America To Sarah. Please Shut Up


Sep 21, 2004
Fact, liberals hate Israel and her people. Fact, most Jews vote dem. Fact, this confuses the shit out of me.

Except the bolded part is NOT fact in the slightest. Jews as a group are smart enough and compassionate enough to know who is for common folk, and who is for the oppressors of common folk. That's why they historically vote Democratic. And also, US Jews, as a Group, are NOT voting for the President of Israel when they vote.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
If people don't like or don't care what certain people are saying, there are many ways to not listen:

1. Turn the channel.
2. Turn off the Radio or TV, or stop reading.
3. Walk away.

What's great about living in the USA, is that you don't have to listen or watch anything you don't want to. There are always other options. But, telling someone to shut up is pretty juvenile.

Sep 21, 2004
If people don't like or don't care what certain people are saying, there are many ways to not listen:

1. Turn the channel.
2. Turn off the Radio or TV, or stop reading.
3. Walk away.

What's great about living in the USA, is that you don't have to listen or watch anything you don't want to. There are always other options. But, telling someone to shut up is pretty juvenile.
I fully agree. Listening to idiots like Sarah babble incoherently is great entertainment.

Nov 16, 2008
Except the bolded part is NOT fact in the slightest. Jews as a group are smart enough and compassionate enough to know who is for common folk, and who is for the oppressors of common folk. That's why they historically vote Democratic. And also, US Jews, as a Group, are NOT voting for the President of Israel when they vote.

How can a Jew be a liberal when most of the anti-semitism in the world comes from the left and liberals are overwhelmingly pro Palestinian, and believe Israel is the bad guy in the Middle East and an an apartheid state? Iran will get a nuclear weapon because of liberal do nothing weak foreign policy and if they use it to annihilate Israel as they promised, every Jew that voted for Obama will have blood on their hands

Nov 21, 2008
How can a Jew be a liberal when most of the anti-semitism in the world comes from the left and liberals are overwhelmingly pro Palestinian, and believe Israel is the bad guy in the Middle East and an an apartheid state? Iran will get a nuclear weapon because of liberal do nothing weak foreign policy and if they use it to annihilate Israel as they promised, every Jew that voted for Obama will have blood on their hands

Guesser sounds pro palestine which is mind boggling in itself.

Aug 6, 2006

Why Are Jews Liberals?

I'm hoping buyer's remorse on Obama will finally cause a Jewish shift to the right.

By Norman Podhoretz

Updated Sept. 10, 2009 5:37 a.m. ET
One of the most extraordinary features of Barack Obama's victory over John McCain was his capture of 78% of the Jewish vote. To be sure, there was nothing extraordinary about the number itself. Since 1928, the average Jewish vote for the Democrat in presidential elections has been an amazing 75%—far higher than that of any other ethno-religious group.

Yet there were reasons to think that it would be different in 2008. The main one was Israel. Despite some slippage in concern for Israel among American Jews, most of them were still telling pollsters that their votes would be strongly influenced by the positions of the two candidates on the Jewish state. This being the case, Mr. McCain's long history of sympathy with Israel should have given him a distinct advantage over Mr. Obama, whose own history consisted of associating with outright enemies of the Jewish state like the Rev. Jeremiah Wright and the historian Rashid Khalidi.


Hebrew campaign buttons for Barack Obama. Associated Press

Nevertheless, Mr. Obama beat Mr. McCain among Jewish voters by a staggering 57 points. Except for African Americans, who gave him 95% of their vote, Mr. Obama did far better with Jews than with any other ethnic or religious group. Thus the Jewish vote for him was 25 points higher than the 53% he scored with the electorate as a whole; 35 points higher than the 43% he scored with whites; 11 points higher than the 67% he scored with Hispanics; 33 points higher than the 45% he scored with Protestants; and 24 points higher than the 54% he scored with Catholics.

