alter-ego of online friends that makes her feel pretty. This is not meant to bash her, or make anyone feel bad. But, some people don't like having one pulled over on them and being lied to. I guarantee you everyone will vouch for this girl, talk about how I'm an asshole, but NOBODY has seen her face-to-face, in person. Just phone conversations and a picture or two.

It's not difficult to see. She passed that image of the hot blonde chick around the internet. That same blonde chick's picture is being used by either a guy or an unattractive female like Roxy, on her myspace buddy list. That fake girl/guy is trying to have online lesbian sex, etc. Now Roxy says "Ok Ok, you got me that wasnt me....but this one is of me...for real this time."

Roxy has a list of like 60 friends on her myspace thing. Half of them are fake Derek Jeters and Fake A-Rods. The other half are horny male myspace predators or other unattractive overweight females that get a rush out of having phone conversations, but NONE OF THEM have pictures on their picture wall back to Roxy, and Roxy has 2 pictures on her myspace: 1 of another fake girls picture, and the other picture is a blurry BS look-alike picture making it look like she has multiple pictures. The 2 girls in the picture with her, she names, but neither of them are on her myspace friends list, and surprise, neither of them would have any different photos of roxy.

Now, if Roxygurl wants to prove people wrong she can post multiple pictures of her flicking the bird, or blowing kisses, or going to the beach and having friends, and none of them should be blurry. And I'll happily come back here and apologize. But she will never do that, and she'll say "this is BS I have to go through, I am done with this." and do the excuse game.

Just like the girl on her friends list of the old picture she passed around. She has NO pictures besides that one showing her face unless they are blurry and of a distance. She has a picture laying on a bed upside down showing her boobs (no face), etc.

Finally, the "bi" thing. I dont know if you noticed, but most overweight, unattractive females are bi.

Look at her friends list, click around for 5 mins, I enjoyed my visit through the crazy mind. Lots of myspace penpales, lots of online never-met-you-before relationships. And even a couple of unattractive, overweight bi-sexual female friends.

I see these myspace profiles everyday. It's a standard fake profile. You've got the fake Michael Jordan profiles having all pictures of Jordan during a game, but none of those pictures are of Jordan at home with his kids unless it was in some magazine. No pictures of Michael laying watching TV. Nada. Same for Roxy. You have this perfect crystal-clear photo of her, and then this blurry ass fake picture that was googled.

Am I taking crazy pills here? Does nobody else see this????

Rx. Junior
Jun 24, 2005
Boxslayer32 said:
She is probably a SHE. But that is NOT HER. You're better than this.

Roxygurl is an unattractive, overweight woman that has her alter-ego of online friends that makes her feel pretty. This is not meant to bash her, or make anyone feel bad. But, some people don't like having one pulled over on them and being lied to. I guarantee you everyone will vouch for this girl, talk about how I'm an asshole, but NOBODY has seen her face-to-face, in person. Just phone conversations and a picture or two.

It's not difficult to see. She passed that image of the hot blonde chick around the internet. That same blonde chick's picture is being used by either a guy or an unattractive female like Roxy, on her myspace buddy list. That fake girl/guy is trying to have online lesbian sex, etc. Now Roxy says "Ok Ok, you got me that wasnt me....but this one is of me...for real this time."

Roxy has a list of like 60 friends on her myspace thing. Half of them are fake Derek Jeters and Fake A-Rods. The other half are horny male myspace predators or other unattractive overweight females that get a rush out of having phone conversations, but NONE OF THEM have pictures on their picture wall back to Roxy, and Roxy has 2 pictures on her myspace: 1 of another fake girls picture, and the other picture is a blurry BS look-alike picture making it look like she has multiple pictures. The 2 girls in the picture with her, she names, but neither of them are on her myspace friends list, and surprise, neither of them would have any different photos of roxy.

Now, if Roxygurl wants to prove people wrong she can post multiple pictures of her flicking the bird, or blowing kisses, or going to the beach and having friends, and none of them should be blurry. And I'll happily come back here and apologize. But she will never do that, and she'll say "this is BS I have to go through, I am done with this." and do the excuse game.

Just like the girl on her friends list of the old picture she passed around. She has NO pictures besides that one showing her face unless they are blurry and of a distance. She has a picture laying on a bed upside down showing her boobs (no face), etc.

Finally, the "bi" thing. I dont know if you noticed, but most overweight, unattractive females are bi.

Look at her friends list, click around for 5 mins, I enjoyed my visit through the crazy mind. Lots of myspace penpales, lots of online never-met-you-before relationships. And even a couple of unattractive, overweight bi-sexual female friends.

I see these myspace profiles everyday. It's a standard fake profile. You've got the fake Michael Jordan profiles having all pictures of Jordan during a game, but none of those pictures are of Jordan at home with his kids unless it was in some magazine. No pictures of Michael laying watching TV. Nada. Same for Roxy. You have this perfect crystal-clear photo of her, and then this blurry ass fake picture that was googled.

Am I taking crazy pills here? Does nobody else see this????

well said. glad someone else also thinks that just cause someone has a myspace page with pics, doesn't mean they're really who they say they are.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
roach me and you see eye to eye on a lot of things.

if for some reason i ever attend an rx bash, lets get shitfaced

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
you mean she/he doesnt really know Derek Jeter :monsters-

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