Anybody know where G-Man is ?


Jan 12, 2019
NO they didnt! Thats why they made you remove the fake 300 units won you claimed ! They left you other "winning player" claims there because one play over 3 years doesnt matter. LOL. But posting +300 units won was a lie and they made you pull it down!
Just tell the truth about your fake "300 units won" claims Doc. Why did you post that and then had to remove it?

LOL. The 300 units won in links? Where are they ? On Mars?

None here for bases or foots or baskets? Tell the forum why you made the fake 300 units profits claims!

You make fraudelent claims about many things and never have any proof.
You claimed they were here at the RX! Show us where they are! Youre lying as usual . Show everyone HERE YOUR posted wins that accumulated 300 units!

Like I said when are you going to post ANY plays! LOL They made you remove your 300 units win claim!!!

Total lie again Doc... You were told one more lie and your gone. The PM from the owner verified it. You never provided any links to your plays at all for your wild 300 units won claims! Shit! dont you think your three friends here would love to win 300 units off your posted plays since you bash everyone else's plays? Where are YOURS!?

I was sent PMs verifing your lies and there was 3 other people there who also said you have no plays to your claims.
Post those fake links HERE since e you claim you sent verifiable links. LOL Everyone here at RX can 't find any with these 300 units won in any sport,. Thats why they made you TAKE it down across the street.!!!

But they can all see where you said "fade G-Man" and you lost 6k in bases you went 9-26 fading my Bowls and last year you were on the opp side of my 59% win rate in NFL which netted here over 6200.00 for me.

JUST show this Forum your lies that you claim where posted here at the RX? the other place never got them. AT ALLL! because they're NOT here!

I lost bases on the last day, So what. All my plays are real and posted . Where are yours. ?

Youre still obsessed with so much embarrassment for being exposed at your lies its still killing you...What person beside BigLou . MCM or all the aliases you guys use would ever care about what someone else's plays are - when you dont bet or post plays?

Go to the NFL forum and show us all YOUR plays ? Go to the MLB forum and show us your posted pays. GO to the basket ball forum and show its your plays here> Show everyone here your wild claims were you posted 300 units profit in these three sports.

My posted plays are all here and else where.
Just man-up boy and paste them here, since you said you sent them somewhere else.
Like I said...where is you signature claims at here? They dont exist - because you have NONE!

Ive asked this uselees thread to be sent to the Rubber Room because thats were all your bullshit claims belong. Not here in a picks forum...
Grow up..

You have some serious mental issues - as you've stalked me at 3 different forums (also using aliases) as well as stalking others.

Its always the same guys. and they dont post plays...LOL
ARE you posting and fading plays this Friday JULY 19th on bases?

I see you have NOT posted one play all season in bases that you claim you do? Where are they DOC !
Show THIS forum your posted links!
They are nowhere!!!

Put up or shut up! We're all waiting!

I could say I won over 4
million is hockey the last 3 years. But i didnt and dont play hockey but it sounds good for a mental patient like you...

Start a new thread in the Rubber room and lie all you want over there. Its useless here. This is a MLB picks forum. Go get your attention there.
Maybe you should post your plays there since you have none here - Im sure they will be followed by the others who thrive on drama-bashing... enjoy!.
wow I bet your fingers hurt. What was that about 5 pages in different font and big letters saying the same things over and over hoping that someone would actually believe what you say is true???

when you acted like this before you were banned here… and then your best buddy and mod at another forum straight up said you have totally lost your mind…. Which is hard to argue with

They didn’t make me remove anything. After they had a chance to look at everything I was told my sig was fine. However I offered to change some things on it to make it easier on them.. since it’s obvious you were off your rocker on it… and still are.. hence your multiple bans there

And I guess since you’ve been banned on multiple forums now you arw back here to resume your mess.

anyway it’s clear now not only on this forum but the forum across the street that you loved so much and claimed you could get peoples banned from…. That you have zero credibility anywhere

Jan 12, 2019
Here’s the question gman…

if I was told I had to remove the sig or be banned… if I was told one more lie and I’d be banned…. And I’ve never been banned there, the sig is still up… and you’ve been banned twice.. and are currently still banned….

AND… this is the forum you claim wouldn’t put up with me and my BS.. yet you are the one they banished?

and im wrong????

we all know your picks are bad… but all that retoric shows what your buddy said.. you’ve completely lost your mind…. Might as well call you sleepy joe

Jan 12, 2019
It must really gnaw at you that I’m a posted winner and you are one of the biggest losers any forum has seen over the last 4/5 year period….

throwing around death wishes…. Shows your true colors… right out of Joe Bidens play book
Jul 13, 2024
It must really gnaw at you that I’m a posted winner and you are one of the biggest losers any forum has seen over the last 4/5 year period….

throwing around death wishes…. Shows your true colors… right out of Joe Bidens play book
Guy just can’t handle the truth. I ask him to show me someone who “pays” for his picks. He could produce nothing and ignored the question. Just a good laugh daily honestly.

