Correct, you cannot reach us with FAKE CLOWN NEWS.What y'all consider evidence is juvenile. But I can't reach you. I'm OK with that
Pzifer Willie still thinks Vaxes are good because he talked to some doctors
Globalist Willie still thinks the Dems just have bad policy and are not trying to destroy this country
Domestic Violence Willie still thinks that because he claims he didnt touch her that he is not guilty of abuse
MSM loving Willie still thinks Bin Laden was the 911 culprit
Zionist Willie still thinks Isreael are the friend of the USA
But I would still trust that ignorant twat racist to hold contest money......
Same as Trumps Assassination guy. Two diff picsI just read that the guy wrote a manifesto. Well, that's a major red flag. A sign that this whole thing could be fake and gay. Another Sandy Hook. Another Boston Bombing. Now we're seeing pictures of him that look different, but are being told it's the same guy.