WWII was none of our business either, and frankly, look what it got us -- many dead Americans and a Europe that never misses an opportunity to take a shit on us.
The second-greatest traitor in American history manufactured an excuse to drag us into WWII despite the fact that an overwhelming majority -- as in, nearly 90% -- of Americans did not want to get involved. And so we went out, battled one horrifying racist atrocity in the west, and committed one horrifying racist atrocity in the east (does that mean we broke even or what?) lost many, many good men, made widows of American wives and orphans of American children and bereaved old men and women out of middle-aged American fathers and mothers, then had to babysit Japan until it was healthy enough to nearly take over our economy, and indirectly empowered Stalin, who imposed a much more sinister regime on many more people than Hitler did.
Why Hitler, but not Stalin?
Why Ho Chi Minh, but not Pol Pot?
Why Hussein, but not Khomeini?
Why Milosevic, but not Zhirinovksy?
Why Hussein now, but not in 1991?
I understand that it's a lot easier to guess the right course of action decades after the fact, but surely there is a better way to pick our "justified liberations" than by weighing our busy war schedule against the flip of a coin, which seems to be the current methodology used.
I humbly suggest that our military be used in the event of direct threats to America, American interests abroad, or when required by treaty, and absolutely at no other time. Not for patrolling Times Square. Not for toppling little pissant regimes. Not for attempting to flex our muscles at the little terrorist goat-fukcers (who after all, will just blow up whatever we put in front of them anyway, ref. Beirut, ref. Somalia, ref. Embassies in Africa, ref. USS Cole, ref. Trade Center attacks [1993 and 2001] ref. Pentagon attack, and so forth. Fukcing terrorists make us look like bigger assholes than we really are, which is no mean feat.)
Defence of our country, honour of our diplomatic obligations, and no other purpose. Hell, for what we are spending in a month on maintainance -- let alone the cost of the invasion itself -- we could have funded an insurgency movement and toppled him even easier than we did.