Why don't liberals want ivm to work. It is an amazing drug and could help in this country with covid, tick borne diseases, some cancers, Epstein Barr, etc
Because they are low intelligence followers of an ideology with no consideration of the facts in this matter, they are brainwashed subjects of THE PARTY, that do not understand what they are cutting and pasting. To say Ivermectin is horse dewormer is despicable, MDs across the USA have used it on millions of humans for decades, as they use antibiotics (and other meds) for both humans and animals. It is pure stupidity to smear this drug.
THE PARTY pushed vaccines for many reasons, and, "I think", technically to get the FDA emergency ruling for the vaccines there could be NO pharma options (like HCQ and ivermectin) so they had to be smeared, crushed as options to open the floodgates for the vaccines.