"Gimmee a break! So what that he couldn't remember - the Congress was fishing for ammo to shoot at Reagan and he wasn't going to give them any! Are you ssaying that It's not OK for Reagan to obfuscate, but it's perfectly foine for Clinton to perjure himself?"
Actually in light of the fact that it's come out that ronnie was already suffering from Alzheimer's disease while he was in office one could actually believe that he really didn't remember. That info did slightly decrease my spite towards him, he was probably more of a puppet than we realize.
"As for Reagans South America policies, I sugest you ask the Nicaraguans and Granadans about Reagan before you spout anything else on their behalf - they laud his actions and consider Reagan a hero."
Um, hello, I've lived next door for years, my adopted brother was from Nicaragua, I work with Nicas and have Nica friends. You're wrong. Besides that even if you were right it doesn't justify using drug money to buy arms from Iran (um didn't we have a little hostage problem with them) to fuel an secret, illegal, military action. Nor does it justify setting up secret military bases in Costa Rica to train contras. How much illegal spending do you think went on for ronnie to play G.I. Joe in Nicaragua and Costa Rica. By the way, "Reagans South America policies", I don't think it's a "policy" when you hide it from the U.S. public and congress.
"If the American people thought Reagan was so terrible, they sure as hell would not have re-elected him. And if possible, they would have re-elected him to a third term."
No one has ever gone broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. ronnie was the first great success for the right at marketing the dumbed down, average joe politician.
"I brought the house I live in while Carter was President - I paid a mortgage rate of 15 and seven eighths percent. Reagan helped bring the percentage rate down to 9 percent, and he helped create a more productive economy."
By ridiculous spending that we had to recover from, again greatest creditor to greatest debtor nation in 8 years.
"The supply side economy that was started by Reagan has continued to this day and is the foundation that todays great econmy is built on. Remember that you've never waited in a gas line or lived in an economy where unemployment was in the double digits; where it was common for people to work two full time jobs ( I did for a while in the '70's, with a wife and three kids to take care of. )"
No wasn't old enough to drive so I missed the lines at the gas stations. However this part..."where it was common for people to work two full time jobs ( I did for a while in the '70's, with a wife and three kids to take care of. )"..., well can you say the 80's. I didn't mind so much making $3.50 an hour, I think it was, as a teenager, I was just making beer money. Although I really felt bad for the other guys on the assembly lines that raced from one factory to another pulling 16 hour work days to try and put food on the table for their kids. A lot of minimum wage jobs doesn't mean people enjoy a better standard of living. Aside from that, living in Wyoming at the time ronnie was elected, I remember the oil industry out west going bust and the real estate market collapsing. Then even in the late 80's I remember college profs at state schools making less than 30k a year. Of course I was ecstatic to learn that for my first year of college I was entitled to a whopping $1700 in GSL, while ironically my Dad had been able to finance all of his tution for his master's through GSL just before ronnie took office. Yeah great economic times.
"One of the problems woith being young nowadays is that you've never lived through a bad economy. I hope you never have such an experience."
I've heard my whole life that the baby boomers were the first generation not expected to do better than their parents financially. How do you figure that us 25-35ish offspring of the boomers have had it so easy?