Anyone ever went to a Gamblers Anoymous meeting?


EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
I went to one over a decade ago at ex-wife's urging. An older guy pulled me aside and vetted me with a bunch of questions.

"Have you ever been preoccupied with gambling while you're at work or school?" Yes
"Have you ever chased losses?" Duh

Few more questions and he was convinced I belonged. I stayed that night but never went back. Turns out I had a drinking problem anyway, not a gambling problem. I quit blacking out every night and I magically quit losing thousands in a sitting at the online casino. Funny how that works.

Dec 27, 2011
I went to one over a decade ago at ex-wife's urging. An older guy pulled me aside and vetted me with a bunch of questions.

"Have you ever been preoccupied with gambling while you're at work or school?" Yes
"Have you ever chased losses?" Duh

Few more questions and he was convinced I belonged. I stayed that night but never went back. Turns out I had a drinking problem anyway, not a gambling problem. I quit blacking out every night and I magically quit losing thousands in a sitting at the online casino. Funny how that works.

damn you kicked abusing alcohol and gambling in tandem.. life must've gotten boring at that time for you

Friendly and Helpful
Jun 28, 2009
Back somewhere in 2000 I had to take a friend to GA. I had tried everything with him to get him to stop, he was bad and on the verge of committing suicide over his losses, it was that bad. He wouldn't go to the meeting alone and would only go if I went. So I took him. It was held in a church of all places. Go into a reception room and there was men and women but mainly men. They had chairs in a circle and once the meeting started a guy who led the meeting stepped in the center and basically asked how everyone was doing and stated there were regulars there, some newer folks and some brand new faces. I sat in the back watching and listened. I won't forget the guy yelled over to me that it was ok to join. I politely declined and said I was there for support only.

One by one, a guy would get up say his first name, how long it had been since he bet and how he was doing. Many were struggling because sports all over tv and the temptation was great. Ladies got up and told of going to the casino and playing slots. It was a weird dynamic because the women were all slot players and the men were all sports gamblers but the guy running it ran a smooth meeting and offered supports and tips to stem the urge.

My friend got up and said his full name, the guy running the meeting said only first names here. Hi I'm **** I haven't gambled since last night, damn fucking Pirates cost me. I need help and my friend said this was place to get it since I am a knucklehead and won't listen to anyone. I've contemplated killing myself, but then with my luck, I wouldn't die and have a fucked up rest of my life in pain and mangled.

After hearing this, I let out a chuckle because I couldn't believe he said all that. The guy running the meeting stood up and said **** we've all been there before and went on this 15 minute epic beat down of sorts but it wasn't said like a beatdown it was uplifting but it was a beatdown nonetheless.

After the meeting the people either got up and just left or they stood and talked before leaving. They had the next meeting day planned for those that wanted to attend.

I never went back in but took my friend for a year until he no longer needed me to drive him there. He hasn't bet to my knowledge since then and he'll talk about sports with the best of them which makes it even more amazing. He ended on the good side of things and turned his life around. He thanks me for it all the time because he easily could've ended up and no one would have known until it was too late.

Fucking Pirates !!!!

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
i went in mid 80s, room 105 at the crystal cathedral
Feb 4, 2019
Went back in the mid 80's only because my girl made me. A couple stories were how a guy was losing his bet on a hockey game and his kid kept walking in front of the TV he got so pissed he threw his little boy through a wall. Another A guy got 300K insurance money as his wife was very sick with cancer and he blew it gambling, she didn't get the care she needed and passed. Just a couple. Many people at GA meetings are for scratch offs and lottery. Me I didn't want to be there and was calling sports phone on breaks. It was shortly after that meeting I started to book and did so for 20+ years.

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