Anbody got anything hotter than this?


New member
Oct 4, 2004
I don't need to make fun of you laidies, you do it better yourselves. Trust me... t praising a girl who is stripping on the net is very uncool. Some of you should try cocaine... maybe it will give you guys the confidance you really need in life. I really don't need that.... never really had problems with girls so i don't know what all the fuss is about.

Also about the confidance....i post here for SHITS AND GIGGLES. This place is more entertaining than OGD.

Also she ain't that hot, i understand where some of you are comming from. Maybe you guys might live in bumblefuck where there is no live p u s s y in a 10 mile radius.

Rx Senior
Dec 10, 2002

Dog. I seen who u think is hot on your spot over at eog. Nothing to brag about... So, I guess u think u spit game or something? Don't think u are something special everyone in college gets laid... I got better things to do then have a who's dick is bigger contest over the net... So carry on...

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I sincerely hope you feel better about yourself now that you've bragged about how cool you are to a bunch of strangers...otherwise, it'd be a collosal waste of your time.

Wait a minute: didn't you also contradict yourself in that last post?
coconutman said:
I don't need to make fun of you laidies, you do it better yourselves.

Uh...isn't that exactly what you're doing? You just got on here and continue to make fun of us. What's the point, if we do it better ourselves? That makes no sense.

coconutman said:
Some of you should try cocaine... maybe it will give you guys the confidance you really need in life. I really don't need that.... never really had problems with girls so i don't know what all the fuss is about.

You already admitted to your previous coke does that mean you DID have a confidence problem? And if so(which is a fair assumption, since you said doing coke would give one confidence), then you clearly didn't NEVER have a problem with you DO see what the fuss is about. Or used to be able to, at least.

I love it when people contradict themselves when trying to talk mad shit. You're right, this IS entertaining!

Now go do some more coke and update your myspace page. Maybe if you're lucky IDENTITY will send you a friend request.

Oct 5, 2004
that bitch is pretty she the hottest ever, no..but for a next door amateur type, she is fukkin did a hot bitch thread turn into this??..hilarious..everyone nneds to relax and start smoking weed...:smoking:

New member
Oct 4, 2004
I recommend sniffing fat lines of cocaine.

SkinRaj how da fuck did i know you were going to say that. You are so fucken predictable.

Many people on this forum did or are doing coke right now so don't give me any bullshit about that. Everything in moderation is fine... i don't sniff anymore.. maybe on occasion. You know that shooting heroin once a while is less destructive to you than smoking cigs. The really shitty thing about shooting heroin is that it's shot into the same vain. Enugh about the drugs because i'm like google bitch....

Btw asshole i never did heroin...and cocaine got lame. Smoke blunts when i'm with my boys but that's not too often either. All i do is smoke cigs and drink alcohol which is even worse for my health.

I love your RX mentality, you are getting just as good as Willhitler.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
coconutman said:
I recommend sniffing fat lines of cocaine.

SkinRaj how da fuck did i know you were going to say that. You are so fucken predictable.

Many people on this forum did or are doing coke right now so don't give me any bullshit about that. Everything in moderation is fine... i don't sniff anymore.. maybe on occasion. You know that shooting heroin once a while is less destructive to you than smoking cigs. The really shitty thing about shooting heroin is that it's shot into the same vain. Enugh about the drugs because i'm like google bitch....

Btw asshole i never did heroin...and cocaine got lame. Smoke blunts when i'm with my boys but that's not too often either. All i do is smoke cigs and drink alcohol which is even worse for my health.

I love your RX mentality, you are getting just as good as Willhitler.

What the hell are you talking about? Not one part of this entire post had anything to do with anything said earlier. I never said anything about doing coke being bad. I never accused you of doing heroin. I never commented on your recreational activities. I could care less what you do in your free time. So seriously, what the fuck are you talking about? Just because I called you out on your contradictions? Sorry if calling out discrepancies in your incoherent, retarded response is "predictable." Oh well, call me a sucker for the obvious.

Fact: You said you didn't need to "make fun of us ladies, we do it better ourselves," yet that's exactly what you did: got on here and made fun of lame posters. Is that or is that not a contradiction?

Fact: You suggested some of us try coke so we can be more confident with women, but that you never had that problem, so you wouldn't know...but earlier admitted to coke use(which I NEVER said was wrong or bad). But doesn't that suggest that you DID have a confidence problem? Therefore making your "I never had that problem" comment another contradiction, seeing as how you DO know what coke does for your confidence.

So seriously, you're not making any sense. And then to top it off, you post a response that had nothing to do with anything said. Are you high right now? That might explain it. Either that or IDENTITIY still refuses to meet up with you and give you head or add you to her myspace friends list.

Either way, go play with your myspace page and stop wasting your time on us rejects. Or at least when responding, try to make the post at least a little coherent and sensible. Thanks.

Oh, and if my "RX mentality" is to call out retarded shit that makes no sense...then so be it. Funny, though...I didn't really think it was a RX mentality so much as it was a sensical mentality. My mistake.

By the way, we're all still waiting for your tips on scoring with girls...I'm eagerly anticipating it. You're the man.

