You crack me up kid.
You chose character defamation over debate and continue to accuse me of immaturity.
"kaya - Most of your answers sound like they come from a sixteen year old - so how do you expect me to respond?"
Yeah I guess sounding like a 16 year old is how I aced public speaking back in college, gee it never dawned on me until just now, thanks.
"You're repeating the liberal tripe they teach the students in some high school or college - the party line as dictated by the mainifesto; you know "from each according to his needs..." and of course "Religion is the opiate of the masses...a tool of the bourgeoisie"
I just wish that you liberals would come up with something original, but everything I see is some variation of the same old reheated trash - usually right out of Karl Marx's ramblings."
You are good a spewing empty right wing rhetoric yet accuse me and/or libs of being repetitive and unoriginal, funny.
Oh yeah by the way, I never read Marx, probably should have in the sense of a well rounded education, but I never got through more than a couple of pages. Also I was raised in rural Pennsylvania in a town with only one black faimly. I went to high school with a bunch of red-necks and hicks (classmates and teachers alike). You can be sure there was nothing liberal about my enviornment growing up.
I come here for light entertainment, to bs a little, share ideas, debate, etc. Apparently you come here to insult anyone that disagrees with your whims. I like to at least try to avoid the personal attacks and insults but you're so obsessed with how I come off, I'll address the issue of how you come.
Who knows how close this is but here's the impression you give.
Middle class w.a.s.p. in his 40's from a middle class family never had to work too hard for anything, probably a b.a. from an average college typical memorizer rather than thinker product of the university system in the states, a blind sheep follower of the repub party, and a total thesaurus talker trying to impress with vocabulary because there's not much real thought behind the words.