To think that that corrupt shit stain could possibly be running this country... but then again, look at the poser we
have in the White House right now.
Who would be the person the Dems would most want in the office but they deem unable to win a General Election, for whatever reason(s)? Identify that person and the True Dem Play here may be revealed....who is gonna be her VP?
That may be who the Dems in Fact desire to be President or do they want Bill back in?
Hard to believe that the DNC expects Hillary to withstand a Presidential Term.
Easier to believe that she is a Trojan Horse.
Especially when viewed In Combination with an un-electable Republican candidate, such as we have.
Unelectable to The Free Stuff Army that is, and all the Millions of "Americans" for whom their own personal cause(s) such as Transgendered Crap, Black Lives Matter and Equal Rights for Fat People outweigh the safety of the country they live in and for whom, these many vapid millions upon missions of "Americans" an acceptable option at this point is Suicide by Muslim.
Who is it that The Establishment
really wants to be President?
Any Chance Hillary is not the "end game" here?