These numbers remind us of the extent to which the continued Jewish commitment to the Democratic Party has become an anomaly. All the other ethno-religious groups that, like the Jews, formed part of the coalition forged by Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the 1930s have followed the rule that increasing prosperity generally leads to an increasing identification with the Republican Party. But not the Jews. As the late Jewish scholar Milton Himmelfarb said in the 1950s: "Jews earn like Episcopalians"—then the most prosperous minority group in America—"and vote like Puerto Ricans," who were then the poorest.

Jews also remain far more heavily committed to the liberal agenda than any of their old ethno-religious New Deal partners. As the eminent sociologist Nathan Glazer has put it, "whatever the promptings of their economic interests," Jews have consistently supported "increased government spending, expanded benefits to the poor and lower classes, greater regulations on business, and the power of organized labor."

As with these old political and economic questions, so with the newer issues being fought out in the culture wars today. On abortion, gay rights, school prayer, gun control and assisted suicide, the survey data show that Jews are by far the most liberal of any group in America.

Most American Jews sincerely believe that their liberalism, together with their commitment to the Democratic Party as its main political vehicle, stems from the teachings of Judaism and reflects the heritage of "Jewish values." But if this theory were valid, the Orthodox would be the most liberal sector of the Jewish community. After all, it is they who are most familiar with the Jewish religious tradition and who shape their lives around its commandments.

Yet the Orthodox enclaves are the only Jewish neighborhoods where Republican candidates get any votes to speak of. Even more telling is that on every single cultural issue, the Orthodox oppose the politically correct liberal positions taken by most other American Jews precisely because these positions conflict with Jewish law. To cite just a few examples: Jewish law permits abortion only to protect the life of the mother; it forbids sex between men; and it prohibits suicide (except when the only alternatives are forced conversion or incest).

The upshot is that in virtually every instance of a clash between Jewish law and contemporary liberalism, it is the liberal creed that prevails for most American Jews. Which is to say that for them, liberalism has become more than a political outlook. It has for all practical purposes superseded Judaism and become a religion in its own right. And to the dogmas and commandments of this religion they give the kind of steadfast devotion their forefathers gave to the religion of the Hebrew Bible. For many, moving to the right is invested with much the same horror their forefathers felt about conversion to Christianity.

All this applies most fully to Jews who are Jewish only in an ethnic sense. Indeed, many such secular Jews, when asked how they would define "a good Jew," reply that it is equivalent to being a good liberal.

But avowed secularists are not the only Jews who confuse Judaism with liberalism; so do many non-Orthodox Jews who practice this or that traditional observance. It is not for nothing that a cruel wag has described the Reform movement—the largest of the religious denominations within the American Jewish community—as "the Democratic Party with holidays thrown in," and the services in a Reform temple as "the Democratic Party at prayer."

As a Jew who moved from left to right more than four decades ago, I have been hoping for many years that my fellow Jews would come to see that in contrast to what was the case in the past, our true friends are now located not among liberals, but among conservatives.

Of course in speaking of the difference between left and right, or between liberals and conservatives, I have in mind a divide wider than the conflict between Democrats and Republicans and deeper than electoral politics. The great issue between the two political communities is how they feel about the nature of American society. With all exceptions duly noted, I think it fair to say that what liberals mainly see when they look at this country is injustice and oppression of every kind—economic, social and political. By sharp contrast, conservatives see a nation shaped by a complex of traditions, principles and institutions that has afforded more freedom and, even factoring in periodic economic downturns, more prosperity to more of its citizens than in any society in human history. It follows that what liberals believe needs to be changed or discarded—and apologized for to other nations—is precisely what conservatives are dedicated to preserving, reinvigorating and proudly defending against attack.

In this realm, too, American Jewry surely belongs with the conservatives rather than the liberals. For the social, political and moral system that liberals wish to transform is the very system in and through which Jews found a home such as they had never discovered in all their forced wanderings throughout the centuries over the face of the earth.

