It is a tragedy that a simple farmer, who should be protected by the government has been abandoned and had to defend himself. That is bad enough, but the government that caused this, now wishes to persecute him. Not only that, they are holding this old farmer on 1 million dollar bail, which anyone can see is purely political. This will ruin the remaining years of this gentleman's life, through no fault of his own. Are you as outraged as I am? This man should not have to spend a night in jail.
All of you have been so generous that I have raised the goal. Your generosity has been beyond my wildest dreams, thank you so much and may God bless each and every one of you.
Praise God almighty! This is growing so fast, that I am raising it again. WE are going to raise enough to really help this gentleman. May God bless you all!
This is amazing, when I started this campaign I set a goal of 25k and thought it would be hard to reach. But the injustice shown to Mr. Kelly has moved many hundreds of Christian Patriots to rally to his defense. The communists in charge of Santa Cruz will not let Mr. Kelly even talk to his wife according to the news reports. So he does not yet know of your support and generosity. Pray that we can let him know soon, so that he will at least have some relief from the terrible strain that has been put upon him. I am not just financially speaking; I am sure if he could see the outpouring of support from all of you American Patriots it would bring joy to his heart. He will soon learn of it but the sooner the better. I am told that there are Patriots bringing it to President Trump's attention, hopefully President Trump will stand up for him and the American people against this outrage.
May a just God bless you all.
This just in, woke Newsweek cancelled this post:
"Woke gofundme denied Mr. Kellys fundraiser but you can help here:"
Read more