Annika Should SHut Her FVCKN Mouth!


Mar 6, 2005
i agree wie is spoiled, but whose fault is that. certainly not hers. her father is a fucking moron. as far as the " wrist injury", blame or congratulate her manager. she is only doing what she is told to do by her family and mangers. i bet a lot of people would love their 17 old, nice looking, daughters to listen to them the way michelle does to her family. and i repeat, she is spoiled

Her father is a complete psycho and is the reason the kid is the mess she is. He's pretty much ruined her youth for his own benefit and he's even fired her caddies mid-round!

To me, the sad stat about Wie and her father and what sums up that whole sad scene is this:

Number of times I've heard Wie's nutjob dad say "It's MY dream to see MY daughter play in the Masters" - about a million times

Number of times I've heard Michelle Wie say, "It's MY dream to see ME play in the Masters" - NONE


New member
Nov 4, 2005
She Exploited the Rules But Her fake injury Was WITHIN the Rules of woman's Golf .....ain't No different when a Runner on second Steals Signs Or when a soccer player fakes an injury

You're joking right? A runner stealing base is a part of the game that is meant to be there. It is part of the game itself. A soccer player faking an injury is exploiting the idiocy of refs, but in the end the faking itself does not cause the penalty (the idiot ref does). Faking an injury possibly to avoid a bad score and get banned from the tour goes against the spirit of the game. What would you say if a player who was putting for a bogey for the last hole when they needed par to make the put, but then walk away and claim that since they didn't finish the whole that score shouldn't count? It's exactly what wie did, but instead of getting cut from the tournament she was getting cut from the tour. Very bad sportsmenship. She's been a "winner" all of her life and made 20 mil despite not performing at all, she's only a little better than paris hilton. This is assuming that she is actually acting like a baby and isn't genuinely injured (hey, it is possible...I guess).

New member
Feb 3, 2007
anikka still a jealous cunt , bro !

Wie has the best legs in golf besides Tim Herron


Mar 6, 2005
This is assuming that she is actually acting like a baby and isn't genuinely injured (hey, it is possible...I guess).

I just heard Wie on ESPN say how she should have quit earlier but that she didn't want to because she is not a quitter....yeah right, not a quitter until your handler races up to you, whispers in your ear that you're about to be booted from the tour for a year and then all of a sudden, she's a quitter. It would have made for better fodder if she bent over and screamed "Ooooh, my pancreas!"

Mar 6, 2005
Here is a good read about Wie's other shenanigans that she gets away with that no one else would....

On Tuesday at the Ginn Tribute hosted by Annika Sorenstam, a small group of LPGA players met with a tour official to complain that Michelle Wie spent the previous week playing the RiverTowne CC course. Tour members are banned from the competition venue the seven days prior to the event until after 5 p.m. Sunday. But Wie, a nonmember, is not bound by the rule, and the players were told it was a fact of life they just have to live with.

By Thursday afternoon that conversation was lost in a juicier controversy: Did Wie withdraw from the Ginn because of an injured wrist or because she faced violating an obscure rule that would disqualify her for the rest of the LPGA season? And did LPGA officials, in an effort to protect six additional tournaments, counsel Wie's manager to have her quit so she could play another day?
Wie's first LPGA appearance since October and first anywhere since she missed the cut in the PGA Tour's Sony Open in January was her shortest outing in 47 professional events, lasting a mere 16 holes before she climbed into a cart, joined a caravan that included her father B.J., mother Bo and manager Greg Nared and headed back to the clubhouse. When the 17-year-old prodigy who enters Stanford in September emerged after a 30-minute meeting with her inner circle, she said she quit because "I had issues with my wrist" and not because she was in danger of ending her LPGA season by failing to break 88.

"Shooting 88 is not what I think about," she said.

It was an answer many players found unsatisfying.

A nonmember who fails to break 88 is banned for the rest of the season. Wie was 14-over after 16 holes when she quit. Two pars would have given her an 86. But the way Wie was driving the ball -- she nailed a car 60 yards right of the fairway on the par-5 third hole on her way to making a 10 -- two pars were hardly a given.

