I'm assuming it's one of the nut job abortion doctors. They're already used to executing innocent people.
Thats the problem. There is no "right" time to discuss it. Because the right shuts it down. Let me ask you this.....when a Muslim terrorist shoots somebody , how quick does the right show up to complain about Obama and liberals?
I don't think you are that dumb to realize the vast difference between your use of an analogy.
Sure some people rush to blame Obama himself when things happen, but most senseable people blame the government in it's entirety or other things. Guns are borderling being used almost like a social issue in politics, which is why we are seeing a line int he sand when it comes to government, but you have to keep in mind, a gun is no different than a baseball bat, a golf club, a knife, a rock, or a vehicle. It is a tool or instrument in which a Human must operate or use in a manner in which kills.
A gun is very different than a bat, a golf club or a knife. See many mass golf club killings in your neighborhood? Kids dying from stray rocks near you? Cmon man.
They shouldn't outlaw guns. Make them tougher to get. How about taking away guns that can kill 20 people in seconds? Or should we just keep it as is? Not working out so good.They are tools, just do different things. You want our government to outlaw guns like they did drugs? How did that work, people that want them still get them for negative impact on society. I always loved this skit but hated this show.