Out of those 99 dads, with 2 kids, ALL 99 dads having at least 1 boy....
You are honestly sitting here tellimg me that you thoroughly believe that the out of 99 second children, 66 will be girls and 33 will be boys?????
Given your mathematics....this world would be overrun with women...why isnt that the case?
Example A
99 dads have 2 kids = 198 kids total
99 you are told are boys (not oldest or youngest) = 99 boys
33 based on probability are boys = 33 boys
66 based on probability are girls = 66 girls
so according to what I have the world would be overrun with boys (132 out of 198) not girls (66 out of 198) as you stated right?...NO
because you have another set of 2 children homes that have 2 girls exclusively and the numbers based on my example would be exactly the same but swap girl for boy in every line...
99 dads have 2 kids = 198 kids total
99 you are told are girls (not oldest or youngest) = 99 girls
33 based on probability are girls = 33 girls
66 based on probability are boys = 66 boys
so according to what I have the world would be overrun with girls (132 out of 198) not boys (66 out of 198)?...NO
EXAMPLE A amt of boys/girls is 132/66
EXAMPLE B amt of boys/girls is 66/132
TOTAL of all sets of families with 2 children home are:
boys = 198 (132+66)
girls = 198 (66+132)
So look at each example set (A and B) and you see that the probability is 2/3 but you look at the total and it is 50/50 when all things taken into account.
Those that continue to see 50/50 are thinking only as a TOTAL while the original questions is counter intuitive because it is asking for EXAMPLE A infromation.
does this make sense?