The withdrawal also eliminated inquiry into the third significant rules controversy since Wie turned pro in October 2005. On No. 14 -- her fifth hole -- Wie was trying to decide where to take an unplayable-lie drop when her father said, "Go back to the tee." She did. Her playing partners -- Janice Moodie and Alena Sharp -- questioned the action, but a rules official said because Wie did not solicit the information she did not violate the prohibition against receiving advice from a person other than her caddie. The controversy would have no doubt escalated had Wie not dropped out.

While most players interviewed by Golf World doubted Wie withdrew because of an injury, they did so anonymously. Most were also uncomfortable with the presence of an LPGA official on the course immediately prior to the withdrawal. Chris Higgs, senior vice president and chief operations officer, had a brief discussion with Nared shortly before the manager approached Wie. After another brief talk, Wie told a rules official, "We're not going to play anymore."

A tour official confirmed Nared and Higgs discussed the 88-stroke rule but said Nared initiated the conversation and Higgs was merely answering questions. If Wie had been disqualified, it would have cost her six more LPGA starts this year. She has accepted sponsor's exemptions to this week's McDonald's LPGA Championship, the Evian Masters, Ricoh Women's British Open, CN Canadian Women's Open and Samsung World Championship. Her final exemption would likely be used at the Safeway Classic in Portland, Ore., since it is near the headquarters of Nike, one of the sponsors who enabled her to earn nearly $20 million in endorsements last year. Her spot in the U.S. Women's Open, earned with a T-3 finish last year at Newport CC, would not have been affected.
While most players and knowledgeable observers found it odd an LPGA official would get in a cart, ride onto the course and talk with a player's manager, deputy commissioner Libba Galloway disputed that view.

"[Higgs] is head of tournament business affairs, and he's often on the course with tournament sponsors and he was out there [with] a tournament sponsor watching a sponsor exemption play, which is really not that unusual," said Galloway.

Asked about the conversation with Nared, Galloway said, "[Higgs] knows Greg, and Greg asked him for some confirmation on some information he had gotten from the LPGA."

Asked if Nared was aware of the 88-stroke rule before speaking with Higgs, Galloway said, "Yes, that's my understanding."

Nared, reached by phone Saturday, told Golf World his conversation with Higgs was purely social.

"I saw [him] on No. 7, and we spoke for about 30 seconds," said Nared, who works for the William Morris Agency. "There is nothing I can do about that. You know me, I am a cordial person."

Asked what they talked about, he said, "It was a private discussion," a characterization Higgs also used Thursday before making himself unavailable for the rest of the weekend.

Nared said Wie "tweaked [the wrist]." While Wie never indicated she was in distress, Nared said, "I know my player, and I know when she is not swinging well. I felt as her manager I should check with her." They spoke as she walked from the seventh green to the eighth tee appearing as if she were going to continue play. Nared said it was Wie's decision to quit.

Mackinzie Kline, the 15-year-old amateur who played in a cart because of a congenital heart condition, shot 86-89 and was disqualified from further LPGA events this year because of the 88-stroke rule.

"Sponsor exemptions are good for the game, but we are the best women's golf tour in the world and we do have to maintain a certain level of play," Galloway said about the 88-stroke rule. "This is a safeguard to maintain that."

Clearly, no one ever expected the rule would impact a player of Wie's ability.

A common sentiment among players is that the LPGA is over a barrel with Wie, wanting the attention she brings and willing to make compromises to gain her participation and hopefully her membership.

"I think obviously the LPGA is protecting the LPGA," Sherri Steinhauer, a 22-year veteran, said when asked about the discussion between Higgs and Nared. "She's a draw for the LPGA, and that's where that comes in."

While Wie would be a boost for the LPGA if she returned to her former level of play, the tour probably needs her less now than two years ago. The emergence of young stars such as Paula Creamer, Morgan Pressel and Brittany Lincicome provides compelling gate attractions. All three are 21 or younger, and Lorena Ochoa, the new No. 1 in the Rolex Rankings, is only 25. The return of Sorenstam, who came back from a neck injury at the Ginn Tribute, could create an intriguing duel between her and Ochoa for No. 1.

