the right calls Islamic terrorists a problem, an issue that cannot be ignored, a threat to society. The right calls the written and spoken words of Islamic organizations a threat to peace when organizations have in their charter stating that there can be no peace in the ME until Israel no longer exists. The right says it's a bad thing for Palestinian schools teach children to hate Jews. The right says some interpretations of Islam by Islamic religious leaders with large followings is a threat to us when they call for our destruction. The right mocks interpretations of Islam when a father says he has a duty to kill his daughter because she disobeyed him. The right has a problem with this stuff, the left calls us racists.
The left however has a problem with Christianity. they don't cite charters, written interpretations, actions by organizations against the masses or the modern day teachings of Christian organizations, they cite isolated crimes committed by people who have been convicted and jailed for such crimes in our Judea-Christian society, not set free and allowed to roam like Muslim counterparts living in Muslim countries.
it's so damn perverse, it's so damn stupid, they are morons. There is no other adequate description for their ignorance
I'm so proud to be on the right side, and the libtards around here reinforce that belief on a daily basis
Damn, I'd hate to be them