Its funny to read the reactions when someone enforces the guys are truly spoiled and naive sometimes.
You just can't win with you guys..........if the cops enforce the bitch.......if they don't take the bitch........if they ask for a bitch too.
PERHAPS the immigration guy once upon a time travelled to the US (assuming you are from the US......if you are from Canada then its even MORE!!!! fun to travel there) and they asked for a return ticket that he didnt print?
btw out of about 10-20 trips in the last 3 years? perhaps once or twice the wifi didnt work...and that time it was in the area where I was because at the new gates "to the left" it was working that they made the 'new gates' to the 'right' after security it works fine in that area too worked just fine in june....and then in august .....and then again last Thursday.
the one that was truly trying to milk you......on top of that the fact that THEY screwed up....was the TACA agent.