An Israeli Rabbi Responds to Obama's "Brilliant and Powerful" Speech


Aug 6, 2006
Buster this is a pretty good thread without your inane blurbs to bait in the trolls.

Aug 6, 2006
James Woolsey, former director of the CIA and a democrat, is less informed on Iran than The GUESSer? Who knew!

Woolsey, chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, recently stated, "Once Iran gets a nuclear weapon, and under this agreement it will, it's only a question of speed and development. Then you are going to have nuclear weapons proliferate throughout the Middle East. The Arab states — such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others — are definitely going to end up with nuclear weapons."


Oct 12, 2008
'Currently, the US allows Israel to use a mere 25 percent of its assistance at home. As a consequence, the main beneficiary of US military assistance to Israel are US defense contractors.'

huh?....i don't get this. If Israel is in harm's way, NO ONE can tell her what to do. She blows up the aggressor. If you choose NOT TO, then have the courage to get rid of this 'allow' rubbish. And be grateful for aid you get.

is Israel 'worried' about what the rest of the world will think? Please say no

Aug 6, 2006
Boffer if I fail to answer your question then please rephrase. YES, Israel cares what the world thinks. Israel has been poor at getting its message across and has lost the PR battle often. That is changing, but so slowly I can still here squeaking in the distance. The current PM is a good communicator. You can see that stark difference compared to Trump, who pats himself on the back when he says he predicted something like Orlando, while the PM reaches out with feeling and solidarity to the victims.

In many ways world leaders and bodies like the UN have tried to tie Israel's hands in fighting back vs those who seek to destroy it. For awhile I thought only Israel received this crap treatment. Then I see poor responses and poor coordination in fighting this jihad after it spread out of the Palestinian territories. You look at Turkey who has enabled ISIS for example. You look at Obama drawing lines in the sand and rubbing them out. Had Obama stood forcefully vs Assad in 2013 IMO the world map looks very different now. He and Hillary failed to act. As a result Syria is no longer a State, ISIS has spread, and Russian influence has widened. All bad.

Yes there are very strict rules on how Israel uses our aid. Meanwhile we give with no conditions more to other countries combined in the ME who vote against us in the UN, and whose regimes foment anti-US hatred in their populations. This does not include the billions we've spent in wars in Afg, Iraq, and the WOT. Nor does it include our peace missions in Europe and Asia where many of our troops are deployed in an area free of war for 70 years. Not a single US soldier has gone to war for Israel.

For more on how US aid to Israel is restricted read "Two Way Independence" or any article by Yoram Ettinger.

Oct 12, 2008
thank you Scott I appreciate the time and response;

would you prefer the USA to take a more aggressor action against ISIS/Iran than Israel? If Israel has failed to get its 'message across ', when shall she take a lead? Do you blame the US? the UN?

' Not a single US soldier has gone to war for Israel.'....has Israel been waiting for the problem to go away? good idea to continue with this?

keep in mind, my knowledge of the topic is crap. I hope my post doesnt anger you.

stay well....bacon and eggs...sleep well and MOVE....have you been moving?.......................nigga , u there?....................dagone..........

btw, with Trudeau, forget it, Canada is out........likely need a shit show on home soil.......

Aug 6, 2006
Bother me? GTFOUH :)

I'll return to this thread later.

Hey we're all clueless right now.

We removed a dictator in Iraq. It went bad.
We removed a dictator in Libya. It went bad.
We watched a dictator use chemical weapons in Syria. We left him in power.
Then we didn't arm his opponents. A terror group filled the vacuum.
We act. It goes bad. We don't act. It goes bad.
It may be too late to take care of Iran now. We've moved toward not acting.
Obama surrendered the ME to Iran, ISIS and Russia. GL2US!

Oct 12, 2008
and for the record, Mr Obama's speech in Canadian parliament the other day (he did'nt like visiting whilst Mr Harper had control) was followed with roars of ...'four more years...four more years...four more years..'

for the record i offer no solutions to the middle east .......dagone....

