Another Exceptional Read- World facts


Jun 15, 2010
He's a dork, and imagine thinking responses to her article means something?

JFC, embarrassing just to know we share the same forum

It's like trying to debate a 4 year old, just less challenging.

He doesn't even know what facts are, how do you reason with that? And why do you bother trying?

Go argue with your toilet bowl, then tell me where it got you

Well thats just it Willie there isnt a reason to argue. Mob just flat out doesnt have a fucking clue. When I say that I mean in the most basic and fundamental way. A person that calls themselves " the realness" and constantly talks about what great things theyve accomplished on a forum has maturity problems. Its very difficult to speak to let alone agrue with people who lack maturity, you just end up talking in circles because theres no rational thinking. Mob has probably never been put in a position where his critical thinking skills have ever been tested. With 100% certainty: He has no children. Has never been married. Has never served in military. Definitely doesnt own his own place, but also possibly still lives at home, so never had to be independent. Which also means never went to college. I can go on but the point is never been "forced" to grow up and had to start really calculating decisions, weighing both sides of an option and making the best decision because the outcome is that important. I'm not saying the situations mentioned above are the only way a person can mature and get a real perspective on how to approach life but they definitely help. Having rational debates with somebody who literally doesnt know their own ignorance will make your head explode, especially when said person s ignorance is only exceeded by the lack of awareness that they are ignorant. To go even a step further, to than see that this same idiot quote themselves and say " the boy was dropping nuggets of wisdom" makes me pity that person on a molecular level.

Theres been nuggets of shit with more wisdom than mob
Feb 6, 2007
Well thats just it Willie there isnt a reason to argue. Mob just flat out doesnt have a fucking clue. When I say that I mean in the most basic and fundamental way. A person that calls themselves " the realness" and constantly talks about what great things theyve accomplished on a forum has maturity problems. Its very difficult to speak to let alone agrue with people who lack maturity, you just end up talking in circles because theres no rational thinking. Mob has probably never been put in a position where his critical thinking skills have ever been tested. With 100% certainty: He has no children. Has never been married. Has never served in military. Definitely doesnt own his own place, but also possibly still lives at home, so never had to be independent. Which also means never went to college. I can go on but the point is never been "forced" to grow up and had to start really calculating decisions, weighing both sides of an option and making the best decision because the outcome is that important. I'm not saying the situations mentioned above are the only way a person can mature and get a real perspective on how to approach life but they definitely help. Having rational debates with somebody who literally doesnt know their own ignorance will make your head explode, especially when said person s ignorance is only exceeded by the lack of awareness that they are ignorant. To go even a step further, to than see that this same idiot quote themselves and say " the boy was dropping nuggets of wisdom" makes me pity that person on a molecular level.

Theres been nuggets of shit with more wisdom than mob

Everytime you ramble off a short story novel about how I am conceited and love myself and think I’m the greatest, etc, etc. I can’t help but think about your lord and savior, Donald Trump. Who does this repeatedly. Why are you in love with that? But when I do it, it’s problematic for you. Lmfaooooo. Interesting.

You don’t know shit about me. Go take some shots of Clorox

Jun 15, 2010
Everytime you ramble off a short story novel about how I am conceited and love myself and think I’m the greatest, etc, etc. I can’t help but think about your lord and savior, Donald Trump. Who does this repeatedly. Why are you in love with that? But when I do it, it’s problematic for you. Lmfaooooo. Interesting.

You don’t know shit about me.

Where did I mention trump? This is the issue you have, your obsessed with an idea or theory and its all you think about. Your a hoke of an individual

Jun 15, 2010
Everytime you ramble off a short story novel about how I am conceited and love myself and think I’m the greatest, etc, etc. I can’t help but think about your lord and savior, Donald Trump. Who does this repeatedly. Why are you in love with that? But when I do it, it’s problematic for you. Lmfaooooo. Interesting.

You don’t know shit about me.

