V do the forum a favor and shut the fuck up dude
Hilary's day is coming Nancy.... just need to get certain people out of the justice dept .. to many holdovers willing to look the other way ...
if anyone should be on post review dude it you, i would think a lot of posters here would agree with me, you are always in posts causing trouble and trying to hate on posters with your close minded views
She will be fine. Besides.....I thought she had all these health problems and would be dead by now? More fake news.
Trumps bes bud and election fixer Comey has already cleared Hillary...but I'm sure your dreamworld tells you different. With all her problems, she got 3 million more votes than the orange dummy.
Who cares about the 3 million votes out of California ? What does that exactly get you Nancy ? Why don't you go to one of Hilarys rallies...sure it would be the time of your life
Vitterd is like Assad, BAS is like Putin
Everyone wants him removed but he has a powerful ally propping him up.
Except it's not going to end well for the one you describe with the first three letters ASS .
Give a man enough rope and eventually. ^<<^