Creamer, whose autograph was one of the most sought after last week, was one of those ill at ease about the Wie withdrawal.

"I don't think the LPGA should ever get involved in something like that," Creamer said. "I think it's sad we have to do that. The LPGA shouldn't get involved with players on the golf course unless it is a ruling or something like that."

Wie, who complained of a sore right wrist after shooting 78-76 at the Sony Open, said she injured her left wrist falling while jogging in February. She skipped the Kraft Nabisco Championship, the first LPGA major of the year, in late March. The next major is the McDonald's this week at Bulle Rock in Maryland. Many players felt if Wie plays the McDonald's it would mean either she was not injured when she walked off the course at the Ginn or that she was unwisely playing hurt. The public seems to have made up its mind. In an online poll, USA Today asked if Wie dropped out to avoid the 88-stroke rule and 87 percent of more than 5,500 respondents said yes.

Controversy has followed Wie almost from the moment she turned pro in October 2005. She was disqualified in her pro debut at the Samsung World Championship when she took an illegal drop and subsequently signed an incorrect scorecard. At the 2006 Weetabix Women's British Open, Wie was penalized for moving a loose impediment in a bunker.

In 18 events on five tours since turning pro, Wie has withdrawn twice, been disqualified once and missed six cuts. Her previous shortest outing was at the PGA Tour's John Deere Classic Tour last year when she quit after 27 holes while well above the cut number and was hospitalized with heat exhaustion. She has accepted a sponsor's invitation into this year's John Deere in July.

Wie has struggled since the final round of last year's Evian Masters, where she finished tied for second, making it her sixth consecutive LPGA top-five finish. With seven holes to play at Evian, she had a two-stroke lead over Karrie Webb and appeared poised for her first victory. But Webb closed with three birdies to win by one stroke. Since then Wie has failed to break par in nine consecutive LPGA rounds and has averaged 78.7 in eight men's rounds.

What was expected to be an exciting return from the wrist injury at the Ginn Tribute instead was painful to watch as Wie struggled to control the golf ball.

"A couple of snaps and the rest were blocks," was Moodie's assessment.

"It looked like she couldn't release," said Sharp. "Maybe she came out too soon."

Several coaches said she had lost her once silky-smooth tempo and theorized it was because she was overswinging trying to hit it as far as the men.

David Leadbetter, Wie's coach, who spent the week in Ohio at the Memorial, told Golf World, "She's been dying to play, but I told her to keep her expectations low since it was just her second tournament [of the year]. She probably had some bad memories going on. And no form to go on. It's very uncertain what's going to happen from here … but if there was any doubt in your mind whether you can hit the shots without flinching, then this probably wasn't a good idea. But that's easy to say after the fact."

After taking Friday off, Wie was back practicing Saturday. Monday she played in a pro-am in the Bulle Rock area. In a text message to Golf World, Nared said, "[She] seems to be OK. Think she will announce today she is playing."

The decision to play seemed to guarantee an increase in the tension between LPGA members and Wie -- and create another week in which the attention at a tournament is on the tour's most prominent nonmember.


New member
Jan 20, 2000
First off this thread should have not been rubberized. Who has the itchy rubber finger?

secondly Anikka did not need to be the one to call Wie out. It made her look bad as well. She should show support for fellow sportswomen or stfu. She is not an authority on golf etiquette and rules. Someone from the rules committee should be commenting on what Wie did and not another player. Anikka did not tell anyone anything we did not already know. Her demeaner during that interview was pitiful. She looked like a 5th grader telling on someone in gym class.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i have a question? and maybe i am the only one that did this, but did anyone else reading this thread just completely skip over kimchee's posts because they

A.) looked like an illiterate person typed them
B.) looked as if he was having sex with the "shift" key on his keyboard
C.) made you blind from seeing nothing but "........" separating thoughts and ending setences (or lack thereof) with ".?!?"
D.) All of the above

This is a pretty easy test question

(Hint: there is no wrong answer)

Wow, the funny thing is I looked in this thread and automatically skipped over all of his posts and then come along this sharp post.
I think we should pitch in and get KimChee some grammar/english lessons. Ace-Ace is almost easier to read.

New member
Aug 18, 2006
this is my point !