Where did I mention trump? This is the issue you have, your obsessed with an idea or theory and its all you think about. Your a joke of an individual. I dont care what side you are for or against you wanna be somebody that your not
Feb 6, 2007
Where did I mention trump? This is the issue you have, your obsessed with an idea or theory and its all you think about. Your a joke of an individual. I dont care what side you are for or against you wanna be somebody that your not

You didn’t have to. You trying to bash how I act but I bet you you love Trump, and he acts the same way. Can’t have it both ways fuckface. You have been describing him exactly when you talk about me the past handful of posts. You keep saying how it’s all about me me me me me.

That doesn’t found familiar to you? Of course it doesn’t.

Lmfao you don’t know shit pal.

Jun 15, 2010
You didn’t have to. You trying to bash how I act but I bet you you love Trump, and he acts the same way. Can’t have it both ways fuckface. You have been describing him exactly when you talk about me the past handful of posts. You keep saying how it’s all about me me me me me.

That doesn’t found familiar to you? Of course it doesn’t.

Lmfao you don’t know shit pal.

No bashing, I despise the way you conduct yourself as a person, and tout yourself as the brightest individual on earth. Right, nobody knows shit, except you
Feb 6, 2007
No bashing, I despise the way you conduct yourself as a person, and tout yourself as the brightest individual on earth. Right, nobody knows shit, except you

The way I conduct myself as a person. Lmao. Ok. All you’re doing is showing me you don’t understand why I act the way I do in this section.
Feb 6, 2007
Great conclusion. Good luck with life bozo, you'll need it.

My life couldn’t be on a better track right now honestly. Im not asking anything from you right wing whacko extremists. Except to stay at home and stfu if you want this to be over with. But you saying you hate how I act shows me you don’t have a clue why I talk to some of you the way I do.

This forum isn’t a Nazi party or a klan rally or any place to be spreading the propaganda hateful crap you guys have been sharing in here since 2016. You guys have been wrong on EVERY topic since then. You haven’t seen that or you’re more offended with me sounding like The Donald on here

Jun 15, 2010
My life couldn’t be on a better track right now honestly. Im not asking anything from you right wing whacko extremists. Except to stay at home and stfu if you want this to be over with. But you saying you hate how I act shows me you don’t have a clue why I talk to some of you the way I do.

This forum isn’t a Nazi party or a klan rally or any place to be spreading the propaganda hateful crap you guys have been sharing in here since 2016. You guys have been wrong on EVERY topic since then. You haven’t seen that or you’re more offended with me sounding like The Donald on here

It will derail with you calling the shots. I sincerely mean in life, your gonna need luck. Not tomorrow or with your goal to achieve status on this site, long term in life. The fundamental issue that encapsulates your problem is over your head and has nothing to do with politics. You come across as an simple minded idiot with no shame or humility. Can't retain information and you never think before you speak. Its a waste though, Keep your responsibilities low going forward pal
Feb 6, 2007
It will derail with you calling the shots. I sincerely mean in life, your gonna need luck. Not tomorrow or with your goal to achieve status on this site, long term in life. The fundamental issue that encapsulates your problem is over your head and has nothing to do with politics. You come across as an simple minded idiot with no shame or humility. Can't retain information and you never think before you speak. Its a waste though, Keep your responsibilities low going forward pal

Nothing you think of or say is over my head. Nothing.

Again though, everytime you try and describe me, I can’t help but think you’re describing TrumpyTrump.

I couldn’t be happier with where I am going in life. When you have a degree and you’re smart, they pay you the big bucks. That’s me right now. Only going up from here my guy. Nothing about me says Justin Cruise. Bend the knee.

Every time you seee me.....let me knowwwwwwwwww.....”where’s your money!!!!!!”

Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. To call my cake disrespectful, bitch holler. A lotta acres with a pet alligator named Dollar

Jun 15, 2010
I get it, you see 0 flaws when you evaluate yourself. Your awesome man
Feb 6, 2007
Although in the early days of his administration Trump dominated news cycles, it is rare these days for him to do so unless there is a single, blockbuster story.

