It's up to you when and where. We might consider PM'ing the plays and keep it off the forum, just a thought. I also do personal plays but don't post them as you do. Let me know, you should be able to send me a message now.
I like that idea with gathering the plays thru PM. I'm going to let the group of 8
come in with the first 7 plays and I will submit my play last. I line the whole card
each day and create my own personal line on everything. So I will look to see what
has been left for me to pick from and go from there.
I think we have two system players. Sunny for sure and I think Sal Santorre does
a system too. Lets have our system players get their stuff in early if possible and
lets build around them on the selections. Doug might do a system too. But I want
our system players being able to submit their strongest and not having to go with
their second strongest because somebody already has it.
I want Ty Bounce to be able to have his top play in early even if it conflicts with one of
our system players picks. Ty has never been an action junkie in the years I have known him.
With our guys that our selective like that. I want them if possible to be able to get in their best
without having to go to their second strongest because someone beat them to a game.
We will exploit everyones strengths in their style of play. Your open invites make too many of these
guys have to go with a second or third selection over their first selection.
Then lets have CBBphenom, Eccocide, and You come in because I believe you three usually have
several that you like if I'm not mistaken. Then I will look to see what's left and pick last. If both
CBBPhenom and Eccocide are real selective like Ty Bounce is then we can make some adjusments.
My goal is to get each guys first play and not make them have to go with their second or third play.
But with 8 members it might be tricky at times. But we are going to have fun no matter what.