The Jewish immigrants who began coming here from Eastern Europe in the 1880s were right to call America "the golden land." They soon learned that there was no gold in the streets, as some of them may have imagined, which meant that they had to struggle, and struggle hard. But there was another, more precious kind of gold in America. There was freedom and there was opportunity. Blessed with these conditions, we children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren of these immigrants flourished—and not just in material terms—to an extent unmatched in the history of our people.

What I am saying is that if anything bears eloquent testimony to the infinitely precious virtues of the traditional American system, it is the Jewish experience in this country. Surely, then, we Jews ought to be joining with its defenders against those who are blind or indifferent or antagonistic to the philosophical principles, the moral values, and the socioeconomic institutions on whose health and vitality the traditional American system depends.

In 2008, we were faced with a candidate who ran to an unprecedented degree on the premise that the American system was seriously flawed and in desperate need of radical change—not to mention a record powerfully indicating that he would pursue policies dangerous to the security of Israel. Because of all this, I hoped that my fellow Jews would finally break free of the liberalism to which they have remained in thrall long past the point where it has served either their interests or their ideals.

That possibility having been resoundingly dashed, I now grasp for some encouragement from the signs that buyer's remorse is beginning to set in among Jews, as it also seems to be doing among independents. Which is why I am hoping against hope that the exposure of Mr. Obama as a false messiah will at last open the eyes of my fellow Jews to the correlative falsity of the political creed he so perfectly personifies and to which they have for so long been so misguidedly loyal.
Mr. Podhoretz was the editor of Commentary from 1960 to 1995. His latest book, "Why Are Jews Liberals?" is just out from Doubleday.

Aug 6, 2006
Why Jewish Americans vote Democratic

A striking aspect of the new Pew survey on Jewish Americans is how liberal Jews are. Is it good for the Democrats? You bet!

Conservatives have been trying to crack the code for a number of years on how to get Jewish voters over to their side. Based on the findings of the new "Portrait of Jewish Americans" survey from the Pew Research Center, Republicans will need to find a different key. Jews are likely going to be Democrats for the foreseeable future.

Let's start with the fact that the most important determining factor of voting pattern is partisan affiliation. If you identify as a Democrat, you are far more likely to vote Democratic than if you identify as an independent or a Republican. In this instance, 70% of Jews self-identify as leaning to or members of the Democratic party. That compares with just 49% of the American public overall who at least lean Democratic. Only 22% of Jews consider themselves as leaning Republican, compared to 39% of the overall public. Orthodox Jews, who represent no more than 10% of the United States' Jewish population, tend to make up the majority of Republican Jews.

Given their self-identification, it's unlikely that Jewish Americans will break from their Democratic ways. But a closer look at why Jews are Democratic should give Republicans further pause.

US Jews are very liberal: 49% of Jewish adults identify as liberal, compared with just 19% who say they are conservative. That's nearly a mirror-opposite of the general public, of whom 38% say they are conservative and 21% say they are liberal. That finding holds for age groups, albeit that Jews become less liberal as you look at the spectrum from Reform towards Orthodox.

The reason American Jews are liberal is because they tend to sympathize with the less fortunate and with minorities: like many black and Hispanic Americans, 54% of Jews believe government should be bigger, with more services, compared to just 40% of the public at large who believe the same. And 82% of Jews think that homosexuality should be accepted by society, while just 57% of the general public believes so.

Tellingly, Jews sound a lot more like a minority when it comes to discrimination than one might expect from a group of people who are mostly white. Despite problems between Israel and its Arab (and Persian) neighbors, 72% of Jews say Muslims in America are discriminated against, versus just 47% of the public at large who say that. While 64% of Jews say there is discrimination against African Americans, only 47% of all Americans do. This gap extends to attitudes towards Latino Americans, as well.

