Active shooter at Mandalay Bay


May 27, 2007
What makes you all think this guy was crazy? Bear with me.

Isn't it possible for a totally sane, intelligent man that is pretty successful in life to just decide one day the end of his life is near and he would like to take people with him on the way out?

I'm of the opinion not all people that do crazy shit are actually crazy.

May 27, 2007
i have a question. Forgive me if this has been brought already. The timeline has the police entering the shooters hotel room more than an hour after when the shooting started. They say the shooter was firing away for 10 to 12 minutes. Why did he quit shooting? Even if you double the amount of time they say he was shooting there is a long down time of no shooting. Did he run out of ammo? Does not make sense to me.

He might have just decided to take his life? Don't know.

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
i have a question. Forgive me if this has been brought already. The timeline has the police entering the shooters hotel room more than an hour after when the shooting started. They say the shooter was firing away for 10 to 12 minutes. Why did he quit shooting? Even if you double the amount of time they say he was shooting there is a long down time of no shooting. Did he run out of ammo? Does not make sense to me.

From what I have heard a security guard approached first and was shot thru the door. They then backed up and waited for the better trained folks to enter. But he had stopped shooting already so they weren't in as big a hurry and could take time to form a tactical plan. Guess is he killed himself shortly after shooting the security guard or once he saw the breach team assembling. Perhaps others know more details. Haven't had a lot of time to follow.

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
i have a question. Forgive me if this has been brought already. The timeline has the police entering the shooters hotel room more than an hour after when the shooting started. They say the shooter was firing away for 10 to 12 minutes. Why did he quit shooting? Even if you double the amount of time they say he was shooting there is a long down time of no shooting. Did he run out of ammo? Does not make sense to me.

Ran out of ammo.

Oct 29, 2005
OK SO...

I have a stupid question....

where does ALL the GOFUNDME $$$$ go...(NEVER DID THIS)...

who is watching over this money...Hell it's gettin' close to 10 mil....

sorry for not knowing ZERO about this...just seems weird.....

Sep 21, 2004
From what I have heard a security guard approached first and was shot thru the door. They then backed up and waited for the better trained folks to enter. But he had stopped shooting already so they weren't in as big a hurry and could take time to form a tactical plan. Guess is he killed himself shortly after shooting the security guard or once he saw the breach team assembling. Perhaps others know more details. Haven't had a lot of time to follow.

yeah that's what I heard

guest in the hotel calling in on the noise kinda gave them the floor to look on

Sep 21, 2004
OK SO...

I have a stupid question....

where does ALL the GOFUNDME $$$$ go...(NEVER DID THIS)...

who is watching over this money...Hell it's gettin' close to 10 mil....

sorry for not knowing ZERO about this...just seems weird.....
Great question. i would like to know how this works too.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
This is the brave female cab driver, Corinne Langdon who risked her life to pick up blood soaked festival goers fleeing a barrage of bullets during the Las Vegas massacre.:aktion033



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Jun 18, 2007

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Jun 18, 2007
[h=1]Man who sold Stephen Paddock gun.[/h]

