And the Equal Rights Movement just keeps on rollin' on


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Judge rules eavesdropping law unconstitutional,0,4122460.story

By Jason Meisner Tribune reporter 1:01 p.m. CST, March 2, 2012

A Cook County judge today ruled the state’s controversial eavesdropping law unconstitutional.

The law makes it a felony offense to make audio recordings of police officers without their consent even when

they’re performing their public duties.

Judge Stanley Sacks, who is assigned to the Criminal Courts Building, found the eavesdropping law unconstitutional because it potentially criminalizes “wholly innocent conduct.”

The decision came in the case of Christopher Drew, an artist who was arrested in December 2009 for selling art on a Loop street without a permit. Drew was charged with a felony violation of the eavesdropping law after he used an audio recorder in his pocket to capture his conversations with police during his arrest.
Oct 30, 2006
Here ya go Bardude check out the cheeks on that tomato


powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Here's another issue where the conservative laggards will have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st century.

And it's also another battle that they've already lost but will continue to fight.
as soon as they clear up the birth certificate they will handle this issue

Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
They'll still be talking about the birth certificate well into Hillary's 2nd term.

Oct 30, 2006
as soon as they clear up the birth certificate they will handle this issue
The investigators contend the videos illustrate their conclusion that the features and anomalies observed on the Obama long-form birth certificate were inconsistent with features produced when a paper document is scanned, even if the scan is enhanced by Optical Character Recognition, OCR, and optimized.
Additionally, the posse says, the videos demonstrate that the Hawaii Department of Health Registrar’s name stamp and the registrar’s date stamp were computer-generated images imported into an electronic document, as opposed to rubber stamp imprints inked by hand or machine onto a paper document.
“That we were able to cast reasonable suspicions on the authenticity of the registrar stamps was especially disturbing, since these stamp imprints are designed to provide government authentication to the document itself,” Zullo said, emphasizing that if the registrar stamps are forgeries, the document itself is likely a forgery.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
He keeps posting these garbage posts promoting Gay marriage & homosexuality so he must be gay.....

Either that or "he" (I) must have a younger sister who wants to legally marry her life partner and has several other friends (male & female couples alike) who want same legal rights.

But definitely One of the Two

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004

Sorry to burst your stereotype, old trucker.

If I were to take out a temporary subscription to that Other Magazine, it would more likely be to meet one of these gals:


Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
And in the 60's if you wanted equal rights for black people that meant you were black.

I try to cut old people a break because they are easily frightened and easily influenced but holy fuck it gets annoying.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Of course if we accept the above poster as suitable for our office wall, then forum friend ALBATROSS in Georgia will wonder how long it is before he can have sex with his toaster.

Feb 2, 2010
So you don't care about queers but it bothers you when they are in gaining acceptance? It sounds to me like you cannot stand them and wish they would all die. Also, since when is morality tied into one's sexuality? Do you not know plenty of straight people who are total scum morally? I know I do! I am not sure how child molestation and bestiality figure into your argument either...both are against the law. A relationship by two consenting adults is completely legal so far as I can tell. Perhaps you should quit being so quick to judge someone's character - after all, if they really didn't bother wouldn't care if they were parading down the street or hiding in their homes. African Americans and women had to hold rallies and marches to get their equality. The "queers" are next in line. Maybe "intolerant rednecks" will get their run next.

The ole redneck never gets old. Little surprised to see fellow southerner so forth coming on this issue. Talking about quick to judge someone, to put words like wishing death on someone was way out of line. There are two people in this world, ones with a backbone & others that are spineless. I have standards that I choose to live by. The things I see that are wrong, I am not afraid to state my opinion on it. I may be one of the only few here that are God fearing, Christ following. I do not push that on others that don't see things the way I see them. I do know that my faith in religion molds opinions and beliefs, that with upbringing and common sense takes care of the rest. I would never wish death on anyone. I don't agree with homosexuality, period. Nothing anyone says will persuade me off what I believe. So who cares? Many of you bicker on here about political agenda, sporting teams, etc and that is all in argument. Difference of opinion or sometimes right and wrong. Just because I don't welcome gays with open arms automatically makes me a "intolerant redneck" or maybe I just don't agree with what seems to be most of you here on welcoming homosexuality in society. I have no problem with gay folk, I just don't want to see it or have it paraded around like society owes them something. I feel the same way with straight people displaying "PDA" to the extreme. Don't want to see that either.

I just turned 30 a couple months ago. I am part owner in two homebuilding/development companies that has stayed strong through all this housing mess. I have never quit building or buying (my profits are nowhere near where they were at, but that is for another convo). I am happily married and have two awesome little kids. I will raise them just like I was raised with standing up for what you believe in and not giving in to following the "society flow" if what you believe is right isn't always the popular decisions. Maybe I have all this all wrong, but this is how I live my life, making my own decisions and standing by them. And sense this is a poly forum, I am sure that many of you wish your politicians would act the same way.

I am neither a racist or a hater. I do feel that being gay is wrong, so if that is what gives me the label of intolerant redneck, so be it. What people do in the confinements their own homes is up them, just don't go parading around pushing agendas on others.

Morality is ones decisions, intentions, or actions that are perceived or wrong. Morality can be interpreted in any decisions or actions by anyone that sums up a solution or stance on any subject (including sexuality). And I do know plenty of straight people that are scum on other moral issues.

