'All of these liars will be sued after the election': Trump says he'll take legal action against every one of his sexual assault accusers


New member
Nov 10, 2010
They all love her now


[h=1]Democrats For Trump[/h][h=2]@TrumpDemocrats[/h]We represent the millions of Democrats who are devoted to putting Donald Trump in the White House. #Trump is #Yuge & is going to make #America great again!

Sep 21, 2004
I don't think so......it is just like his "I will release bombshell birther info" and his "I will release info to show these women are lying". And " I will release my taxes after the audit". He does a lot of delaying with everything and doesn't follow thru
Idiot Drumpf has threatened to sue the NY Times many times, for their ACCURATE coverage of him this cycle. So far, # of suits filed is zero. He might sue them, unless they get big money in their corner, like Cuban. Then, the pussy will run for the hills because he knows he's guilty as hell, and can't push them around.

Sep 21, 2004
Donald Trump, officially out of ideas, says he will sue his female accusers

By Aaron Blake October 22 at 2:38 PM
Trump vows to sue women who have alleged sexual assault

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Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said during a campaign stop in Gettysburg, Pa., on Oct. 22 that when the election ends he plans to file lawsuits against every woman who has come forward alleging he sexually assaulted them. (The Washington Post)

In Gettysburg, Pa., on Saturday, Donald Trump delivered what was billed by his campaign as a “groundbreaking contract with the American voter.”
It was nothing of the sort. In fact, these were the same ideas he's been spouting for weeks and months. About the only new and noteworthy things, in fact, were:

  1. His threat to break up media companies.
  2. His promise to sue the women who have accused him of sexual assault and other misconduct — after the election.
“Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign,” Trump said. “Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over.”
Yes, Donald Trump's big, new pitch to voters is that he's going to fight the media and sue people. Yuge.
Trump is losing by a sizable margin, which even he seems to recognize at this point. But instead of changing things up, he seems defeated and out of ideas when it comes to how to change his fortunes. As The Post's Jenna Johnson wrote Friday, Trump seems almost resigned to his fate, even musing about what a waste it would all have been if he loses.
His threat to sue the women who have accused him was the big news to come out of Saturday's rally. But as with many of his threats of litigation, it begs for a large dose of skepticism.
Trump also threatened to sue 10 days ago, when the New York Times broke a story about two Trump accusers. His campaign put out word that it was drafting a suit even that evening.


Robert Costa

A lawsuit is being drafted now by Trump against the NYT. Very possible it could be announced tonight, though discussions ongoing.
9:46 PM - 12 Oct 2016

Apparently those discussions are still “ongoing,” because Trump hasn't filed the suit. Even as the Times responded by puffing out its chest and essentially telling the campaign to bring it on, there is still no suit, 10 days later.
At the time, many reports were skeptical of the lawsuit threat — in large part because it would open up Trump himself to on-the-record questions about his sexual past.

There is also the fact that, as Reuters reported, Trump has repeatedly threatened to sue newspapers over the past three decades, but he hasn't actually filed suit since 1984 — a suit that was later dismissed. Trump's lawyer also suggested unrealized legal action could be coming when the New York Times reported in early October on Trump's previously secret 1995 tax return, which showed him claiming a $916 million loss that would allow him to avoid paying federal income taxes for years afterward.
All of which is reason to be even more skeptical of his newly-threatened lawsuit.

Another reason to be skeptical is that he's threatening to sue the women afterthe election. While the Times threat was immediate and the lawsuit was supposedly imminent, Trump isn't even bothering with saying he'll file these suits quickly, for some reason.
He waited 10 days from the first accusations to make this threat, and now he's saying he'll do it after the election — at a time that, if he welshes on his promise/threat again, few people will probably notice or even really care (assuming he has lost the presidency, of course).
The threat to break up media conglomerates is also new, but it's also actually sort of old. It's unites two long-standing planks of his campaign — populism and hating the media. But again, Trump has already served notice just how anti-media he is. Upping the rhetoric on that doesn't really bring any new voters into the fold. And, also, he's, um, not going to break up the media companies.
In the end, this is the same Trump we've seen since the primaries, running a campaign that appeals to the base and does nothing to expand from there. In recent weeks, while facing a torrent of unhelpful revelations, he has chosen to do the very same things that helped him win the GOP nomination but made him the most unpopular presidential nominee in the process.
And the “groundbreaking” proposals he's putting forward today come from the same tired, ineffective playbook that made him competitive but never really gave him a good chance to win.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Some should step up, like Mark Cuban, and provide with attorneys and countersue for pain and suffering

If too many of them step up, Trump might have a problem

not one eyewitness
not one police report
not one formal complaint of any sort with any organization

we just have different standards

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Creepy ass perv. Perfect representative for Republicans.
Do you realize you talk like a fag? Your continual use of the words
creepy, scary, racist and weird are a tell. Either that or you're a prepubescent
girl masquerading as a 20 something man.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Creepy ass perv. Perfect representative for Republicans.

