Think about it..... anti racial equality.... anti fixing systematic racism....anti protesting.....anti coronavirus.....don’t believe in police brutality.... Every single fucking big topic that comes along these right wing whacko weirdos say it either doesn’t exist or they don’t believe in it.
LMFAO. It’s fucking embarrassing. How can anyone rock with these type of people? This is why I clown the fuck out of them. They are fucked in the head. Brain dead cocaine heads. No drugs my ass.
Real talk. You want real talk? Ignorance is life threatening and these deadbeats should be fucking castrated.
Mob has days up built up spew,,so look out
anti racial equality.... dude its the liberals that are anti racial equality..always trying to push victim mentality like the minorities cant compete
without some special laws
anti fixing systematic racism....cant fix something that is made up broface)(*^%
anti know better than this and that people are NOT peacefully protesting..they are rioting
anti coronavirus....Who wants corona virus? But seriously, no one is saying it doesnt exist but that shit is being overblown for political reasons.
.don’t believe in police brutality.... who says this doesnt one wants police beating people .. you know that shit is overstated and exaggerated for political reasons and legislation is going on around the country to reform police so its not like the issue with bad officers are being ignored.
Perhaps is you watch/consume media that is not "activism disquised as journalism" then it would be obvious to you as well.
There is still hope for you Mob, for real man.