What are you talking about? The only thing we can do is keep throwing money at the banks? It was their decision to print more money than could be backed by gold, wasn't it? They said, no penalty , no foul, because they realized they could make much more money that way. And the ninja loans, they are caught red handed, no income, no job, no assets. A gold money system is like kryptonite to them the power to create profit is limited by the amount of gold in the country. There are moneymakers first managers second. Right now, they've just finished playing a huge game of Monopoly with this country and the game is over. They own all the properties, but they can't get the rent from us because of their their foolish beliefs. Like currency and credit inflation environment can exist at the same time.
Alan Greenspan said before he was bought off by the Fed the dirty little secret of deficit spending is that it simply a plan for the confiscation of the wealth.
The Austrian School of Economics was right all along. When they stated that no economy can survive under the Fiat system they were right. But that didn't stop the Fed from enabling the system to exist in this country basically since the end of World War I. When countries was strapped for money for reconstruction, and all those tanks or bullets. Put them in the position that they couldn't pay back the notes on demand. So they suspended the rule, knowing full well that from then on they had this country by the balls.
In 1971, they abandoned the Bretton Woods system and the dollar was no longer redeemable in gold for American citizens, only to foreigners.
If you want to call it a currency system why didn't the Fed offered to back this invisible currency with gold ? Because they're not stupid. They know a fiat currency system, always leads to hyperinflation and eventual collapse of the currency. That is backed by nothing. Not even the institution printing the money. The Fed.
I think they have all sat down and talked long and hard about what to do about this mess that they admit amongst themselves that they let get out of hand. The conclusion they have arrived at will not be pleasant for Americans. Since we are all reduced to useless eaters and bad credit risks and broke in trying to save what's left of our lives, while others live in cars and some under trees. They insist on buying a $50 million jets and giving themselves $1 billion bonuses for the destruction they have done causes death and will cause many deaths in the years ahead. This will be their way of writing us off as bad paper..
The only way out for them is to collapse the economy and the currency with it because you cant fix it you have to break it down so you can start over. That is exactly what their agenda is. That is their bailout plan for you.~~:<<