The roots of these liberal values probably lie in Jews' own understanding of what they went through in their history, with 73% of Jews holding the belief that remembering the Holocaust is an essential part of being Jewish. Indeed, Jews say it is the most essential part of what it means to be Jewish. Third on the list, though, at 56%, is working for justice and equality.

It's unlikely that outreach by religious Christians, who tend to be very conservative on the issue of Israel is going to break this pattern.

Jews simply don't feel any real affinity towards Evangelical Christians. Jews, for instance, don't buy into the idea that there is a (secularist) war against Christianity, as Rand Paul has argued. Only 16% of Jews agree there is discrimination against Evangelical Christians in the United States (a much larger 30% of all Americans think there is).

On the issue of Israel, only 40% of Jews believe God "gave them Israel". This percentage is lower than the general public's belief (at 44%) and far below white Evangelicals' 82% conviction. Other data indicate that Jews wouldn't be likely to follow anyone who tried use Israel as a wedge issue to separate Jews and their Democratic inclinations.

While it's true that 69% of Jews, including at least 60% of all age groups, feel an attachment to Israel, the problem for Republican recruiters is that only 43% of Jews believe that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish. That's far lower than the percentage who say the same thing for remembering the Holocaust or working for justice and equality.

Perhaps most telling is that most Jews don't feel the United States needs to be closer to Israel: nearly two-thirds (65%) of Jewish Americans feel that US support for Israel is either "about right" or too much (that's sad if true - SL). This holds across all age groups, and it's matches attitudes in the population at large. In fact, Jewish voters are 19pt more likely to say they support Obama's handling the US policy towards Israel than all Americans.

When you put it all together, Jewish voters are Democratic for a reason. They believe in the party's liberal ideology, and identify with its core values. They will not be swayed by Republican attempts to switch allegiances, because on the key issue on which the GOP (partly under Evangelical influence) highlights – diehard support for Israel – just doesn't impress Jews much. They don't view Israel as essential to their political allegiances in the United States, and even if they did, they think Democratic policy is just fine.
Sep 24, 2009
Why Jewish Americans vote Democratic

A striking aspect of the new Pew survey on Jewish Americans is how liberal Jews are. Is it good for the Democrats? You bet!

Conservatives have been trying to crack the code for a number of years on how to get Jewish voters over to their side. Based on the findings of the new "Portrait of Jewish Americans" survey from the Pew Research Center, Republicans will need to find a different key. Jews are likely going to be Democrats for the foreseeable future.

Let's start with the fact that the most important determining factor of voting pattern is partisan affiliation. If you identify as a Democrat, you are far more likely to vote Democratic than if you identify as an independent or a Republican. In this instance, 70% of Jews self-identify as leaning to or members of the Democratic party. That compares with just 49% of the American public overall who at least lean Democratic. Only 22% of Jews consider themselves as leaning Republican, compared to 39% of the overall public. Orthodox Jews, who represent no more than 10% of the United States' Jewish population, tend to make up the majority of Republican Jews.

Given their self-identification, it's unlikely that Jewish Americans will break from their Democratic ways. But a closer look at why Jews are Democratic should give Republicans further pause.

US Jews are very liberal: 49% of Jewish adults identify as liberal, compared with just 19% who say they are conservative. That's nearly a mirror-opposite of the general public, of whom 38% say they are conservative and 21% say they are liberal. That finding holds for age groups, albeit that Jews become less liberal as you look at the spectrum from Reform towards Orthodox.

The reason American Jews are liberal is because they tend to sympathize with the less fortunate and with minorities: like many black and Hispanic Americans, 54% of Jews believe government should be bigger, with more services, compared to just 40% of the public at large who believe the same. And 82% of Jews think that homosexuality should be accepted by society, while just 57% of the general public believes so.

