Aaron Rodgers....


Dec 15, 2017
Does throwing the ball away to avoid taking risk when you have favorable 1-on-1 match ups down the field constitute domination now?

Jul 14, 2007
Sacks are largely QB stats a lot of research shows (PFF points this out a lot)

Why the pocket passers with quick releases Brady/Brees/Manning never took a lot of sacks

And again don’t have any hard on against him but just bringing up his last 3 playoff Ls and comparing it to Brady 2018 playoff run when he dropped 80 on LAC/KC including a game winning td drive in the SB with a diminished offense is umm….not great

Dec 15, 2017
15-1, 13-3, 13-3, 13-4, 12-4, 11-5

Looks like a lot of pretty damn good teams to me. Yet not even a Super Bowl appearance to show for it

But it must always be the rest of the team’s fault, and never Aaron’s

He should return to Green Bay to compete for another MVP, “own” the Bears, and lose early in the playoffs again. It’s basically tradition at this point

Sep 21, 2004
Sacks are largely QB stats a lot of research shows (PFF points this out a lot)

Why the pocket passers with quick releases Brady/Brees/Manning never took a lot of sacks

And again don’t have any hard on against him but just bringing up his last 3 playoff Ls and comparing it to Brady 2018 playoff run when he dropped 80 on LAC/KC including a game winning td drive in the SB with a diminished offense is umm….not great
Nice try! I'm comparing loses to wins!! Most cases Qbs, in a QB driven league, are going to have better numbers vs their counterparts in wins than losses. You've missed the point. Rodgers in his last three losses vastly outplayed his counterparts, period! Brady in a Super Bowl run did not! One gets credit the other get vilified, when it's a freaking team sport!

So you're saying Rodgers doesn't have a quick release!?! Funny he's compared to the GOATS of Releases Marino to try and determine who's release is quicker.

The guys got a shit line compared to his counterparts yet dominates them statistically and it's his fault! Brady way better line/calls gets outplayed by his counterparts and gets the credit! Love the logic.

Sep 21, 2004
Explain how he “dominated” any of his opponents using facts

If you think he dominated the 49ers Saturday night, you might be retarded. He objectively did NOT dominate them
Dominated his counterparts!! The facts have been posted!

Jul 14, 2007
You’re saying in the totality of his 3 games in 2018 Brady did not outplay Rivers/Mahomes/Goff cumulatively?

just trying to understand your statement….if that is what you’re saying I think it is a very wrong statement

also Rodgers is better than JimmyG by a wide, wide margin. Not sure why outplaying him would matter to anyone?

You got emotions with Rodgers man, try to take a step back and be objective (will get to the release statement after)

Sep 21, 2004
He didn’t start doing anything vs the 9ers in ‘19 until they got down 31-0, same as Falcons in ‘16

‘20 was TB he didn’t do much until down 28-10

don’t really care to roast him but he was very good at getting his at end of those blowouts so small sample size says you could maybe build a narrative he didn’t play poorly in those games, if you didn’t watch football I guess

Brady last SB run w/ NE they scored 78pts to beat chargers and KC to get to the SB. Don’t compare that shit with cherry picked #s man.

You got emotions w Brady, only way in hell you could provide that analogy (unless again, you don’t follow football)
Ok, here's your chance at a rebuttal. Can you cherry pick 3 of Brady's playoff losses, and they don't have to be consecutive losses, in which he vastly outplays his counterpart? Surely there's got to be 3 games given his unmatched cataloged of playoff games?

Sep 21, 2004
You’re saying in the totality of his 3 games in 2018 Brady did not outplay Rivers/Mahomes/Goff cumulatively?

just trying to understand your statement….if that is what you’re saying I think it is a very wrong statement

also Rodgers is better than JimmyG by a wide, wide margin. Not sure why outplaying him would matter to anyone?

You got emotions with Rodgers man, try to take a step back and be objective (will get to the release statement after)
Not just with Rodgers, I did the same thing with Elway/Marino! It's a freaking team sport! His last 3 losses he vastly outplayed his counterparts. Not cherry picking. It's pathetic everyone dumps on the guy, when his team and coaching has always been subpar. Christ how is that special teams coach is still employed is beyond me! Sending ten guys out there to try and block the winning kick, he shouldn't have been allowed on the flight home.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
15-1, 13-3, 13-3, 13-4, 12-4, 11-5

Looks like a lot of pretty damn good teams to me. Yet not even a Super Bowl appearance to show for it

But it must always be the rest of the team’s fault, and never Aaron’s

He should return to Green Bay to compete for another MVP, “own” the Bears, and lose early in the playoffs again. It’s basically tradition at this point
It's a team sport. The Packers as a team haven't got in done in the playoffs.

