OK AssHackin, first pitch in less than 7 hours. Step up or stay the hell out of the thread. And if you think you've made more $$ than I have, I'll be happy to 1040 ya, give ya 2 to 1 odds.
Little past High Noon here in Carolina, I'll go ahead and take the Warriors -8, buying the hook. Got a really large personal on them so gonna either be a good night or a drunk night, LOL.
TMADER7 , Another $10,000 Air bet like your CavsML&CAVS+3.5.Lets see the ticket .NO ticket no washy. Hey I'm out your pool But here's WINNER Yanks/ANGELS^^^8.5. God you must be rich losing $10,000 on one game. Take GST ML of your smart
TMADER7 , Another $10,000 Air bet like your CavsML&CAVS+3.5.Lets see the ticket .NO ticket no washy. Hey I'm out your pool But here's WINNER Yanks/ANGELS^^^8.5. God you must be rich losing $10,000 on one game. Take GST ML of your smart
First and only warning Boredom, stay out of the thread. Only "Air bets" I make are with my personal pilot, he tells me to sit down and buckle up, I do so. Why would I bet the Warriors at -335 when I can have easy money at -118? Don't answer that, my bad for even posing such a question. Go the fuck away, we're all tired of you.
Little past High Noon here in Carolina, I'll go ahead and take the Warriors -8, buying the hook. Got a really large personal on them so gonna either be a good night or a drunk night, LOL.
I'll give it a whirll, but you're probably correctomondo on that one seeing as I have the Dubs. I'll run a dry run and see how much rain comes up, LOL. BTW, you can thank me when ya get the chance.
Hey, there's about a 90% chance I'm passin through next month, and not on the bird. Looks like I'm drivin to Montana, got an old friend to see. You would be on the way, LOL.
I gots so far: Ty-Master, unda the radar Hotlanta, Indy 500 Winna, OvaRova Priests, SunShineonmyShoulder, CWS ML, DD the DynamicDuo, Rocks ML, and yours truly, the Splash Bros, third year runnin, -8. You want some of this, well, hell, PHUCKIN BRING IT!
Ok stay out my threads Call it even. Never answered where's your $5,000 CAV Ml & $5,000 Cavs+3.5 $5,000 Game 4 loser. Big mouth ,CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE .How much this game RUSS. Show me your losing ticket .IM gone forever. Ok. If not bet another $10,000 today . Take GST ML .
Damn you Bman!! LOL... been fishin' and drinkin' since 8am CST....
sorry ~T~ I thought I looked back at all the plays...can we go with that K country in soccer
that only has one vowel ....back in 30 after another beer and write down all the taken plays
K-went back and saw Bman stating he was out of parlay and read ~T's~ post of what he had so far and didn't see Evil Empire OV 8x
~T~ up to you-let Bman play in-cool with that-I will take Twinkies under eleven...and if you remember Richard Pryor great 8 TRACK go with lemon30...as in get your ass home by leven 30 not out there singin' with them......sorry guys , flash back to late 70's/early 80's