Tellingly, Jews sound a lot more like a minority when it comes to discrimination than one might expect from a group of people who are mostly white. Despite problems between Israel and its Arab (and Persian) neighbors, 72% of Jews say Muslims in America are discriminated against, versus just 47% of the public at large who say that. While 64% of Jews say there is discrimination against African Americans, only 47% of all Americans do. This gap extends to attitudes towards Latino Americans, as well.

The roots of these liberal values probably lie in Jews' own understanding of what they went through in their history, with 73% of Jews holding the belief that remembering the Holocaust is an essential part of being Jewish. Indeed, Jews say it is the most essential part of what it means to be Jewish. Third on the list, though, at 56%, is working for justice and equality.

It's unlikely that outreach by religious Christians, who tend to be very conservative on the issue of Israel is going to break this pattern.

Jews simply don't feel any real affinity towards Evangelical Christians. Jews, for instance, don't buy into the idea that there is a (secularist) war against Christianity, as Rand Paul has argued. Only 16% of Jews agree there is discrimination against Evangelical Christians in the United States (a much larger 30% of all Americans think there is).

On the issue of Israel, only 40% of Jews believe God "gave them Israel". This percentage is lower than the general public's belief (at 44%) and far below white Evangelicals' 82% conviction. Other data indicate that Jews wouldn't be likely to follow anyone who tried use Israel as a wedge issue to separate Jews and their Democratic inclinations.

While it's true that 69% of Jews, including at least 60% of all age groups, feel an attachment to Israel, the problem for Republican recruiters is that only 43% of Jews believe that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish. That's far lower than the percentage who say the same thing for remembering the Holocaust or working for justice and equality.

Perhaps most telling is that most Jews don't feel the United States needs to be closer to Israel: nearly two-thirds (65%) of Jewish Americans feel that US support for Israel is either "about right" or too much (that's sad if true - SL). This holds across all age groups, and it's matches attitudes in the population at large. In fact, Jewish voters are 19pt more likely to say they support Obama's handling the US policy towards Israel than all Americans.

When you put it all together, Jewish voters are Democratic for a reason. They believe in the party's liberal ideology, and identify with its core values. They will not be swayed by Republican attempts to switch allegiances, because on the key issue on which the GOP (partly under Evangelical influence) highlights – diehard support for Israel – just doesn't impress Jews much. They don't view Israel as essential to their political allegiances in the United States, and even if they did, they think Democratic policy is just fine.

The right wing nutters on this board do not understand voters at all. It's all about the social issues. Only nuts like Joe and Acceb believe a MORE conservative candidate would win when in fact it makes most people run.

Aug 6, 2006
The right wing nutters on this board do not understand voters at all. It's all about the social issues. Only nuts like Joe and Acceb believe a MORE conservative candidate would win when in fact it makes most people run.

I don't define either Liberal or Conservative the way most do in here. To me neither of them are bad words, but merely belief systems. In the real world there are Liberals I agree with and Conservatives I agree with. But it takes a certain type of person to post on a message board. So with the internet it's different. At least it is for me as I find most Net Liberals too far Left and most net Conservatives too far Right. Probably because most real world Libs and Cons aren't angry enough to type it on the Net.
Sep 24, 2009
I don't define either Liberal or Conservative the way most do in here. To me neither of them are bad words, but merely belief systems. In the real world there are Liberals I agree with and Conservatives I agree with. But it takes a certain type of person to post on a message board. So with the internet it's different. At least it is for me as I find most Net Liberals too far Left and most net Conservatives too far Right. Probably because most real world Libs and Cons aren't angry enough to type it on the Net.

True. I post because I do home care at times and if my client is watching TV or asleep, I need something to do.

Sep 21, 2004
Why Jewish Americans vote Democratic

A striking aspect of the new Pew survey on Jewish Americans is how liberal Jews are. Is it good for the Democrats? You bet!

Conservatives have been trying to crack the code for a number of years on how to get Jewish voters over to their side. Based on the findings of the new "Portrait of Jewish Americans" survey from the Pew Research Center, Republicans will need to find a different key. Jews are likely going to be Democrats for the foreseeable future.