First off this thread should have not been rubberized. Who has the itchy rubber finger?

secondly Anikka did not need to be the one to call Wie out. It made her look bad as well. She should show support for fellow sportswomen or stfu. She is not an authority on golf etiquette and rules. Someone from the rules committee should be commenting on what Wie did and not another player. Anikka did not tell anyone anything we did not already know. Her demeaner during that interview was pitiful. She looked like a 5th grader telling on someone in gym class.

you guys aren't tellin us anything new..of course wie quit and faked an injury ! NO SHIT ! She Is A Little Spoiled Cunt As Well , but Right Now SHE IS The FACE OF Woman's GOLF ...MILIons N MILLIONS Of Dollars For Everyone In The LPGA If She Plays her Cards right...If YOU ARE a PART Of The LPGA Tour, YOU ARE Gonna PROTECT Your ASSET ...MIchelle WIE ....And You Guys are Suprised by This ?...SHE Might Not Have Ant Class , BUT FVCKN ANikka Is A JEAOLUOS , FLagrant BITCH Who Wishes She Was Young ......SHE WANTED TO CALL HER OUT Like SHE WANTS TO EAT CARPET late At Night....she hates wie for everything wie represents ....a litlle tatle tale n you guys are a fvckn joke if you think anikka is doin this outta of protecting the moral code of golf !:missingte :ughhh:

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
So she took advantage of a loophole, so frigging what? Her quiting didn't hurt anyone else.
The worst violation of a rule in female sports belongs to Mary Pierce, when she took a 30 min "injury" timeout because she was getting her ass kicked. Her opponent stood all that time trying to stay warm. It got so ridiculous the crowd started booing and the announcers were calling for the ump to put a stop to it. Unfortunately, this bushleague tactic worked and she won.

Rx. Veteran
Jan 14, 2007
and you find no similarities between what Pierce did and what Wie did? Oh wait there's a difference, Pierce actually still had to get up and win the match. Wie could quit with her tail between her legs and still play golf the next weekend for money.

Wow, so dumb.......</p>
NBA coaches don't call TIMEOUTS when their opponents go on 10-0 runs just to break their momentum? Difference was it was a 30 MINUTE TIMEOUT. While she was getting a full-body shiatsu massage her opponent was standing, trying to stay warmed up.

The honorable thing to do would've been to quit.

Oct 19, 2006
Wow, so dumb.......</p>
NBA coaches don't call TIMEOUTS when their opponents go on 10-0 runs just to break their momentum? Difference was it was a 30 MINUTE TIMEOUT. While she was getting a full-body shiatsu massage her opponent was standing, trying to stay warmed up.

The honorable thing to do would've been to quit.

Rule #1: No excuses, play like a champion.
Rule #2: Win by any means necessary.

They both used rules that are in place and honor doesn't count for much in the real world, only in movies and minds.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
you guys aren't tellin us anything new..of course wie quit and faked an injury ! NO SHIT ! She Is A Little Spoiled Cunt As Well , but Right Now SHE IS The FACE OF Woman's GOLF ...MILIons N MILLIONS Of Dollars For Everyone In The LPGA If She Plays her Cards right...If YOU ARE a PART Of The LPGA Tour, YOU ARE Gonna PROTECT Your ASSET ...MIchelle WIE ....And You Guys are Suprised by This ?...SHE Might Not Have Ant Class , BUT FVCKN ANikka Is A JEAOLUOS , FLagrant BITCH Who Wishes She Was Young ......SHE WANTED TO CALL HER OUT Like SHE WANTS TO EAT CARPET late At Night....she hates wie for everything wie represents ....a litlle tatle tale n you guys are a fvckn joke if you think anikka is doin this outta of protecting the moral code of golf !:missingte :ughhh:

Your a tool

You make some of the dumbest posters in RX history look brilliant

New member
Aug 18, 2006
and you find no similarities between what Pierce did and what Wie did? Oh wait there's a difference, Pierce actually still had to get up and win the match. Wie could quit with her tail between her legs and still play golf the next weekend for money.