Jan 12, 2019
He just made a death threat to me on here… it was quickly deleted by the mods….he literally said here is my death wish… he wishes death on mebecause he thinks I lie….

amazing how off the rocker this guy is
Jul 13, 2024
He just made a death threat to me on here… it was quickly deleted by the mods….he literally said here is my death wish… he wishes death on mebecause he thinks I lie….

amazing how off the rocker this guy is
Wow mods put up with death wishes? Mods have bosses as well.

Jan 12, 2019
Guess if he doesn’t respond he’s been banned. He probably should be banned from all forums. Guy is not clear in the head
Jul 13, 2024
Guess if he doesn’t respond he’s been banned. He probably should be banned from all forums. Guy is not clear in the head
The other guy with him over there pirate was fact checked on his record, his “stories”, and on the people he claimed to be friends with(none of them claimed to know him) and holes like Swiss cheese when questioned or insults of course. Proven loser.
Gboy was just called out for his usual in correct and losing record and claiming to have “followers” yet not a single one showed up, besides the ones that were their 1st post of course. It’s a pattern with them.

Dec 18, 2017
Its real simple Doc. Show us the plays you posted that you showed the whole forum that you won300 units in bases foots and baskets. LOL

I gave you a fair time to post your friday plays in MLB for tomorrow? Well - where are they.
Your dilarious about any death wish. LOL.. I threadten no one.
Not even a small wimp like you - who cant post any proof af your wild claim that you won over 300 units. You killed your own character here with lies about your fake record of winning 300 units!

Its NOT at the other place anymore - because you couldnt provide the links to your posted claims of having 300 units won in all 3 sports...!!! LOL

The" links" showing you won 300 units you said you posted -were supposed to be HERE at the RX and they don't exist!

C'Mon big Mouth! Lets see those links. Ive searched this entire forum and they're not here.
None of your fake friends could produce them for you either! LOL

C'Mom MCM or any other aliases.. gather them up for your pal Doc the liar and help him prove he won 300 unit in all 3 sports that the whole forum can see..

You know how to post everyone else's plays and links - why cant you find your OWN links to you claiming you won 300 units! - which are all lies.

Youre the one with mental issues.
You've been ranting in this thread for 5 months! LOL< and you started it! LOL

YOU followed me to 3 different sites and stalked me . Funny how you didnt have anything to say when I won 1700.00 in March madness and was #1 across the street,, Funny how you didnt have anything to say again when I won 6200.00 in NFL this past season and went 59%!.. LOL

The shocking truth is = you NEVER posted one fade of all my posts in thos ethreads which were all winners. LOL

So again small-mind Doc...Post your MLB plays for Friday tomorrow July 19TH!
That way - everyone who follows you (all 3 of them) can see what the entire forum already knows ...that you are a liar and a fraud and the ONLY person here in your 5 years to post a Fake MLB 1000.00 bet ticket---the DAY AFTER the games were played and it was so fraudulent that it missed the TIME stamp /Date and Ticket number!!!

Why dont you go copy that link and post it here AGAIN for the few suckers that tag along here with your bullshit claims in your home here...The Rubber Room"

Were all waiting Doc! LOL.
Jul 13, 2024
Its real simple Doc. Show us the plays you posted that you showed the whole forum that you won300 units in bases foots and baskets. LOL

I gave you a fair time to post your friday plays in MLB for tomorrow? Well - where are they.
Your dilarious about any death wish. LOL.. I threadten no one.
Not even a small wimp like you - who cant post any proof af your wild claim that you won over 300 units. You killed your own character here with lies about your fake record of winning 300 units!

Its NOT at the other place anymore - because you couldnt provide the links to your posted claims of having 300 units won in all 3 sports...!!! LOL

The" links" showing you won 300 units you said you posted -were supposed to be HERE at the RX and they don't exist!

C'Mon big Mouth! Lets see those links. Ive searched this entire forum and they're not here.
None of your fake friends could produce them for you either! LOL

C'Mom MCM or any other aliases.. gather them up for your pal Doc the liar and help him prove he won 300 unit in all 3 sports that the whole forum can see..

You know how to post everyone else's plays and links - why cant you find your OWN links to you claiming you won 300 units! - which are all lies.

Youre the one with mental issues.
You've been ranting in this thread for 5 months! LOL< and you started it! LOL

YOU followed me to 3 different sites and stalked me . Funny how you didnt have anything to say when I won 1700.00 in March madness and was #1 across the street,, Funny how you didnt have anything to say again when I won 6200.00 in NFL this past season and went 59%!.. LOL

The shocking truth is = you NEVER posted one fade of all my posts in thos ethreads which were all winners. LOL

So again small-mind Doc...Post your MLB plays for Friday tomorrow July 19TH!
That way - everyone who follows you (all 3 of them) can see what the entire forum already knows ...that you are a liar and a fraud and the ONLY person here in your 5 years to post a Fake MLB 1000.00 bet ticket---the DAY AFTER the games were played and it was so fraudulent that it missed the TIME stamp /Date and Ticket number!!!