Aug 6, 2006
  • Video - Netanyahu: "You Don't Murder a Sleeping Child for Peace"
    In the wake of the killing of Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, by a Palestinian terrorist, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "You don't murder a sleeping child for peace. You don't slit a little girl's throat to protest a policy you don't like. You do this because you've been brainwashed by a warped ideology that teaches you that this child isn't human."
    "Today, each of us is going to fight back....We fight back first by fighting the terrorists, fighting their backers, fighting those who incite for such murder, whether in Hebron or in Orlando, or in Berlin, or in Ankara, or in Belgium, anywhere....We will defend and honor her dignity by redoubling our efforts around the world to defeat the scourge of radical Islamist terror."
    (Times of Israel)

  • PA, Fatah Honor Murderer of Israeli Girl - Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik (Palestinian Media Watch)
    Palestinian terrorist Muhammad Taraireh entered the home of an Israeli girl, Hallel Yaffa Ariel, 13, while she slept in her bed, and stabbed her to death on Thursday.
    WAFA, the official PA news agency, honored the terrorist by referring to him as a "martyr," as did Fatah's official Facebook page.
    Under Palestinian Authority law, the family of the murderer will immediately receive a monthly stipend that the PA pays to the families of all the martyrs.
    The mother of the terrorist told a local Hebron news network, "My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque....Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine."


Aug 6, 2006
Facing the Hamas Challenge - Efraim Inbar

Hamas is indeed an implacable enemy of Israel. Its ideological commitment to the destruction of the Jewish state is enshrined in its covenant and is propagated in all Hamas-sponsored educational organs. Hamas has acted on its hatred by organizing numerous suicide bomber attacks, by digging tunnels to facilitate the perpetration of terrorist attacks, and by launching thousands of rockets toward Israel's towns and cities. It deserves to be the target of Israeli military action.

However, the end of Hamas rule is not an easily attainable military objective. The roots of Hamas are deep in Palestinian society, particularly in Gaza. Hamas simply cannot be eradicated by outsiders conquering Gaza.

Calls for a "political solution" are similarly unrealistic. Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Salafist groups see Israel as a theological aberration. They might reluctantly accept temporary cease-fires, but they continue to categorically reject any diplomatic course of action intended to fully solve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The fanatical commitment of these militias to a radical ideology and to a patient strategy of violent resistance means the conflict will continue for some time.

Force should be applied in the service of a long-term strategy of attrition designed to debilitate enemy capabilities and exact a cost with the object of enhancing temporary deterrence. This strategy also has a positive effect beyond the borders of the conflict. Other actors in the Middle East are watching, and they too need vivid reminders that aggression against Israel can be costly. In this tough neighborhood, inaction is perceived as weakness, inviting aggression.

The question "When will this end?" is inherently flawed. There is, unfortunately, no end in sight. As long as the basic motivations of Hamas remain, the violent struggle will continue. But this does not mean that significant periods of quiet cannot be achieved by military action.
The writer is director of the Begin-Sadat-Center for Strategic Studies and Professor Emeritus of Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University. (BESA Center-Bar-Ilan University)

Aug 6, 2006
Some crazy Christians still out there.

Presbyterians Providing Legitimacy to BDS? - Editorial
At its biennial General Assembly in Portland, Oregon, last week, the Presbyterian Church of the U.S. blamed "Israel's policy trajectory of continued settlements and brutal occupation" for the stalemate in peace talks with the Palestinians. The Presbyterian leadership also called on its faithful to "prayerfully study the call from Palestinian civil society for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against the State of Israel."

Unfortunately, the Presbyterians, once again, have shown how their sincere desire to defend the weak has been exploited by organizations with rabidly anti-Zionist and even anti-American agendas. All five of the mainline liberal Protestant denominations in the U.S. have debated, and in some cases adopted, policies that reflect a simplistic and slanted perspective on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that sees Israel as the perpetual aggressor and the Palestinians as the helpless victim.

In the process, they ignore the fact that Israel is one of the few places in the Middle East where Christians' rights are fervently protected. Who can take seriously liberal Protestant denominations that express a blatant double standard that provides legitimacy to BDS, an anti-Semitic movement, instead of praising the only country in the region that affords religious freedom for all faiths?
(Jerusalem Post)

Aug 6, 2006
Says it all......

Obama Ignores American Murdered by Palestinians In Israel. He Always Does That. Here’s Why.

On Thursday in Israel, a young American girl was stabbed to death as she lay sleeping in her bed with her teddy bear.

13-year-old Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was part of the Harikud dance national studio; the evening before she was viciously murdered she had performed in Jerusalem with her studio as part of a traveling group that toured the small country. Esther Mirom, the director of the studio, recalled to Israel National News, "Hallel was an amazing dancer. She studied here for five years. What characterized her was her very strong and meaningful quietness. She was graceful and an amazing dancer. She came with her grace and her quiet."

The viciousness of the murder, in which the 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist entered Hallel's room, locked the door, and stabbed her repeatedly as she slept, leaving blood all over the room, engendered an outcry from those who care about innocent lives.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama was silent.

The State Department issued its usual useless proclamation: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms the outrageous terrorist attack this morning. This brutal act of terrorism is simply unconscionable. We extend our deepest condolences to her family."