There are a lot of players in today’s politics, they are more visible now than they were three years ago, and they get ink. Today was different, though. There were a number of smaller stories about the president, none of them blockbusters, but which added up to a surprisingly clear portrait of the man and how his fight for reelection might affect the nation.

The first story of the day came this morning, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump issued a joint statement commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Meeting on the Elbe, where on April 25, 1945, American and Soviet forces met during WWII, cutting Germany in two and approaching victory in their drive to defeat fascism. "The 'Spirit of the Elbe' is an example of how our countries can put aside differences, build trust, and cooperate in pursuit of a greater cause,” they said.

The statement was Putin’s idea, former U.S. intelligence analyst Angela Stent told the Wall Street Journal, an attempt to illustrate that today’s Russia is as great a power as the former Soviet Union. But there is more: the statement comes on the heels of Russia’s shipment of medical supplies to the U.S. and Putin’s continuing bid to get U.S. sanctions against Russian businesses and oligarchs lifted. But just this week, the Senate Intelligence Committee reiterated that Russia attacked the 2016 election, and lawmakers are concerned that this unusual and overly-friendly statement will encourage him to continue his efforts to meddle in American affairs.

In another story, Trump’s suggestion at Thursday’s coronavirus briefing that doctors should look into whether disinfectant or sunlight taken internally somehow might kill the virus seems to many political observers to be a game changer. Nothing has worked to quell the outrage and mockery that followed the statement.
The new White House press secretary tried to blame the media for the statement—“Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines,” Kayleigh McEnany said—only to have the president undercut her by claiming his words were a trick to bait reporters.
This was obviously untrue, and caused more trouble. The idea that he thought it was acceptable to bait reporters on a day when American deaths from the coronavirus were approaching 50,000, while expressing no empathy for those deaths, brought even more outrage. Some White House officials told the New York Times that Thursday was “one of the worst days in one of the worst weeks of his presidency.”

Still, Trump continues to try to rewrite what happened. Today he tweeted that the media had misrepresented the statement, although of course the entire exchange was televised and is widely available for everyone to see for themselves. “Was just informed that the Fake News from the Thursday White House Press Conference had me speaking & asking question of Dr. Deborah Birx. Wrong, I was speaking to our Laboratory expert, not Deborah, about sunlight etc. & the CoronaVirus. The Lamestream Media is corrupt & sick!”
Trump has increasingly been treating the daily coronavirus briefings as replacements for his rallies, where he holds forth settling political scores, attacking the media, and launching his own theories about the crisis. Even before Thursday, advisors had been concerned that Trump’s performances at the briefings were hurting his public standing, and the fallout from Thursday seems to have cemented those concerns. He did not appear at a coronavirus briefing today. “What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!” he tweeted.

Also today, a spokesman for the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland, said the United States would not collaborate with the World Health Organization and other world leaders to speed up coronavirus testing, drugs, and vaccines and to make sure both rich and poor nations have equal access to them. The stated reasons for the absence echoed Trump’s attempts to shift the blame for America’s coronavirus crisis onto the WHO, although the WHO declared the novel coronavirus a global health emergency on January 31, and continued to sound the alarm over it while U.S. government attention was elsewhere.

Although Trump supported WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus in his bid for the position and has been friendly with him, including on calls in March, Trump is eager to blame the WHO for his own woeful response to the crisis, claiming that the WHO was too ready to believe China’s initial statement that the virus could not be transmitted person-to-person. Trump has withheld funding for the WHO and is now trying to undercut the organization by rerouting money formerly sent to the WHO to other organizations, although the State Department, in charge of this initiative, did not name any other specific alternative organization.

“Although the United States was not in attendance at the meeting in question, there should be no doubt about our continuing determination to lead on global health matters, including the current COVID crisis,” the spokesman for the U.S. Mission to Geneva said by email. “We remain deeply concerned about the WHO’s effectiveness, given that its gross failures helped fuel the current pandemic.”

