Anyone know the <golf plays> this week?


Sep 21, 2004
Another good poster (Keith) with some valuable info is moving on. Sure wish somebody would put an end to this and let this get back to a sports info forum instead of the BS that it is now.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

That is what the RR is for. To flame & whine. If you want sports go to the sports forums please.

I think keith stated he was leaving the RR. i would suggest you do the same if you do not like. All goes down here.

Good luck

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I love to see the wom,en moving on. good job general. shoot there mouth off and then get angry when they get made to look like asshole. Funniest thread i can see for a while.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
And the beat goes on. McIrish you are the man. Too many pussies were here in the RR trying to act like tough guys. These guys are want to be tough guys that whine like little bitches when you throw things back in their faces. Maybe we should start a new forum and call it the "Pussy room" and Raiders and his chumps can have a shoulder to cry on. jBecause they sure as hell can hang with "da men."

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The General

Chief Executive Officer of Morale Control
posted October 16, 2003 02:15 PM

That is what the RR is for. To flame & whine. If you want sports go to the sports forums please.

Since when ? A few days ago the boss himself locked up a thread right here. And you had nothing to say about that.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
I beg to differ Don. I got the thread unlocked. It took awhile to get with Ken. Nothing has changed here in the RR as far as the flaming goes Sir.

Take care

New member
Sep 1, 2002
The General. General Pete. Do you not understand that the point is that the thread was locked in the first place. It is not as if you just unlocked it. You had to wait for permission from your boss, the one who made the mistake in the first place. Because he was "tired of hearing about it."

Kudos to Fish, Dante, et al for avoiding this embarassing episode of moderation implosion. You guys are unfortunately living up to everything of which others are asserting.


SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Thanks MFG - they are probably right though, even messing around down here I shouldn't do it. My mistake. I play too rough with others at times.

I enjoyed the hell out of it though.

New member
Sep 1, 2002

Yes, you are a really tough guy. Hard for one to hang on against the onslaught of your wit and wisdom. You have really told off us lowlifes, made yourself look really <intelligent>.

Thanks for allowing me to spar with you. I guess you are just too much for me to handle, what with your <goofing> style you so much enjoy.

Check out your <cluepon>. You need a clue in the worst kind of way. Folks who really care about this place are being turned off right and left and all you can say is "I still have a few rats to flush."

Patrick, here's hoping you get a grip soon.


p.s. Just so you know, I wouldn't still be here if I didn't really give a shit. Also please note I have kept my comments in the basement.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Say what you want down here man, I'm not complaining even on the personal stuff said about me. I'm heartsick over my dad so if I can live with the stuff they say over there about him I can live with your comments too.

For the record that racial stuff does make me sick. I'm no do-gooder or anything but I know what Sea thinks of Jewish people, its still on my answering machine from when I tried to help him. Banned4Life is even worse, thinks his Arnold Swartenigger stuff he posted over there is funny to go along with his well documented views on nonwhites. It's just a pathetic place for me and I have a hard time dealing with anyone associated with that place in a respectful way. However it's my job too so I will attempt to do better in that regard.

Combine the race stuff with the people who have ratted out folks and stiffed people it's just not a place I take seriously. The mod even scammed Sportbet out of money and never gave it back! However I don't hate anyone man, if I did it would make me just like those "Jew haters" over there. Enough hatred out there already without me joining in. In fact even before that site was easy to find I used to send the link out to people who would ask me about it. Usually said something good about it too, "it's small but it will grow. The more options the better for the players" etc....

Don't believe that stuff about a huge war going on here, if I was concerned about another site it would CM's or Wongs place. Some people will prefer places like that site you post at though and some will prefer it here, some will like both. Makes no difference to me where anyone goes if they can respect this place when they are here. Not once have I ever come close to putting heat on anyone to stay here, that's stupid man. As far as me cutting up down here and laughing at "respected posters" of other sites I agree that was immature and am going to move past that. Even joking around in the Rubber Room I wouldn't like a mod poking fun at me so will try and lay off except in extreme situations. I apologize if I offended anyone.

Sep 21, 2004

That is what the RR is for. To flame & whine. If you want sports go to the sports forums please.

I think keith stated he was leaving the RR. i would suggest you do the same if you do not like. All goes down here.

Good luck

General--Not surprised by your comment. But what you really should have said was "Anything that WE want, goes down here". Oh, and by the way, I can make my own decisions about where I want to post and if I want to leave. Have a nice day.

Sep 21, 2004
General--One more thing. you say if I want sports to go to the sports forums. If that is the case then why is the TFZ still here and why do you post your picks in it. Is that not sports???
I am sure you read on that other<respected> (as you called it) site that an apology was posted about the nasty post about your father. At least someone had the courage to do that over there which is a hell of a lot better then your friend Koke did over here with regards to his mother comments.
As I also stated to you, I did post a reply to the comment over there along the same line as I did over here.
You can unmoderate all you want down here but ultimately are still responsible for this sites content.
Your friend Koke can call me a pussy all he wants-that just shows his age since I have never called anyone anything ever on this site but when he has to involve peoples families, then he is out of control.There is no need for it and your response on the issue is just endorsing it to continue. What the post be deleted if the comments about your father where posted here? My money is on yes.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Are you to stupid to read keith? we can post whaty we want down here. stay out and find you a knitting forum if the posters are to mean for you. What a bunch of primadonnas down here. donnie wants ass kisses or he pout and cry, keith wants specal treatment or he treaten to leave to. bbwwhahahahaha. grow a set of balls or take the ball and go home NO BODY CARES

New member
Sep 21, 2004
can some person put the quote where keith is still cryong over? this is over two weeks old and he cry every day. bwwahaahhahah Even after they say it okay in the rubber room to say what i say. WHO SAY IT and what they say that he want specal favors. it must be vicios to see a grown man cry this lonmg. can we get widdle crying towel for keithy?

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002

I think we have a minor misunderstanding. I am not wanting an argument. Things will happen here that we will not allow in the sports forums. I do not care where you post. You seem aggravated down here.

The room is for all attitudes.

Good luck to you Sir

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
Keith - been working a weird shift so actually I had not seen that until recently. I can't sign-in over there though I did register once, maybe I am using the wrong password. Anyway I sent this to someone who is over there to post for me. I will post it here as well. BTW you are wrong, if someone posted that about my mother, father or brother down here in the Rubber Room I would not delete it or ban them. I told you before I think it's in bad taste but this forum is set up so that taste is not regulated down here. It's silly to talk of someone's family but I guarantee you some will do it, if they do it to me down here I have to live with it like everyone else.

>>>Banned - I don't think you had to apologize at all for that nor was I expecting one. I am surprised actually but more than happy to accept it, I feel it takes a man to do what you did. Sorry if I made a fuss about it but we had a very close family who seemed to turn inward for support rather than outward. It was a beast for a while back then BUT we all have our own battles to fight, I am certainly not the only one who has lost his family or been through tough times. Everyone has, if not unfortunately they will be one day. Puts the rest of this in perspective. Anyway thanks I really do appreciate it though.

BTW sorry you took some heat for it but I give you my word I have nothing to do with anyone in this thread who attacked you.


New member
Sep 1, 2002

Golf play <cashed> Byrd over Gamez. Since that is the premise you used to start this personal attack, I thought you would enjoy knowing the result.


p.s. Aren't you on the e-mail list for the plays early.

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