Why dont you go copy that link and post it here AGAIN for the few suckers that tag along here with your bullshit claims in your home here...The Rubber Room"

Were all waiting Doc! LOL.
Take a breath guy. There is no “we” waiting on doc. No one is waiting besides you.

Jan 12, 2019
So you’re saying that you didn’t make a post where you made a death wish upon me?

Jan 18, 2017
Take a breath guy. There is no “we” waiting on doc. No one is waiting besides you.
Maybe he should talk to his lover boy and fraud buddy Pirate about making false claims of units won. Ya know, the documented loser who never has had a losing day, week, month or season, even if he's 5-25 in a single day. All the lies for what one might ask? Diaper money for a 3 year old.
Jul 13, 2024
Hey Patriot - are you another Doc alias or MCM... You seem to sure be around just as timely and often as Doc?

Or...!Are You Big Lou-Ser here now as Patriot...?
If so You were C-70Blues over there Louie and were banned and cant come back. the owner there was informed - buy one of your former friends here- who PM'd me and revealed that you were using an alias to hide behind - and that you were using the alias name as "C-70 Blues" there because you didnt want the Big Lou-Ser name there to show you were stalking Pirate and me there.

Why cant you pussies just be one name? Because youre all frauds. How was your NFL challenge here last year against me, Big Lou-Ser... You were soundly pummeled by my 59% and $6200.00 in wins. Well?

Also why aren't you back here? Too many lies.? Your Big-Lou Returns username is banned.

I was temporailyy banned for posting another forum link . Thats why I was banned the one and only time here. Which all of you guys went there and stalked ..

You Doc and others have been banned numerous times. and due for more infractions.

Thanks for the rubber room. it means you cant post negative remarks and lies in normal Forum threads anymore with clutter and lies.

Can any of you guys here win at anything? So far none of you have...
Better yet. When was the last time any one you posted any plays in Bases, Foots and Baskets? LOL
You sound dumber with every post you make. No mods told you shit about me and I can guarantee you that! You could not be more wrong. What mod gman? Let’s go fucktard you opened your mouth let’s see which mod told me about you?? Or is this a situation like your “capping” just another lie?

Jan 12, 2019

please review the thread and post and response that was deleted yesterday. Gman wished death upon me which is against even the rubber room forum rules and handle accordingly. I’m sure you have access to removed posts.

this idiot is physco

Dec 18, 2017

please review the thread and post and response that was deleted yesterday. Gman wished death upon me which is against even the rubber room forum rules and handle accordingly. I’m sure you have access to removed posts.

this idiot is physco
LOL.. Keep making shit up. No one here is ever wished death. Just keep on crying...

You have killed your own character here all by yourself for posting a fake 1000.00 dollar bet ticket and posted it a day later after the game was played - with no timestamp /date and ticket number.
Can you please dig that up a post it here again?

Youre the sick man that keeps theses treads going. It was 5 months before I made a response when you started all this.
I Was on another forum and I have been for months. Not posting here. Yet your sick mental condition has you constantly bashing guys who arent posting here and you stalked both us and went to al three forums to do it..

If anyone here is sick - its you the stalker - and trolling every day with your pals and who are as immature and deranged.

Youre like the sick democrats with Trump derangement syndrome....--- except you have Pirate and G-Man Derangement Syndrome.LOL...4-5 years of it ...LOL.

Sad.... Post plays Doc - not fake records and fake betting tickets.

Apr 18, 2019
LOL.. Keep making shit up. No one here is ever wished death. Just keep on crying...

You have killed your own character here all by yourself for posting a fake 1000.00 dollar bet ticket and posted it a day later after the game was played - with no timestamp /date and ticket number.
Can you please dig that up a post it here again?

Youre the sick man that keeps theses treads going. It was 5 months before I made a response when you started all this.
I Was on another forum and I have been for months. Not posting here. Yet your sick mental condition has you constantly bashing guys who arent posting here and you stalked both us and went to al three forums to do it..

If anyone here is sick - its you the stalker - and trolling every day with your pals and who are as immature and deranged.

Youre like the sick democrats with Trump derangement syndrome....--- except you have Pirate and G-Man Derangement Syndrome.LOL...4-5 years of it ...LOL.

Sad.... Post plays Doc - not fake records and fake betting tickets.
You have no credibility. How many times can your record disappear or start over when you’re down big? You pull shit like that and then cry when people call you out. You’re a fraud loser just like pirate

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