Why would you want to spend $50 a year? To get the card? If so, become a member for a year, get the card and don't renew.
I have to admit that it would be nice to have the card....at least it would make my mom proud...I thought it cost a good deal more than 50 dollars....
If a person is intelligent enough to answer guestions like these in less than 60 seconds they have Mensa potential.
Only one other word can be made from all the letters of INSATIABLE. Can you find it?
Which number comes next in this series of numbers?
2 3 5 7 11 13 ?
What word can be found if one fills in the missing letters: S_ _ _u_p_ _ _ _i_n?
Only 3% of persons ever asked this question were able to answer it correctly unless they had the internet available to look it up on. You be your own proctor. Try answering off the top of your head without any help at all.