Barman.....glad to see you are still holding strong on your social stances. Either we agree or disagree in different areas, I respect how you don't flip quit posting threads about fairies....LOL.

Dec 12, 2006
Typical argument by the intellectually challenged. If you don't agree with homosexuality your this, if you don't like Obama your that, and it goes on and on. DEAC cutting people a break, that's laughable. Like anybody cares what you or anyone else here thinks about them.

New member
Feb 17, 2009
The ole redneck never gets old. Little surprised to see fellow southerner so forth coming on this issue. Talking about quick to judge someone, to put words like wishing death on someone was way out of line. There are two people in this world, ones with a backbone & others that are spineless. I have standards that I choose to live by. The things I see that are wrong, I am not afraid to state my opinion on it. I may be one of the only few here that are God fearing, Christ following. I do not push that on others that don't see things the way I see them. I do know that my faith in religion molds opinions and beliefs, that with upbringing and common sense takes care of the rest. I would never wish death on anyone. I don't agree with homosexuality, period. Nothing anyone says will persuade me off what I believe. So who cares? Many of you bicker on here about political agenda, sporting teams, etc and that is all in argument. Difference of opinion or sometimes right and wrong. Just because I don't welcome gays with open arms automatically makes me a "intolerant redneck" or maybe I just don't agree with what seems to be most of you here on welcoming homosexuality in society. I have no problem with gay folk, I just don't want to see it or have it paraded around like society owes them something. I feel the same way with straight people displaying "PDA" to the extreme. Don't want to see that either.

I just turned 30 a couple months ago. I am part owner in two homebuilding/development companies that has stayed strong through all this housing mess. I have never quit building or buying (my profits are nowhere near where they were at, but that is for another convo). I am happily married and have two awesome little kids. I will raise them just like I was raised with standing up for what you believe in and not giving in to following the "society flow" if what you believe is right isn't always the popular decisions. Maybe I have all this all wrong, but this is how I live my life, making my own decisions and standing by them. And sense this is a poly forum, I am sure that many of you wish your politicians would act the same way.

I am neither a racist or a hater. I do feel that being gay is wrong, so if that is what gives me the label of intolerant redneck, so be it. What people do in the confinements their own homes is up them, just don't go parading around pushing agendas on others.

Morality is ones decisions, intentions, or actions that are perceived or wrong. Morality can be interpreted in any decisions or actions by anyone that sums up a solution or stance on any subject (including sexuality). And I do know plenty of straight people that are scum on other moral issues.

Barman.....glad to see you are still holding strong on your social stances. Either we agree or disagree in different areas, I respect how you don't flip quit posting threads about fairies....LOL.

The redneck thing was out of line - sorry for that - but...why can't you just admit you have a problem with homosexuals? You say that you are a man of your own opinions, but then you openly admit to being influenced and molded by the Bible. If that is true you pretty much have to be either a homo-phobe or a fag basher. I know Christ said to love everyone, but let's get real, 99.5% of Christians cannot stand homosexuals. If you are in that other .05% than I am sorry for judging you.

If people quit making a big deal out of it then it wouldn't be a big deal! Honestly, if people truly "didn't care" then we wouldn't have any of the debate about marriages, etc. going on right now at all. They would simply be considered "people" just like us and enjoy all of the same rights and privileges. Also...I don't think you are a racist at all...but wouldn't you agree the gay right's agenda is at least a little similar to what happened in the 20's and 60's with women and blacks?
Oct 30, 2006
The redneck thing was out of line - sorry for that - but...why can't you just admit you have a problem with homosexuals? You say that you are a man of your own opinions, but then you openly admit to being influenced and molded by the Bible. If that is true you pretty much have to be either a homo-phobe or a fag basher. I know Christ said to love everyone, but let's get real, 99.5% of Christians cannot stand homosexuals. If you are in that other .05% than I am sorry for judging you.
If people quit making a big deal out of it then it wouldn't be a big deal! Honestly, if people truly "didn't care" then we wouldn't have any of the debate about marriages, etc. going on right now at all. They would simply be considered "people" just like us and enjoy all of the same rights and privileges. Also...I don't think you are a racist at all...but wouldn't you agree the gay right's agenda is at least a little similar to what happened in the 20's and 60's with women and blacks?

Why would you apologise for calling him a redneck?......Most rednecks know they are rednecks & proud of it so cannot be offended.....

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
..... 99.5% of Christians cannot stand homosexuals.

On a friendly retort note, I'll first admit that I don't know how many "Christians cannot stand homosexuals".

But I'd be confident betting it's in fact a significant minority of people who practice one or more forms of Christianity who also honestly spend much energy feeling bad, offended or otherwise put off by knowing that someone in their family, workforce or neighborhood is a homosexual.

Unfortunately, that minority of Christians who do in fact wish to degrade their family members or other community neighbors who are gay do get their voices in quite a roar some days.

Best way to deal with it I've found is to pretty much ignore them.

Rather than return the degradation by unduly flaming (heh) bigoted Christians, I find it smarter and more effective to simply publicly stand up for loving all my fellow brothers & sisters regardless of who they choose to sleep with.

That stance sure seems to be more in jive with the fundamental messages of Jesus Christ than does the stance which seeks to degrade others simply for their choice of romantic partner.

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