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

The German Foreign Ministry, the U.K., and EU envoys to Israel all condemned the attack; the German Foreign Office stated in a rare Hebrew-language statement, “the stabbing of a 13-year-old girl is a new record in atrocious and cruel acts. No religion, no political conflict and no personal frustration can justify the malicious murder of a sleeping child.”

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a heartbreakingly poignant and eloquent statement to respond to the brutal murder (see it in its entirety here.)

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

Fatah’s official Facebook page posted a picture of the murderer, declaring him a Martyr - “Shahid,” their highest honor, according to the Palestinian Authority. WAFA, the official PA news agency, also called him “Shahid.”

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

This is nothing new for Obama, who routinely goes silent when American Jews are murdered in Israel, or issues statements calling for both sides to avoid escalating tensions.

The political left routinely cites the political right for what it calls dog whistles, in which an individual’s actions are a subtle hint to his/her audience that his personal feelings are in concert with his/her audience’s.

Obama uses the silent dog whistle with the Palestinians, going silent even in instances in which the crime is so horrific that the human soul cries out in revulsion and horror at the barbarity of the act. By doing so, he offers the Palestinians tacit approval of their actions; any truly moral human being would see the difference between one side of the political conflict that teaches its children to demonize their enemies and the other side which actually treats its enemies in hospitals. Any moral person would see the difference between one side, whose leaders utter statements such as, “If you ask me my blunt position, I would say — every place you find an Israeli, slit his throat,” and the other, which yearns for peace.

Obama uses the silent dog whistle with the Palestinians, going silent even in instances in which the crime is so horrific that the human soul cries out in revulsion and horror at the barbarity of the act.

With his consistent silent dog whistle to the Palestinians, Obama encourages them to keep inciting their people to murder innocents; with his silent dog whistle, Obama shows that he refuses to condemn the forces of darkness that prefer death rather than life, that would murder an innocent child holding a teddy bear while she is sleeping.

His silence tells the murderers of Jewish children everything they need to know.

Aug 6, 2006
Canada-Israel Friendship AssociationYesterday at 10:37pm ·

As far as we know, Canada is the only country that launched a formal complaint against Mahmoud Abbas for spreading an anti-Semitic blood libel at the European Parliament when he lied about imaginary Jewish rabbis who told Israelis to "poison Palestinian water".
It is unbelievable, but after accusing Jews of a medieval blood libel, Abbas - a corrupt Holocaust denier - received a standing ovation from the vile Jew haters at the EU!
Thank you, Canada.
It's time to de-fund the corrupt Palestinian Authority once and for all. Let them work for a living (for a change).

Canada Lodges Formal Complaint Over Abbas Blood Libel
Despite being post-Stephen Harper, the Canadians respond|By Aussie Dave

Aug 6, 2006
Palestinian dictator for life Mahmoud Abbas's advisor said this week that Palestinians should slit the throats of Jews at every opportunity.
Then Hallel Yaffa, 13 years old from was stabbed to death as she slept in her bedroom.

They should not be asking for Abbas to condemn this diabolical crime which he caused.

They should arrest him and try him and the pack of hyenas he surrounds himself with for capital murder.

They should also round up all his US-trained "security personnel" in Hebron and arrest them or send to the other Pal terror enclave in Gaza.

Also they should shut down the PA's bank accounts to end its finance of terrorism.

Every time a Pal terrorist murders an Israeli they should raze the entire village he came from and build a Jewish community in its place, and name it after the innocent victim.

Enough is enough.

Sep 21, 2004
Says it all......

Obama Ignores American Murdered by Palestinians In Israel. He Always Does That. Here’s Why.

On Thursday in Israel, a young American girl was stabbed to death as she lay sleeping in her bed with her teddy bear.

13-year-old Hallel-Yaffa Ariel was part of the Harikud dance national studio; the evening before she was viciously murdered she had performed in Jerusalem with her studio as part of a traveling group that toured the small country. Esther Mirom, the director of the studio, recalled to Israel National News, "Hallel was an amazing dancer. She studied here for five years. What characterized her was her very strong and meaningful quietness. She was graceful and an amazing dancer. She came with her grace and her quiet."

The viciousness of the murder, in which the 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist entered Hallel's room, locked the door, and stabbed her repeatedly as she slept, leaving blood all over the room, engendered an outcry from those who care about innocent lives.

Meanwhile, President Barack Obama was silent.

The State Department issued its usual useless proclamation: "We condemn in the strongest possible terms the outrageous terrorist attack this morning. This brutal act of terrorism is simply unconscionable. We extend our deepest condolences to her family."

