Death: Solid job man! One thing I have learned doing this is that do things in life that you love, and if you love to eat, then damnit EAT! You only live once. You can still have a nice build and eat whatever the hell you want really (to an extent). Try this. Make small adjustements to your diet. Dont cut out pizza, soda, etc whatever your favorite foods are, however DO slightly cut the number of calories that you are eating. If you are eating 5 slices of pizza at a sitting, cut that down to 3, and throw in either a protein shake or some peanuts to fill you up the rest of the way. Instead of going for 3 scoops of ice cream, take two.
No reason to cut out bad food in my opinion, thats what makes life great is that kind of food. My brother ate the SAME food every day for months--all healthy--chicken breasts, veggies, etc...Thats good to eat, but the hell if im not gonna splurge haha.
The splits I use with my clients go like this:
Frid-Gunshow (Bi's/Tri's)
If you cant work out 5 days per week, cut it down to three or 4 and combine shoulders/back day, etc...
I have countless, countless workouts for each bodypart on upperbody day, so if you want to give one a try let me know and I'll put together something nice.
P.S. you do alot of investing?
Coach: I disagree more cardio than weight training when over 40. Why? What evidence supports this? The way my clients train they burn ALOT more Calories with weight training and how its set up compared to cardio. I believe the only true way to do Cardio is doing HIIT.....Simply hopping on a machine and doing "Cardio" won't get you the full benefits, because with no strict cardio program you wont push yourself to the max--human nature.