DUH Dsethi....SO What If Wie Quit ? ...You Just Answered Your Own question IDiot....Wie Just Took Advantage of A loophole...SO FVCKN WHAT ?....Did she Drop The Atomic Bomb ? ...Who'd She Hurt ?...NOBODY...NO FVCKN BODY...JUst Bitter, JEalous People like YOU N ANikka Are The Only ones Who Give a SHIT....DSETHI ...YOU ARE SUCH A FVCKN BITCH That YOU WOuld Be The FIRST PERSON to DIME His Fellow Co Worker OUT "cause HE WAS LATE From Lunch And just because You Didn't GET To Be LATE ! ..." WHEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"...cry Baby !

New member
Aug 18, 2006
Again, you are dumb. Coworker/teammate does not = opponent. And I'm one of the most loyal people I know, to a fault.

How can you possibly justify Wie doing that shit? Ridiculous.

She's a whiny little whore that shouldn't be playing on the tour for the next year, that's what she is. She hurt the sport, she hurt her credibility.

That's like saying no one should crticize Giambi or Bonds for taking steroids, because who did it hurt, did they drop the atomic bomb, etc. etc. etc.
They took advantage of lack of testing. But you'll defend them won't you?

Actually , I would Defend Giambi N Bonds "cause During The tIME of Their Dominance NOBODY cARED That They Were On That Shit...Baseball Just Wanted their Homeruns ! Then They turnaround and Give This MOral Code of HOW Terrible Bonds / mcgwire were for Just Tryin To Get an EDGE when It Was PErfectly Legal ....IT's All BULLSHIT Dude !

Wie Hurt The Sport ? ...DO You Think she's The ONLY ONE That's Ever Dropped Out ?..boy ...U r naive ! Last Time I checked...The FVCKN LPGA tour SHOULD KISS the GROUND MIChelle WIE Walks On For All The ATTEntion N Money She Brings !

Deserved or NOT...That's OUR FVCKN Society ...I Hate HIP? HOP ...BUT That's What IS sELLING in our Society JUsyt Like YOU DOn't Like Michelle Wie.....

Seriously, what Wie Did was Disgraceful, BUT ANIKKA IS STILL a FVCKN JEALOUS BITCH Just like Urself !

Oct 19, 2006

whey [hwey, wey] Pronunciation Key
–noun a milk serum, separating as liquid from the curd after coagulation, as in cheese making.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME wheye, OE hwǣg; c. D, LG wei]

I hate you.

New member
Aug 18, 2006
whey [hwey, wey] Pronunciation Key
–noun a milk serum, separating as liquid from the curd after coagulation, as in cheese making.

[Origin: bef. 900; ME wheye, OE hwǣg; c. D, LG wei]

I hate you.

thanx for the education...i notice you always bring entertainment to this forum:monsters-

Oct 19, 2006
i'm jealous? of a female golfer? haha right. I just think what she did is despicable and she should be chastised for it. You don't. Good for you, you still don't have any points except that you think the best golfer in the world is jealous.

Show me where another golfer dropped out at +14 with a couple holes left. Show me. I'm waiting.

Yea I knew you'd defend Giambi and Bonds...not surprised at all. Doesn't matter that they broke rules and tainted the sport with their steroid/HGH use, insulted the history and integrity of the game. You'll still defend them because you personaly enjoy the sport more because these athletes hit more home runs. Sad.

Man you're turning into an even more retarded poster than Prognosticator. Calling other posters jealous because they don't agree with your viewpoint. That means you are ignorant, stubborn, and arrogant. Good job.

Dude, I just gotta point out the more you bring back to him the more he'll be encouraged to keep this shit up. I'm you I drop the puke bomb and let that sort it out.

Rx Senior
Dec 7, 2004
I see Annika is doing fair and Wie is struggling. I really hope Wie can go on a tear and annika also does well....imagine them two paired together in the final pairing on the last day. Now that would be great TV!

Oct 19, 2006
I see Annika is doing fair and Wie is struggling. I really hope Wie can go on a tear and annika also does well....imagine them two paired together in the final pairing on the last day. Now that would be great TV!

I'd prefer to see Wie and Gulbis lezzing out on the 18th green after hours... But that sounds good too I guess.

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