The attempt to offload blame for the crisis reflects Trump’s focus on the upcoming election. His campaign today issued a fundraising email it claims Trump wrote. The email takes on the attempts of congressional Democrats to combat fraud and corruption in the enormous expenditures used to combat the economic crisis sparked by the pandemic. Such oversight seems both standard and wise for the handling of almost $3 trillion, but the president appears to be taking the attempt to safeguard against corruption personally.
Trump's email says that Congress’s oversight of expenditures in the $2.2 trillion coronavirus bill are a “WITCH HUNT.” “First, the Democrat’s Russian Collusion Delusion FAILED because WE fought back,” it said. “Then, their Impeachment Hoax FAILED because WE fought back even harder…. NOW, they are trying to weaponize a new coronavirus committee against me, and if we’re going to withstand this attack, we’ll need to fight back even harder than ever before. This is the third WITCH HUNT in THREE YEARS.”

The email asked for money for a “presidential defense fund” to fight “this nasty battle against the Left.”

Heather Cox Richardson- 4/26/20
Feb 6, 2007
In another story, Trump’s suggestion at Thursday’s coronavirus briefing that doctors should look into whether disinfectant or sunlight taken internally somehow might kill the virus seems to many political observers to be a game changer. Nothing has worked to quell the outrage and mockery that followed the statement.

The new White House press secretary tried to blame the media for the statement—“Leave it to the media to irresponsibly take President Trump out of context and run with negative headlines,” Kayleigh McEnany said—only to have the president undercut her by claiming his words were a trick to bait reporters.

This was obviously untrue, and caused more trouble. The idea that he thought it was acceptable to bait reporters on a day when American deaths from the coronavirus were approaching 50,000, while expressing no empathy for those deaths, brought even more outrage. Some White House officials told the New York Times that Thursday was “one of the worst days in one of the worst weeks of his presidency.”

May 27, 2007
Opinion, not fact. Why read it?

"Trump has increasingly been treating the daily coronavirus briefings as replacements for his rallies, where he holds forth settling political scores, attacking the media, and launching his own theories about the crisis."
Feb 6, 2007
Opinion, not fact. Why read it?

"Trump has increasingly been treating the daily coronavirus briefings as replacements for his rallies, where he holds forth settling political scores, attacking the media, and launching his own theories about the crisis."

That’s not an opinion. Do you have eyes? She’s not attacking him. She’s telling the truth. That’s 10000% factual. Lmfao

May 27, 2007
That’s not an opinion. Do you have eyes? She’s not attacking him. She’s telling the truth. That’s 10000% factual. Lmfao

If you can't delineate fact from opinion, there's no sense in having a discussion.

Saying Trump holds these briefings to replace his rallies is one person's opinion and unless he specifically says he holds these rallies to replace his rallies, it's not a fact.
Feb 6, 2007
If you can't delineate fact from opinion, there's no sense in having a discussion.

Saying Trump holds these briefings to replace his rallies is one person's opinion and unless he specifically says he holds these rallies to replace his rallies, it's not a fact.

It’s not an opinion. Does trump hold press briefings? Yes. Does trump treat those as rallies because he can’t hold rallies? Yes. How do we know that? Because he is saying the same outlandish shit he would in a rally. Plus he is doing it to be in the public eye....until it went all wrong.

Everything he does up there in unpresidential. Attacks the media for asking a question, says he’s the president and they’re fake news. Makes up his own theories.
All of this is factual. All of it. Lmfao.

Funny you look for one sentence and it still isn’t even opinionated

Dec 21, 2007
If you can't delineate fact from opinion, there's no sense in having a discussion.

Saying Trump holds these briefings to replace his rallies is one person's opinion and unless he specifically says he holds these rallies to replace his rallies, it's not a fact.

enflameo how do you look at yourself in the mirror every morning?

Your family has to be so embarrassed by you daily...

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