Let's start with the fact that the most important determining factor of voting pattern is partisan affiliation. If you identify as a Democrat, you are far more likely to vote Democratic than if you identify as an independent or a Republican. In this instance, 70% of Jews self-identify as leaning to or members of the Democratic party. That compares with just 49% of the American public overall who at least lean Democratic. Only 22% of Jews consider themselves as leaning Republican, compared to 39% of the overall public. Orthodox Jews, who represent no more than 10% of the United States' Jewish population, tend to make up the majority of Republican Jews.

Given their self-identification, it's unlikely that Jewish Americans will break from their Democratic ways. But a closer look at why Jews are Democratic should give Republicans further pause.

US Jews are very liberal: 49% of Jewish adults identify as liberal, compared with just 19% who say they are conservative. That's nearly a mirror-opposite of the general public, of whom 38% say they are conservative and 21% say they are liberal. That finding holds for age groups, albeit that Jews become less liberal as you look at the spectrum from Reform towards Orthodox.

The reason American Jews are liberal is because they tend to sympathize with the less fortunate and with minorities: like many black and Hispanic Americans, 54% of Jews believe government should be bigger, with more services, compared to just 40% of the public at large who believe the same. And 82% of Jews think that homosexuality should be accepted by society, while just 57% of the general public believes so.

Tellingly, Jews sound a lot more like a minority when it comes to discrimination than one might expect from a group of people who are mostly white. Despite problems between Israel and its Arab (and Persian) neighbors, 72% of Jews say Muslims in America are discriminated against, versus just 47% of the public at large who say that. While 64% of Jews say there is discrimination against African Americans, only 47% of all Americans do. This gap extends to attitudes towards Latino Americans, as well.

The roots of these liberal values probably lie in Jews' own understanding of what they went through in their history, with 73% of Jews holding the belief that remembering the Holocaust is an essential part of being Jewish. Indeed, Jews say it is the most essential part of what it means to be Jewish. Third on the list, though, at 56%, is working for justice and equality.

It's unlikely that outreach by religious Christians, who tend to be very conservative on the issue of Israel is going to break this pattern.

Jews simply don't feel any real affinity towards Evangelical Christians. Jews, for instance, don't buy into the idea that there is a (secularist) war against Christianity, as Rand Paul has argued. Only 16% of Jews agree there is discrimination against Evangelical Christians in the United States (a much larger 30% of all Americans think there is).

On the issue of Israel, only 40% of Jews believe God "gave them Israel". This percentage is lower than the general public's belief (at 44%) and far below white Evangelicals' 82% conviction. Other data indicate that Jews wouldn't be likely to follow anyone who tried use Israel as a wedge issue to separate Jews and their Democratic inclinations.

While it's true that 69% of Jews, including at least 60% of all age groups, feel an attachment to Israel, the problem for Republican recruiters is that only 43% of Jews believe that caring about Israel is an essential part of being Jewish. That's far lower than the percentage who say the same thing for remembering the Holocaust or working for justice and equality.

Perhaps most telling is that most Jews don't feel the United States needs to be closer to Israel: nearly two-thirds (65%) of Jewish Americans feel that US support for Israel is either "about right" or too much (that's sad if true - SL). This holds across all age groups, and it's matches attitudes in the population at large. In fact, Jewish voters are 19pt more likely to say they support Obama's handling the US policy towards Israel than all Americans.

When you put it all together, Jewish voters are Democratic for a reason. They believe in the party's liberal ideology, and identify with its core values. They will not be swayed by Republican attempts to switch allegiances, because on the key issue on which the GOP (partly under Evangelical influence) highlights – diehard support for Israel – just doesn't impress Jews much. They don't view Israel as essential to their political allegiances in the United States, and even if they did, they think Democratic policy is just fine.

EXCELLENT article Scott. Sums it up very well.

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