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

The German Foreign Ministry, the U.K., and EU envoys to Israel all condemned the attack; the German Foreign Office stated in a rare Hebrew-language statement, “the stabbing of a 13-year-old girl is a new record in atrocious and cruel acts. No religion, no political conflict and no personal frustration can justify the malicious murder of a sleeping child.”

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a heartbreakingly poignant and eloquent statement to respond to the brutal murder (see it in its entirety here.)

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

Fatah’s official Facebook page posted a picture of the murderer, declaring him a Martyr - “Shahid,” their highest honor, according to the Palestinian Authority. WAFA, the official PA news agency, also called him “Shahid.”

Meanwhile, Barack Obama was silent.

This is nothing new for Obama, who routinely goes silent when American Jews are murdered in Israel, or issues statements calling for both sides to avoid escalating tensions.

The political left routinely cites the political right for what it calls dog whistles, in which an individual’s actions are a subtle hint to his/her audience that his personal feelings are in concert with his/her audience’s.

Obama uses the silent dog whistle with the Palestinians, going silent even in instances in which the crime is so horrific that the human soul cries out in revulsion and horror at the barbarity of the act. By doing so, he offers the Palestinians tacit approval of their actions; any truly moral human being would see the difference between one side of the political conflict that teaches its children to demonize their enemies and the other side which actually treats its enemies in hospitals. Any moral person would see the difference between one side, whose leaders utter statements such as, “If you ask me my blunt position, I would say — every place you find an Israeli, slit his throat,” and the other, which yearns for peace.

Obama uses the silent dog whistle with the Palestinians, going silent even in instances in which the crime is so horrific that the human soul cries out in revulsion and horror at the barbarity of the act.

With his consistent silent dog whistle to the Palestinians, Obama encourages them to keep inciting their people to murder innocents; with his silent dog whistle, Obama shows that he refuses to condemn the forces of darkness that prefer death rather than life, that would murder an innocent child holding a teddy bear while she is sleeping.

His silence tells the murderers of Jewish children everything they need to know.
This article is a disgrace. They are using this horrific tragedy to simply take a shot at the POTUS? We've seen these type of tactics before, where a horrible tragedy(Benghazi) is used by those without conscience, simply to slam someone for desired Political points. It's disgraceful every time, and indeed, says it all.

The State Department issued a proclamation "We condemn in the strongest possible terms the outrageous terrorist attack this morning. This brutal act of terrorism is simply unconscionable. We extend our deepest condolences to her family."

The German Foreign Ministry, the U.K., and EU envoys to Israel all condemned the attack; the German Foreign Office stated in a rare Hebrew-language statement, “the stabbing of a 13-year-old girl is a new record in atrocious and cruel acts. No religion, no political conflict and no personal frustration can justify the malicious murder of a sleeping child.”

The State dept condemning this tragedy indeed is Obama condemning it, just as the German Foreign ministry is Merkel, the UK Envoy is Cameron, the EU Envoy is The Leader of the EU. I don't see the article criticising those responses, who responded in the same way as the US, with harsh, unequivocal condemnation. This vicious article, using this horrific tragedy simply to attack Obama is beyond disgusting.

Aug 6, 2006
Who cares what you think Guesser? A girl was murdered, and you condemned an ARTICLE while pretending an empty proclamation from State has signifigance. You're so stupid you don't even realize the letters you bolded makes your hero look WORSE!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Hussein this great orator who gives "brilliant and powerful speeches?"

Only for the Kool Aid drinkers (this would be you Guesser):

“He [Obama] went to Massachusetts to campaign against Scott Brown; Brown is now a senator. He went to New Jersey to campaign against Chris Christie, who is now governor. He went to Virginia to campaign against Bob McDonnell, who is now governor. He campaigned for the health care plan extensively; it became less popular. He campaigned in 2010 for the Democrats; they were shellacked. He began, in a sense, his presidency flying to Copenhagen to get Chicago the Olympics, Chicago is the first city eliminated. There is no evidence that the man has rhetorical powers that he’s relying on.”

-- George Will


Sep 21, 2004
Who cares what you think Guesser? A girl was murdered, and you condemned an ARTICLE while pretending an empty proclamation from State has signifigance. You're so stupid you don't even realize the letters you bolded makes your hero look WORSE!
You're a disgusting idiot, FRINGY. You are using this horrible tragedy to condemn Obama, who responded to the tragedy as he should have, with unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist act. Show some decency for once in your life, and stop employing the disgusting tactics of using tragedies like this just to make a Political statement. It's reprehensible.

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