Sep 20, 2004
yep, two thumbs up
her ass, lol, she's hot, and did areally good job, I hope the boyfriend banged her afterwards.

Rx Senior
Oct 14, 2004
He must be really killing himself now. There is no way he would have sent that video in unless they are broken up. No way would you take a chance ruining something like that by posting it on the internet while you are still dating.

Oh yea ... she is definitely and 8.

not the hottest ever, but a good looking female.

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
Jabow said:
yep, two thumbs up
her ass, lol, she's hot, and did areally good job, I hope the boyfriend banged her afterwards.
I would think he fucked the living shit out of her ....a few times

New member
Sep 21, 2004
he absolutely did. iam not saying she is the hottest either, but it is obvious she loves what she is doing and good at it.

New member
Oct 4, 2004

Oh Skinraj.... you are keeping up with EOG ain't ya.

Go masturbate a few more times buddy... the stress is killing you.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
A coconutman post that didn't make any sense? No way! I didn't realize I was stressed about anything. Thanks for the heads up.

I also love how you continually bash the RX, yet always return. Stick with your convictions. Then again, you do have problems with addiction, so I guess it's understandable.

There's no reason to be so defensive just because someone called you out on a post that made no sense and was contradictory at every turn. You fucked up, it got called out, the end. Lets move on now, shall we? I don't know you, I have no problem with you, but if you're going to continually bash this place and then return, you really open yourself up, don't you? And your posts were extremely contradictory, so you had to expect to be called out. Maybe you were coked up at the time or going through withdrawl, who knows.

So, in conclusion, don't bash people if you're going to contradict yourself. And don't bash this place if you can't stay away. GL with quitting your habits and whatnot.

Hey, at least you came to your senses about ID, right? You deserve credit for that.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
I'm tired of playing childish games here SkinsRaj. I attack people that need to be attacked.

You know i constantly bash Madcapper and Identity at Eog if you really keep up. I might have went too far bashing you guys for no apparent reason.

I haven't sniffed coke for a while, quit smoking cigs.. it's been a week. Just because my avatar has that face snorting coke it doesen't mean i sniff coke.

I never had a problem with you... but you took the shit i said to the heart and it started. I don't hate the Rx... i just dislike some of the people who run this place, that's all.

I do become moody at the forums, i noticed that. Lately i have been bashing and bashing... especially at Eog. Life on the outside... i'm very calm and happy, might be hard to believe but it's the truth.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
You were the one who came in here and called everyone pathetic and said they looked like "trainwrecks" simply because they think that girl in the video is pretty money(which she is). That's how it all started. I don't care what forum it is, bashing posters about their personal lives or whatever, especially when you know nothing about 'em, is retarded. That's why I commented, because your comment was unwarranted, that's all.

Like I said, I have no problem with you, I know nothing about you. I'm sure you're a good guy on the outside, but really I have no idea. That's the point. Why would I bash someone for no reason when I know nothing about them? That was my point.

I don't know you, don't care about your drug habit or whatever other vices you may have. Good luck quitting...just lay off the other posters here who've done nothing to you, said nothing negative to or about you, and don't deserve to be bashed for no reason. You said you attack people that need to be attacked. No one on here deserved to be attacked the way you did. I think you'll agree on that now. So that's all I gotta say. This can end now. GL with all your stuff.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
Bashing posters about their personal lives?

You take a lot of things to the heart man... really it's just a forum and i'm just a poster. Just have a big laugh about this because it seems you might be taking this too seriously. You will tell me otherwise i know that.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
coconutman said:
Pathetic... keep on sqeezing fellas... keep on squeezing.

I don't do coke anymore... and even when i'm on it i can still fuck... much tiempo mi amigo.

Most of you must look like a trainwreck.... explains the desperate behavior.

I didn't say that shit, you did. And I didn't take it personally; I don't really care about what strangers who don't know me think about me. And I'm sure no one else took it personally, was just completely retarded and unnecessary. Why make fun of someone you don't know? Pretty pointless. That's my only point.

I don't take things personally from ppl who don't know me, and I'm sure everyone else on here doesn't. But that's my point: if this is just a forum and you're just a poster, what's the point of bashing ppl you don't know? This isn't high school. The end.

New member
Oct 4, 2004
SkinsRaj just let it go and stop replaying with more bullshit.

If I wrote this at another forum they would just laugh or throw another joke at me. You need to know how to decipher sarcasm, I know it's hard but do so before you start getting all politically correct with me. I know you been on the forums for a long time and Will has a big influence on you. I see it, I bet a lot more people see it too.

Also... let me try to end this here. This is the "Rubber Room", this is where I can call you out and make fun of you as much as I want. I have respect for the Offshore forum and never posted any bullshit up there. Please stop acting like a wannabe mod in here and get back to posting.

It's really simple, I can call you a cunt and you can take it or call me a bitch. But don't give me that “you don't know anyone here so you can't talk shit to them". Now that is a funny statement because forums are all about calling each other out until you run out of material.

Also for your information you can't find shit on me even if you tried. I never stiffed, scammed, ghosted as long as I posted. I just bashed people with this name and I ain't sorry. I can bash you one day and be your buddy the next.

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