New member
Feb 5, 2007
Why are the police being applauded here? First responders? Took an hour to get into room and guy was dead. Seems like most people figured it out themselves and got to hospitals via uber, taxis, good Samaritans. The whole police are only good for cleanup argument fits here.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
The girlfriend of the Las Vegas gunman claims that she thought he sent her to the Philippines and sent her $100,000 in order to break up with her.
Marilou Danley, 62, said in a statement through her lawyer Wednesday that then-boyfriend Stephen Paddock, 64, had bought her a 'cheap' ticket to the Philippines two weeks ago, out of the blue.
He suggested she visit her family, something she was happy to do, she claimed.
But when he wired the massive sum to her during her stay there, she began to worry that he was breaking up with her, she said.
She had no idea that Paddock was planning Sunday's rampage, which claimed 59 lives, including his own, and injured 527 people, she said.
In a prepared statement read out by her lawyer, Matt Lombard, Danley said: 'I knew Stephen Paddock as a kind, caring, quiet man.
'I loved him and hoped for a quiet future together with him. He never said anything to me, or took any action that I was aware of, that I understood in any way to be a warning that something horrible like this was going to happen.
'A little more than two weeks ago, Stephen said he found a cheap ticket for me to the Philippines and that he wanted me to take a trip to see my family.
'Like all Filipinos abroad, I was excited to go home and see family and friends.
While there, he wired me money which he said was for me to buy a house for me and my family.
'I was grateful, but honestly I was worried that first, the unexpected trip home and then the money, was a way of breaking up with me.
It never occurred to me in any way whatsoever that he was planning violence against anyone.'
The statement continued: 'I have not made a statement until now because I am cooperating with the authorities
And I voluntarily flew back to America because I knew that the FBI and Las Vegas police department wanted to talk to me - and I wanted to talk to them.
I will cooperate fully with their investigation, and anything I can do to help ease suffering or help in any way, I will do.'
Lombard left without answering any questions, including one about the weapons that Paddock had stockpiled in the home in Mesquite that he and Danley had shared.
FBI agents began questioning Danley on Wednesday for clues to what drove Stephen Paddock to slaughter 59 people from his high-rise hotel suite, a law enforcement official said.
The official said she was interviewed at the bureau's field office in Los Angeles and was with her attorney. T
he official was not authorized to discuss the investigation publicly and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Danley, 62, returned to the U.S. on Tuesday night from the Philippines after a weeks-long trip abroad.
Her sisters have since broken their silence, insisting she was unaware of Paddock's motives, while her brother says she told him she has a 'clean conscience'.
Three days after the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history, why someone with no known record of violence or crime would open fire on a country music festival was still a mystery.
Sheriff Joseph Lombardo on Tuesday called Danley a 'person of interest' in the attack.
A receptionist at the office of Los Angeles-based criminal defense attorney Matthew Lombard confirmed he was representing Danley but would not comment any further.
Paddock, a 64-year-old high-stakes gambler and real estate investor from Mesquite, Nevada, killed himself as police closed in on his 32nd-floor room at the Mandalay Bay hotel casino. More than 500 people were injured in the attack.
Danley's sisters in Australia said in a TV interview there that they believe she couldn't have known about Paddock's murderous plans and that he must have sent her away so she wouldn't interfere.
The sisters - whose faces were obscured and their names withheld - said Danley is 'a good person' who would have stopped Paddock had she been there
'She didn't even know that she was going to the Philippines until Steve said, 'Marilou, I found you a cheap ticket to the Philippines,'' said one of the sisters, who live near Brisbane.
Meanwhile, President Donald Trump met privately with victims of the shooting at a Las Vegas hospital Wednesday.
'It's a very sad thing. We are going to pay our respects and to see the police who have done really a fantastic job in a very short time,' Trump said before leaving the White House. He said authorities were 'learning a lot more' about the gunman.
Whatever Paddock's motive, authorities said he planned the attack methodically, not only stockpiling nearly two dozen guns in his hotel room but setting up cameras in the peephole and on a service cart outside his door, apparently to watch for police closing in on him.
During the rampage, a hotel security guard who approached the room was shot through the door and wounded in the leg.
'The fact that he had the type of weaponry and amount of weaponry in that room, it was preplanned extensively,' the sheriff said, 'and I'm pretty sure he evaluated everything that he did and his actions, which is troublesome.'
FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, speaking at a cybersecurity forum Wednesday in Boston, said investigators are busy 'reconstructing the life, the behavior, the pattern of activity of this individual and anyone and everyone who may have crossed his path in the days and the weeks leading up to this horrific event.'
Asked if investigators had determined why Paddock carried out the attack, he said, 'We are not there yet.' He suggested that was unusual.
'This individual and this attack didn't leave the sort of immediately accessible thumbprints that you find on some mass casualty attacks,' McCabe said.
Paddock had been stockpiling guns since 1982 and bought 33 of them, mostly rifles, over the past year alone.
He was still buying guns up until three days before the attack, Jill Snyder, an agent with the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, told CBS on Wednesday.
He had rigged 12 semi-automatic rifles with devices that allowed the guns to fire like an automatic weapon, she said. Authorities previously disclosed that he had such 'bump stock' devices with him at the hotel.
Snyder said authorities would not have been notified of the rifle purchases but would have been informed if two or more guns were bought at one time.
Paddock wired $100,000 to the Philippines in the days before the shooting, a U.S. official briefed by law enforcement but not authorized to speak publicly because of the continuing investigation told the AP on condition of anonymity.
Investigators are still trying to trace that money and are also looking into a least a dozen financial reports over the past several weeks that said Paddock gambled more than $10,000 per day, the official said.


