OK, looks like we can put in a decent par. Had just sent DD an email doubting we could with only 9 games on the slate tonight. THAT BEING SAID, someone asked and couldn't find the post at first glance, if other sports can be entered. WELL, my good FRIEND the COOKIEMONSTER can attest to the fact that we've included Pucks before, and for the life of me, can't remember who our soccer guru was, but soccer made the card before. If you know what the puck (pun intended) is going on with a sport other than bases, throw the play into the fire.......just be sure you know what in the hell you are doing 'cause chances are damn sure I don't. I want to extend appreciation to Ty for a post on Page 3, let's keep the drama out, for God's sake, it JUST DON'T PAY REAL CURRENCY, and isn't that why we're doing this, really, to pick up as many dead presidents as we can?