Its funny how guys like dave who posts pictures of naked men on a toilet.....questionable toddler pics....says molesting your sister is "boys being boys"......calling others gays for words they use.

These guys think they are some big alpha men and they are the biggest pussies on the planet.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Do you realize you talk like a fag? Your continual use of the words
creepy, scary, racist and weird are a tell. Either that or you're a prepubescent
girl masquerading as a 20 something man.
Akcindy brady said creepy like 50 times yesterday. He also says he likes "chicks". His tells are all there. I really think he might be a 15 year old girl

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Its funny how guys like dave who posts pictures of naked men on a toilet.....questionable toddler pics....says molesting your sister is "boys being boys"......calling others gays for words they use.

These guys think they are some big alpha men and they are the biggest pussies on the planet.

Your big bad nation is exposed. And that picture of you on the crapper outside your single wide is priceless!
You might want to check in on your boy akcindy cuz he got slapped around pretty damn good yesterday. Kinda like the teams you bet in college foots !

New member
Oct 29, 2010
Your big bad nation is exposed. And that picture of you on the crapper outside your single wide is priceless!
You might want to check in on your boy akcindy cuz he got slapped around pretty damn good yesterday. Kinda like the teams you bet in college foots !

Stalking my pick threads. Lmao. Have you gotten into plus yet in baseball? Those late night snacks are like late night dumps!

akp made you trolls look silly again yesterday. Keep begging for attention!!

you are dead broke and banging some used up ho with other peoples kids.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Stalking my pick threads. Lmao. Have you gotten into plus yet in baseball? Those late night snacks are like late night dumps!

akp made you trolls look silly again yesterday. Keep begging for attention!!

"Creepy" yeah your girl got pimp slapped all day. The nation took a huge hit yesterday and I dont see the picnic happening after that complete slaughter. Was it fun watching those blowouts?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
"Creepy" yeah your girl got pimp slapped all day. The nation took a huge hit yesterday and I dont see the picnic happening after that complete slaughter. Was it fun watching those blowouts?

You mean like your Dodgers play? Great analysis!! Lmao. Youre drowning in red ink.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You mean like your Dodgers play? Great analysis!! Lmao. Youre drowning in red ink.

One bump in a great day. 1 for 5 is hard to do. Congrats on your huge roll you are on. Did you see "value" in those turds?

New member
Oct 29, 2010
One bump in a great day. 1 for 5 is hard to do. Congrats on your huge roll you are on. Did you see "value" in those turds?

You got slaughtered in baseball but let's talk about my one losing Saturday!! Lmao....go follow pennywise on twitter or some shit.

What a loser.

Going to watch football. Have fun with your 30 dollar parlay today and trolling me

New member
Sep 21, 2004
You got slaughtered in baseball but let's talk about my one losing Saturday!! Lmao....go follow pennywise on twitter or some shit.

What a loser.

Going to watch football. Have fun with your 30 dollar parlay today and trolling me

Your one losing saturday? Uh now we know you are delusional. Was last week too long for you to remember you lost then too? I guess that is how a few good nights playing poker at the indian casino turns into millions lmao. Selective memory is a part of being a sociopath!

Rx. Senior
Nov 8, 2007
Trump is going to sue the New York Times for so much he ends up owning it. Only possible way he won't do that is if what they wrote was actually true

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Akcindy brady said creepy like 50 times yesterday. He also says he likes "chicks". His tells are all there. I really think he might be a 15 year old girl
That's what happens when you're an attention starved troll.

You have to say something but you don't know quite what to say
so you repeat the same drivel or just change the subject.

As long as someone replies, your self esteem remains intact.

Sep 21, 2004
Lawyers are offering to defend Trump’s sexual assault accusers for free

But Trump’s lawsuit threats are still intimidating to women who might consider coming forward.

Updated by Emily Crockett @emilycrockett emily@vox.com Oct 24, 2016, 3:40p

Jessica Drake, who says Trump forcibly kissed her and offered her money for sex. Photo by David McNew/Getty ImagesIn what was supposed to be a major policy speech on his first 100 days as president, Donald Trump’s only new proposal was vowing to sue the women who have accused him of sexual assault.
But in response, some prominent First Amendment attorneys are vowing to defend Trump’s accusers pro bono, or free of charge. Ted Boutrous of the law firm Gibson Dunn and Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe have thrown their hats into the ring on social media, and Boutrous says there are others willing to follow suit.