Jul 14, 2007
You didn’t answer my question

but trust me, you go back and watch the 3 ‘18 games you cited and Rodgers last 3 playoff Ls, you ain’t gonna think those 2 things are remotely = in performance

Sep 21, 2004
You didn’t answer my question

but trust me, you go back and watch the 3 ‘18 games you cited and Rodgers last 3 playoff Ls, you ain’t gonna think those 2 things are remotely = in performance
855 yards, 6tds, 2ints, 10 SACKS against trumps, 953 yards, 2tds, 3ints, 1 SACK against all day any day any era!!! The fact that you even question this shows you're a homer and cannot accept the facts!! He was outplayed by his counterparts during his Super Bowl run PERIOD! Now if your going to be like everyone else Cherry picking, this drive, this quarter, this half so be it. What's next, you're going to say pass attempt 12, 15, and 17 he threw better? Come on now!

Jul 14, 2007
You didn’t answer my question again

you think Rodgers crushing garbage time once he got down 31-0 vs 9ers was impressive? You come off as I’ll-informed to me, no offense.

Of course he doesn’t throw INTs, he takes sacks vs pressure instead. He’s done that his whole career.

His sack rate vs those 3 guys I just mentioned shows that. It’s common knowledge to people who follow football.

Jul 14, 2007
Yo seriously thinks Rodgers in his last 3 playoff Ls played better than Brady in his ‘18 SB run?

Youre the one cherry picking small sample stats to tell a story

go watch 4th Q/OT of NE @ arrowhead. Maybe you’ll gain an appreciation of 1 of Brady’s amazing career accomplishments. Or don’t and post stuff objective, knowledgeable people laugh at.

or the 1st half of that LAC game….Sony Michel finishing drives with TDs doesn’t mean Brady didn’t bring them down the field

Sep 21, 2004
You didn’t answer my question again

you think Rodgers crushing garbage time once he got down 31-0 vs 9ers was impressive? You come off as I’ll-informed to me, no offense.

Of course he doesn’t throw INTs, he takes sacks vs pressure instead. He’s done that his whole career.

His sack rate vs those 3 guys I just mentioned shows that. It’s common knowledge to people who follow football.
Here I'll make it clear for you!

Your question, You’re saying in the totality of his 3 games in 2018 Brady did not outplay Rivers/Mahomes/Goff cumulatively?


Oh so first he got sacked because he doesn't have a quick release (proven incorrect) now it's because he plays for stats? So I guess Rivers/Mahomes/Goff play for stats too considering they were sacked ten times more often than Brady!

Crushing it during garbage time?? Really he was 8-9 for 66 yards before his first pick, team already down 20-0!! Not his fault his team sucks down 20-0. He even had a run a 6 yards. His team couldn't run, couldn't block and sure as hell couldn't stop the run! Down 20-0 you're forced to throw making interceptions more likely. His second pick came towards the end of the game! You're trying too hard my friend. Just admit it, Brady got outplayed and he still won! It's a team sport no shame in that. Rodgers played way better than his counterparts and he still lost. Christ I don't understand how you guys keeping making excuses for Brady as if he's your dad or something. He got outplayed and won, not that difficult to admit.

I've answered your question now can you respond to my question? I'll ask it again. Can you cherry picks three, any three of Brady's playoff losses in which he vastly outplays his counterparts?

Jul 14, 2007
I don’t think I can discuss this subject matter with someone that doesn’t think Brady outplayed those 3 QBs in the 2018 playoffs. The biggest Brady hater would even concede he did. The charger game was a blowout LOL

Like you legit honestly think that? Take 5-10 mins and open your mind to being objective then comeback to me.

That’s legitimately awful analysis and the only way you could have it is flying too close to the sun.

everyone knows Rodgers takes sacks more than the other elite QBs because he holds the ball too long. Having a quick release when you do decide to throw it and holding the ball too long are two different things, lol

Sep 21, 2004
Yo seriously thinks Rodgers in his last 3 playoff Ls played better than Brady in his ‘18 SB run?

Youre the one cherry picking small sample stats to tell a story

go watch 4th Q/OT of NE @ arrowhead. Maybe you’ll gain an appreciation of 1 of Brady’s amazing career accomplishments. Or don’t and post stuff objective, knowledgeable people laugh at.

or the 1st half of that LAC game….Sony Michel finishing drives with TDs doesn’t mean Brady didn’t bring them down the field
Actually yes! If Rodger got sacked once in three games, sky's the limit on how many points his team puts up! But that's not the point I'm making. Rodgers played much better than his counterparts in his last three losses. Brady did not play better than his counterparts in his super bowl run.

Oh yeah I did watch the fourth quarter. Is this not the essence of cherry picking, just looking at the fourth quarter, the very tactic that you frown upon? Isn't that the one in which Brady's pick gets overturned by the refs again? It was the correct call this time, might I add, but so bloody lucky. And who was his counterpart that day? Mahomes play blew him out of the water that day.

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