Good discussion in this thread.
Will hop in this evening and share a talk I had and see what
you guys think. Talked with a female friend who is a stewardess
who posed an interesting take that I want to hear you guys opinion
on and see what your take is on a question she posed on this.
She basically thought it was really strange and unusual that California did not
have a way worse problem than New York. She was not surprised by New York
having some problems with it. But she was really shocked that California based
on the media spin of this, etc, etc did not have a problem ten times worse than
New York. She talked about her own guestimates/speculation on the number of
people that fly into that state from other places on a daily basis, especially before all
of this. She thought California based on how the media spins this thing would be the
ground zero of all this bull shit going on.
Im just giving the gist/ basic break down of what she was wondering/questioning.
Except for Sheepdeeper.....What do you Guys think. Maybe a group immunity or a
herd immunity as they refer to it. I believe a research paper out of Stanford speculated
that this has possibly been here since last Fall.
I feel 100% that we should have never shut this country economy down for even one day.