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Her lawyer, Matthew Lombard.



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Jun 18, 2007
Philippine Bureau of Immigration spokesperson Attorney Ma. Antonette Mangrobang shows the travel records of Marilou Danley in Manila, Philippines on Wednesday.



Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Las Vegas shooter 'had an ESCAPE planned' and likely had at least one accomplice, police reveal - and the cameras he'd set up in the Mandalay Bay's hallway were NOT recording.

The La Vegas gunman who killed 58 civilians and injured hundreds more before killing himself on Sunday had originally hoped to survive his shooting and flee justice - and likely had an accomplice, it has emerged.
Stephen Paddock, 64, had planned to escape the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel after firing on the Route 91 Harvest country music festival, Sheriff Joseph Lombardo revealed in a press conference Wednesday.
Lombardo declined to reveal why he believed that Paddock had an exit planned, but said he was confident in the claim - and said that his scheme was so elaborate that he would have to be a 'super hero' to pull it off alone.
The sheriff also revealed that the elaborate system of three cameras that Paddock had set up to spy on the hall outside his room was not recording.
And he noted that the count of injured people was lower than initially stated - 489, not 527 - due to confusion at hospitals.
It wasn't clear why Lombardo thought that Paddock had expected to survive his insane assault, which is the worst mass shooting in US history.
But he said that he believed Paddock had ceased firing on the terrified civilians in order to figure out how he could escape, as SWAT teams closed in on his room.
He also noted that Paddock's car contained two 50lbs of the explosive Tannerite - in two 20lb tins and 10 1lb tins - as well as 1,600 rounds of ammunition.
A journalist in the press pool asked whether Paddock had planned to use the vehicle to escape, but Lombardo declined to answer.
Lombardo also said he thought it was likely that Paddock had an accomplice, given the 23 rifles and piles of magazines in the room, the additional firearms in Paddock's homes, and the electronic devices recovered from his Mesquite house.
Paddock would have had to have been a 'super hero' to pull it off, Lombardo said, before catching himself for using the word 'hero' to refer to a mass murderer.
Lombardo also said that SWAT teams spotted two cameras on a room service cart outside Paddock's suite, and one in the peephole of a door.
There was also a baby monitor camera in the family area of the hotel room, he said. None of them were recording.
However, it's believed that they may have provided Paddock with a live view of the police as they advanced on his position.


May 27, 2007
Why are the police being applauded here? First responders? Took an hour to get into room and guy was dead. Seems like most people figured it out themselves and got to hospitals via uber, taxis, good Samaritans. The whole police are only good for cleanup argument fits here.

Inaccurate. They were at the door way before that but the shooting had stopped so they waited for swat to arrive and take the room.

Jan 20, 2002
Are you joking why should the police be applauded? I saw videos of police saving lives instead of ducking for cover. The police got to that hotel room quickly with a guy inside with machine guns. You are sick. It is fine to commend all of the people that stepped up to help others but get real.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Are you joking why should the police be applauded? I saw videos of police saving lives instead of ducking for cover. The police got to that hotel room quickly with a guy inside with machine guns. You are sick. It is fine to commend all of the people that stepped up to help others but get real.

You go Kenny cheersgif

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
He`s a miserable bastard......He should be investigated.

The F.B.I. should pay him a visit.

A lot of red flags with this dude


Active member
Jun 18, 2007

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