Shub, you're in Maryland, sound a lot like a vegetarian nut in Orange County, California, ala Railbird !
How long do you think you're going to live Shub ?
I'm, the best way to go is not smoke tobacco, drink excessively, use drugs beyond Marijuana, etc.
Eat a varied diet including red meat, fish, poultry, lots of fruit, I'm not huge on veggies , but will certainly eat them
It wasn't until I got diabetes about 9 years ago. Was diagnosed a type 2 diabetic for the first 5 years or so. Was working 2-3 jobs and not adequately resting. Landed in the er with a blood sugar of 600. Got dx as a type 1 at that point and was put on insulin for the rest of my life. My father was also battling diabetes at that time as well (type 2) lost both legs and passed away on my bday. He also had crohn's disease and had 2 ft of his intestines cut out in 1998. After doing years of research it has all pointed to the diet i described above.
I did live in LA and Beverly Hills for a couple years, does that count lol.