Allen, Texas.


Dec 13, 2007
Imagine actually believing this, let alone saying it aloud.
you posting something like this before the mid'd that work out for ya you tub of goo?

Between the GOP stance on abortion, the candidate the GOP will nominate. and the the fact most Americans want radical gun reforms your party loses "biggly" in 2024.

the whole MAGA shit hurts the party as well

Dec 13, 2007
Abbott doing nothing but praying publicly for the dead is about the most predictable part of this, only bounis is seeing California and Texas compared in terms of being a heavens for loons

"On Sunday evening, Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, attended a vigil for the victims of the shooting at the shopping center, Allen Premium Outlets, but said earlier that there would be no new effort by his administration to limit access to firearms — because it would not work."

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Imagine a country free of all of this.

Isn't that hard to accomplish.
Oh, but it IS being accomplished. You just don't know it yet.

Behind the scenes with military precision to avoid mass civilian casualties.

Nobody wants that.

But you will know everything.


In 1925, the owners of the Federal Reserve formed the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Just 5 out of the 100 shares issued were identified, with the balance of the shareholders of US CORP remaining anonymous, yet the money hail leads to THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROWN, and THE VATICAN. That's right, the tax dollars YOU send to the Internal Revenue Service go straight to the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are under their control.

The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them franchises of US CORP.

Representatives and Senators neither represent nor work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and, as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The "president" isn't just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.

You're one of 337 million people with a number - an employee of US CORP.

That's right, you're a SLAVE to foreign banksters.

And you didn't even know it.

The same banksters who have funded BOTH sides of EVERY WAR and CONFLICT since the civil war for their own criminal gain.

Think about 'history' for the last 150 years or so in THAT context - worse than anything you can possibly imagine.

But there is good news...actually GREAT news!

You'll never guess who ended US CORP? Who went overseas, demanded their signatures, then ripped those shares right from under them and brought them back home to the We The People.

US CORP has been dissolved.

What we're seeing now are the remnants lashing out...the last remaining chess pieces on the board causing chaos and destruction.

Because for the first time in over 100 years, Americans are FREE.

Truly historical times.

But the best is yet to come!


Active member
Jun 18, 2007

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Black supremacist mows down 62 white people at a Christmas parade 18 months later: No motive

Trans terrorist attacks a Christian school and writes a manifesto 6+ weeks later: No motive

Hispanic male shoots up a mall and kills several white people 1 day later: White supremacy

Jun 4, 2018
Oh, but it IS being accomplished. You just don't know it yet.

Behind the scenes with military precision to avoid mass civilian casualties.

Nobody wants that.

But you will know everything.


In 1925, the owners of the Federal Reserve formed the UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Just 5 out of the 100 shares issued were identified, with the balance of the shareholders of US CORP remaining anonymous, yet the money hail leads to THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROWN, and THE VATICAN. That's right, the tax dollars YOU send to the Internal Revenue Service go straight to the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are under their control.

The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them franchises of US CORP.

Representatives and Senators neither represent nor work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and, as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The "president" isn't just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.

You're one of 337 million people with a number - an employee of US CORP.

That's right, you're a SLAVE to foreign banksters.

And you didn't even know it.

The same banksters who have funded BOTH sides of EVERY WAR and CONFLICT since the civil war for their own criminal gain.

Think about 'history' for the last 150 years or so in THAT context - worse than anything you can possibly imagine.

But there is good news...actually GREAT news!

You'll never guess who ended US CORP? Who went overseas, demanded their signatures, then ripped those shares right from under them and brought them back home to the We The People.

US CORP has been dissolved.

What we're seeing now are the remnants lashing out...the last remaining chess pieces on the board causing chaos and destruction.

Because for the first time in over 100 years, Americans are FREE.

Truly historical times.

But the best is yet to come!


Jan 5, 2008
you posting something like this before the mid'd that work out for ya you tub of goo?

Between the GOP stance on abortion, the candidate the GOP will nominate. and the the fact most Americans want radical gun reforms your party loses "biggly" in 2024.

the whole MAGA shit hurts the party as well
Guy has a point on abortion! Democrats played em right into the trap. You pissed off white women!

Now as far as gun reform, no most people don’t want that! The democrats are dumb going for it because democrats are let crime free have a heart nobody is in the wrong. Which increase crime and thus increase people wanting fuvking guns!

End of the day both worthless party’s are just making money off all this shit.

If democrats are so worried about gun violence then why is no reform on hand guns? Why no mandatory 5 years if caught with an illegal hand gun? Well, where do you think they would find 85% of these at? What voter what race what cities? I mean that is already racist right? Plus look at the ease and convenient aspects a hand gun posses to commit more crime and violence.

Crime equals violence
Hand guns help increase crime and violence
Crime and violence equal a problem
A problem requires a solution
A solution requires money
People love making money

Guns are not the problem. Society is the problem. The lack of consequences on actions is the problem. Trying to make a country a melting pot of acceptance of pleasing everyone is the problem. Political folks are the problem. The lack of violence on criminals is the problem! Fuck morals and ethics! Put hard core actions into acts of violence and crime and watch how quick it goes away.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
A Mexican punk just happened to have Nazi tattoos and by total coincidence posted about Nazis, along with prominent conservatives, on a Russian social media account with zero followers and this discovery was made by a guy who works for an org bankrolled by the CIA.

Yep, typical run-of-the-mill false flag shooting.

"Is it too early to talk gun control or must we still wait on that?"
-- Retard Central


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
A Mexican punk just happened to have Nazi tattoos and by total coincidence posted about Nazis, along with prominent conservatives, on a Russian social media account with zero followers and this discovery was made by a guy who works for an org bankrolled by the CIA.

Yep, typical run-of-the-mill false flag shooting.

"Is it too early to talk gun control or must we still wait on that?"
-- Retard Central

Funny how fast they discovered all This but can’t seem to find who planted the pipe bombs

Jul 4, 2012
you posting something like this before the mid'd that work out for ya you tub of goo?

Between the GOP stance on abortion, the candidate the GOP will nominate. and the the fact most Americans want radical gun reforms your party loses "biggly" in 2024.

the whole MAGA shit hurts the party as well

27 states now have permit less carry in America.

You are just parody.

Dec 13, 2007
27 states now have permit less carry in America.

You are just parody.
People will continue to be blown away...but isn't that sorta what you gun nut fucks want anyway?

open carry in 27 states...welcome to the emergence of being a second world country!!!!!
complete with rich politicians, massive amount of weapons , gouging by corporations and mute politicians and corruption !!!!!

Dec 13, 2007
Gun deaths are just the cherry on top or a symptom of sick and fragile society

Dec 13, 2007

He cant help himself, enjoys being the laughing stock.
The Boy who cried Q and "you can't stop whats coming" for years...
I'm still waiting goofball on just one of your proclamations to bloom.

But sure I'm a laughing stock, Thanks adult guy who STILL lives with his parents.

Jul 4, 2012
People will continue to be blown away...but isn't that sorta what you gun nut fucks want anyway?

open carry in 27 states...welcome to the emergence of being a second world country!!!!!
complete with rich politicians, massive amount of weapons , gouging by corporations and mute politicians and corruption !!!!!

Hey, at least you let go of your idiotic idea that the 81 year old President with the 38% approval rating is going to sweep into office because of an unpopular idea.

Dec 13, 2007
Hey, at least you let go of your idiotic idea that the 81 year old President with the 38% approval rating is going to sweep into office because of an unpopular idea.
The GOP nominating the worst possible candidate can't be discounted...thank the moronic MAGA base and weak moderates within the party

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