Ted Boutrous @BoutrousTed

I repeat: I will represent pro bono anyone #Trump sues for exercising their free speech rights. Many other lawyers have offered to join me. https://twitter.com/jonshiffman/status/789875529793073153 …
1:21 PM - 22 Oct 2016

Suing all of Trump’s accusers would keep the candidate’s lawyers pretty busy, since there are now 14 women (11 of whom have come forward in the past two weeks) who claim Trump has groped, kissed, or sexually assaulted them.
But Trump is incredibly litigious — he’s been involved in 3,500 lawsuits, even over trivial things like the height of a flagpole. So even though he doesn’t always follow through on hisconstant threats to sue people, there’s always a very real chance that he’ll make good on his threats.
That means Trump’s speech was a powerful intimidation tactic against any women who are debating whether to come forward; they’d have to decide whether it’s really worth the risk of facing a long, expensive, draining legal battle against Trump.
Having prominent lawyers come forward promising pro bono defenses is a major piece of good news for Trump’s accusers who have already come forward, and for any others who might want to do the same.
But the potential cost of a lawsuit is only one consequence victims face when they come forward with sexual assault accusations.
Trump probably wouldn’t win a court case against his accusers. It would still be a brutal experience for them.

Trump has threatened to sue both the women who’ve accused him of sexual assault and the media outlets that publish their stories for defamation — both of which would probably be a “suicide mission,” Jay Michaelson argues at the Daily Beast.
Trump probably has no case against the media outlets, several legal experts told Vox’s Tara Golshan. Trump is a public figure, which means there’s a higher bar to prove he had been defamed. Trump wouldn’t just have to prove that outlets like the New York Times published something false; he’d have to show that they knew they were doing so.
Trump’s case against his accusers could go farther than his case against the media — but his accusers could also use his own boasts about assaulting women against him. Plus, new tapes may well surface during the discovery process and become part of the public record.
“As with the [Bill] Cosby case, every single woman that Trump has kissed since his clubbing days at Studio 54 would now be a potential character witness,” Michaelson wrote. “These women may be barred from filing their own claims of sexual assault, either by statutes of limitations or by high evidentiary standards, but they’ll be quite free to testify to any encounters they’ve had with Trump.”
Trump would probably make things a lot worse for himself if he followed through on his threats to sue his accusers. But that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t do it.
As we saw during the presidential debates, Trump can’t seem to help fighting back when he feels attacked, even if doing so is a terrible, counterproductive strategy. His actions suggest that if the only way he can take down his enemies is to go down with them, then so be it.
This kind of scorched-earth strategy could get especially ugly in a case about sexual assault, and the Cosby case gives us another window into what this might look like. Trying to prove that a woman’s account of sexual assault is false often involves making brutal attacks on her character, her motivations and actions, and even her sexual history.
In Cosby’s sexual assault trial in Pennsylvania, his defense team tried to discredit his accuser by scrutinizing her behavior after her alleged rape. The fact that she bought Cosby a present and took her parents to meet him was treated as evidence that she wasn’t really assaulted.
It wouldn’t actually be unusual for a victim to do something like this, clinical psychologist Julie Gurner told Vox at the time. Trauma often causes victims to act in counterintuitive ways. And when the victim knows her attacker personally, dealing with that person afterward can be socially and emotionally complicated.

But while our cultural understanding of sexual assault is progressing, that doesn’t always manifest in the courtroom. Scrutinizing an alleged victim’s behavior may not actually tell us whether an assault happened, but lawyers will still do it.
Even if a victim is vindicated in the end, she still may have her character dragged through the mud before that happens. And she may have to spend months or years of her life dealing with the court system. Legal fees or no legal fees, that’s a personally and emotionally exhausting experience that many victims would just as soon not bother dealing with.
It’s one more illustration of why victims have a lot to lose, and little to gain, when they come forward about sexual assault — especially if they’re accusing a powerful man who has the resources and the will to make their lives as miserable as possible.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
Donny is a coward at heart, like most bullies.

There is no way he would voluntarily bring such lawsuits because each case would compel him to be deposed under oath and he has clearly demonstrated he will not allow that.

Sufficiently satisfying to know that at approx 3am on Nov 9 he will begin a tweetfest decrying the rigged election......which will morph into Trump TV - His true endgame from Day One of this faux campaign.

And that "network" will increase his batshittery to an Alex Jones level......and there he will be forever defined. Way to go, pumpkin head

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