I don't think Harrison used it as a racial slur although the same word would be perceived that way if Frank said the same thing about him which is one of the issues here....Furthermore, he is in a professional setting with mics on which he has been in front of many times so he should really know a lot better...........Even if he said F that guy or F Frank that is still the issue here as while I don't his intent was racial, it was just flat out disrespectful.............I remember a black woman in the club yelling real loud that I'm her N Word and it felt kind of strange, but she said it in such a complimentary way I didn't make a big deal out of it (known her really well for years) although I thought it was a little weird..........And obviously other women as well have used it in a complimentary way as well in general......The biggest irony is I hear the word used by more latinos and Latinas in general and yes I've seen black people get offended by it before from latinos or Latinas although it all depends on the delivery and the intent in general..